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Bored and Indifferent to casualties MC

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12:41 am, Jan 2 2015
Posts: 149

Happy New Year, minna! Here we are again~ Hope you're not tired of hearing again from me so soon...

Anyway, I'M tired of series which start with a weak protag who then trains to become strong and protect his love ones. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but after reading 5 mangas with the same pattern recently I need something diff.

I'm looking for a male lead whose main motivation for doing crap is because he's bored and wants to be amused/entertained. MC must be strong or smart or very good at what he does (whatever that is), and since no one can match him he goes and enters another world/dimension or devices a game/situation in which people die or hurt by his actions/manipulations, but MC doesn't care as long as he's having fun.

An example would be Neuro from Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro
Spoiler (mouse over to view)
Since he ended eating up all the mystery in the demon world, he goes to ours and then solves cases while pretending to be an "assistant" detective.

Another is Ryuk from Death Note, but he's not really a main lead, and he was just observing everything like a voyeur, ne?

And since I'm a huge fan of the BBC series, I'd like to add Sherlock Holmes, but ever since he met John Watson, now Jim Moriarty fits the bill more.
Spoiler (mouse over to view)
Moriarty is a Consulting Criminal, and made a game out of making people explode to distract Sherlock from the real case by playing deductions with other cases.

I read pretty much everything, including Yaoi or Yuri, even H, but I tend to avoid most cliched shoujo...and I'm not much of a sports fan. So there...OH! One more thing! MC is not necessarily evil, but could be. Either way he's bored and doesn't flinch at death.

EDIT: I wanna thank every reccer in advance 'cause I might not be online for a few days. eyes

Post #659036
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1:37 am, Jan 2 2015
Posts: 88

If only Eiji Sawakita from Slam Dunk is the MC.

Damn, we need a spin-off.

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Seinen is RIGHT

1:47 am, Jan 2 2015
Posts: 2411

Again!! The other timetraveler in the second half. More like the "antagonist".
Akira Tetsuo to a degree.
Baccano! (Novel) Immortals.
Berserk A lot of the apostels have that motivation. Like Zodd.
Black Joke The title says it all.
Destroy and Revolution Not quite but a modern day Akira.
Shamo Turns to crap laters so read the reviews where to jump. We all agreed.
The World Is Mine So much.

Just look here too: ge=1#post659008
Or maybe even: #post657294

Last edited by residentgrigo at 7:48 am, Jan 2 2015

I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
Manga-Masters, My ANN-Lists + Imdb
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