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Choosing Manga

How do you choose the manga you read most of the time?
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Post #283277

12:32 pm, Apr 30 2009
Posts: 490

Well I tend to read anything a (non-speed) scanlator I like is doing.

If I enjoy something I usually at least look at the author's other works.

I rarely read things that haven't had a release in a long time becuase I grab from the releases section fairly often. Though every so often I find something I decide I have to read regardless of that.

I guess I mostly choose based on the description(or if I get on something like a baseball kick and read a bunch of those)

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12:35 pm, Apr 30 2009
Posts: 2506

I usually choose based on description, but if no description is available I look at cover art and genre. If none of that is available, I'll check the scanlators website to see if any information is available there.

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Demented Octopus

12:36 pm, Apr 30 2009
Posts: 737

The genre tags have to grab my attention. If they do, I read the description and make a decision.

I have picked up series based on the scanslator and the mangaka before though.

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12:39 pm, Apr 30 2009
Posts: 254

Forums are pretty good places to find good manga or I go for the genre. When I choose a manga first I look at the description, then I look at the rating, after that I read some comments (I usually don't take into consideration neither the worst nor the best ones), finally I look at the release frequency. When I find a really good piece, I sometimes check the other works of the author.

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Lazy Cat

11:19 am, May 2 2009
Posts: 33

Well, I voted genre...

But honestly that's only the first aspekt I look at...
After choosing the genre I take a look at the cover to have a clue about the art...
If I like the cover I check if the manga is available on read online manga sites so I can judge the art more specific ( covers are mostly done very 'promotinal' )...
Surely I also read the review of the story eyes

Lastly if I find both story and art interesting, I add the manga to my reading list cool

Post #283866
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I am the Devil

11:36 am, May 2 2009
Posts: 2081

i read a load of stuff across a wide range of genres. i picked description. of course, there are genres that i stay away from

Post #283872
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11:43 am, May 2 2009
Posts: 1975

i actually base it in all that you listed,as long as i can read manga,im good :]
but if it sucks...then whatever.

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*~nekoboy lover~*

6:57 am, May 3 2009
Posts: 112

I'm mostly swayed by genre, then by the mangaka...
Although that can get boring, so it's nice to be random every once in a while. eyes

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Post #389975
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6:38 am, Jul 5 2010
Posts: 105

First I look at genre, so I'm reading something I know I most likely will like, or at least enjoy, it helps narrow down what I might read and also looking at genres keeps me from reading in any genres I don't want to read. Then I look at the description and the cover art. If the cover at looks terrible, or isn't the type of artwork I like I usually don't read it, I also look at the description and if that seems interesting I'll read the series.

Post #389980
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Is a female

7:02 am, Jul 5 2010
Posts: 3457

First thing I look at is the cover (because I always enjoy the art side of a manga). If I like what I see, I will then proceed onto the genre.

Genre's look good? Quick skim of the description and on the wish list it goes usually.

So yeah, the genre mostly.

I have decided to read certain manga because of the mangaka though. If I really like what they did with a previous story (and the art, especially the art) I'll look into some of their other works if they have any. But it's mostly the genre's that decide it for me. Mind you, that doesn't mean I'll neglect the manga if it doesn't hold a genre I'm interested in. If it still looks interesting enough, I will give it a try. You usually miss out on something good otherwise.
The ratings I ignore and the reviews I take with a jar full of salt.

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5:59 am, Jul 6 2010
Posts: 974

mostly by genre and art, but its also depend on what I would like to read atm, shoujo is fine too laugh laugh

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Post #394505
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Angel of Sin

8:09 am, Jul 26 2010
Posts: 314

It's usually the descriptions for me. If I don't like the sound of a description, I'll put the manga off on my "Ready to Read List." [Read: might never read]. xD So if I like the description, I'll probably read it. That's usually what will get me to read a manga. Sometimes mangaka too, but still only if I like the story.

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8:32 am, Jul 26 2010
Posts: 100

I tend to choose manga with the genre at first and after the description..

i love supernatural, monster, horror, then if those are in the genre or the description it got more chance to be read..good art are important to, cause I tend to stop reading

since I was disapointed by most the popular manga that everyone talk about, the opinions of other got no weight when I choose to read something

since i mostly don't like the style of art of shojo, if I have the chance to choose betwen too style I will choose something else before reading the shojo..

if an anime was made into a manga, ( i wont bother reading it, bacause anime to manga are bad)
iif a manga was made into an anime ( i wont watch the anime, i will read the manga)

original always the best..

Post #394516
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8:35 am, Jul 26 2010
Posts: 989

Until recently, fate has guide me to many good mangas(at least they fit my standard) roll eyes . I used "Choose a random manga..." when the function was still around on Onemanga.
Now I try mangas that are suggested by MU members. Unfortunately, most of them are out of my league.
Guess people should not defy fate after all. bigrazz

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Lone Wanderer

8:39 am, Jul 26 2010
Posts: 2127

Genre, obviously.
It's true that I also check the release frequency (no use picking up a manga that'll never be scanned, right?); but in general, no matter how often a manga is released, if it's in a genre I don't like, I won't read it. (Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, Skip Beat! being good examples for this.)

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