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Worst bullying case?

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Post #207139 - Reply to (#97865) by Dubby
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10:54 am, Sep 25 2008
Posts: 115

Quote from Dubby
Someone found out my real name, and humiliated me in the entire drama class with it in Grade 9. We were assigned groups for an assignment, and I got teamed up with the bitches. We made our play, but when we presented it, they fucked it up completely to humiliate it, changing my character's name to my real name, and doing mean crap to my character. Everyone burst out laughing in the class as if it was HILARIOUS!

I have extremely high tolerance [EXTREMELY high], and love to smile [it makes everything seem okay when you smile - so I love to smile, even when things take a big fall down]. I had been tolerating their shit for far too long, seeing as they used to harass me 24/7, treat me like shit they could step on and wipe off on the grass, so I just cracked. I blanked out, and burst into tears when my teacher asked me if everything was alright [she knew my real name].

Then when one of the pricks who saw me crying dared come up to me to ask me if I was okay. I FLIPPED. I punched him, I kicked him in his... privates about 10 times, jumped on him and punched him repeatedly, and just basically lost control. I was literally aiming to kill.

And I'm a person with extremely high tolerance, and cracking my smile is bad enough. But making me snap is just...

Ahaha, I just remembered this. XD <3

I was so pissed back then, but looking back on it now...

So you soak up copious amounts of harassment, and then when you finally snap, you snap on the guy who comes up to you and asks if you're okay? Strikes me as a tad counterproductive.

I was picked on and ostracized a lot in kindergarten and elementary school, but I would usually retaliate until I was left alone. Some of the bullying was probably racially motivated, most of it probably wasn't. Really, I just didn't fit in with most of my white classmates. I was a pretty hyperactive kid, and at that age had trouble paying attention and sitting still in class. The worst bullying from that time came from a teacher who, more than chastising me for playing around in her class, would make make fun of me and say all sorts of derisive, sarcastic remarks at my expense in front of the entire class, and encourage the other kids to get in on the act. I imagine I must have been a problem child, and for her to be exasperated with me would have understandable, but I was a fucking kid. If you can't deal with kids being kids, you shouldn't be a teacher.

Come middle school I calmed down quite a bit, and although I was still bullied, it amounted mostly to being ostracized rather than actively harassed. It happened a few times, but throughout middle and high school I actually grew pretty big, so people tended to leave me alone. The one time I was a target of serious bullying was when I got on the bad side of a wannabe gangster and his cronies. It culminated one day in them meeting me at the bus stop, prepared to jump me, but not actually doing anything, and another day in him having one of his boys get in my face while he sucker-punched me from the side. The only thing that came of it was that after a while I never saw those boys at my school again. They didn't really belong there, and they were probably or transferred to some school for punks and problem kids, considering that I wasn't the only kid they'd bullied, and they'd gotten pretty out of hand with one kid, surrounding him and kicking him while he sat on the ground covering his head. Once I got past my indignation and revenge fantasies, I just remember thinking what a waste it was: they'd been given an opportunity to go to a better school and they'd fucked it up acting stupid over stupid shit.

Last edited by kuraruka at 11:13 am, Sep 25 2008

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Mad With a Hat

11:06 am, Sep 25 2008
Posts: 4764

I was taking a walk with a friend one evening, when we had quests (I was a the 4th grade I think).
So, we went to a park near by. Then I saw this girl with her friend from school, who was mean to me before (I think, not sure.. It was a long time ago~).
I didn't want to get near them, and started walking away (she started calling to come to her).
They cought up, and we were trapped...
My friend and I sat on the bench, and they started asking random questions...
(not sure how it all went but: ) She (the main harraser) kicked my leg, really hard... And smashed some snackes she had on my face...
After the bitch and her friend went away I started crying... (no other kid has ever been so mean to me before).


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12:46 pm, Sep 29 2009
Posts: 9026

Polite bump.

I've never really been bullied, but have been witness to slight bullying several times. Hmm, my brothers like to "bully" my youngest brother at times too. D:

source: animenewsnetwork

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Not Very Tasty

12:54 pm, Sep 29 2009
Posts: 117

I've never had a problem with bullying. I'm polite to almost everyone, so anyone who tried would end up looking like a complete jerk.
Although I was picked on by my older sister for a while, but I don't think that counts.

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Post #324285
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1:22 pm, Sep 29 2009
Posts: 68

B/c of my father's job we moved a lot, during the highschool when i just transferred, some guys from my class(2 of them) for some reason pissed off because of my looks. (1.88m and 80kg also a pretty face [they tell alot smile ]) Since it is not in my personality to let it go, i had to break the nose of the one. But the other one got it hard because he was also another tough guy so i accidently crushed his spleen with my knee. (Suspension - two weeks) and i also heard that he also suffered of appendix. That was the first and last bullying attemt towards me. I still don't know why those two try to pick on me since it is clear that it will be very hard :=)

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6:05 pm, Sep 29 2009
Posts: 24

I was bullied when I came into a new scool in grade 2. I only spoke french, but that wasn't the problem cuz the bully was the same (but she was at the scool since kindergarten). Evrybody was following her (it isn't a big scool, bout 24 people each grade). Then i noticed that she was bullying her cousin. I stepped in (who wouldn't?) which became really unfortunate for me. Why? Cuz I became her next target.cry I had to endure daily pinches, hits and verbal abuse. And no one had enough courage to help me. i don't blame them, i mean we WERE in grade 2. However, I'm sorta mad at them for not helping me in grade 4. The bullying ended in the end of grade 4. It's sorta cuz of this experience that I lost my innocence. none

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A Person

6:38 pm, Sep 29 2009
Posts: 2126

I've actually never been bullied... ever. My twin has been, but I haven't been. Made fun of with a humorous tone, yes, but never bullied. This might, be, though, mostly because I've never been in the public school system. I've only gone to Charter Schools (Homeschooling but you go to real school 2-3 days a week), or private schools. Both of my parents had bad experiences at public school, so they never put me into one.

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Post #324352
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Patent Pending

6:55 pm, Sep 29 2009
Posts: 520

Haha, I've posted here before, but I just remembered something -
When I was in fourth grade, I moved to a new school. I had the crappiest self esteem, and was the very quiet and shy type. On the bus, you have to sit by grade order, with the youngest in the front and oldest in the back. So, one morning, I go toward somewhere in the back and sit down in the last empty seat. These two fifth grade boys sitting behind me started yelling at me "Hey that seat is for fifth graders!" "Move!" "Are you rolling your eyes?!" "Are you RETARDED?" (Children have such nice language, don't they?)

If I had a spine back then I would have yelled back, "You're the retarded ones, there are no other f***** seats available you *******!" and proceed to kick their high and mighty arses. But sadly no...I regret that perfect chance to stand up for myself, no matter how stupid the issue was.

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Post #324353
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7:04 pm, Sep 29 2009
Posts: 1975

O_O. Some people have the worst bullying cases. Thankfully, I never got bullied.Oh wait! I remember this one b**** used to bump me and never say sorry. And it was on purpose. And she always teases me about me liking this one guy that wasn't even my taste. Then one day I got my revenge! >:'] Hmph!

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7:27 pm, Sep 29 2009
Posts: 1036

I verbally bullied a girl in elementary school, but I felt bad about it so by the end of the year I became one of her closest friends even though I still didn't really like her. In middle school and high school I never saw any bullying. I saw one or two fights, but not actual bullying. People have tried to bully me though, but I'm laid back so I took it all as a joke and they got bored fast. Even if I make an enemy of someone, I am bad at holding grudges so by the next time I meet them I'm treating them normal again so they just do the same... Thinking about it I probably was bullied (socially) in elementary school myself, but didn't recognize it as such back then.

Though I haven't seen bullying, I've seen plenty of jerks. sad

Post #324361
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Tea Leaf

7:45 pm, Sep 29 2009
Posts: 192

it makes me sad reading this and kind of sympathetic. I was bullied or harassed but to me it felt like bullying for half a year during eighth grade. apparently there was alot of asian racism and so the class split into two(asian and white/black) except for a couple of drifters. i was incredibly timid and never liked attention so that was a problem. i dont really remember what they did but there were 3 boys who would be all flirtacious and such towards me. they would be all publicized about me like yelling my name over the halls, posting my name on facebook and my pic(i never found out if that was true but it scared me). then when i was talking with my friends, they came by and started to harass me but my friend stood up for me and said to just ignore them(it worked!). when the harassment calmed down, i noticed then that they did it to others and i never noticed before. nobody would really stand up against them. made me realize that it was good to have true friends.(if you read this thank you!)
once i did retaliate against some bullies in 7th grade. they verbally harassed me and a couple months later, i caught them doing something and they got in big trouble. never bothered me that much after that.

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Post #324373
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Dungeon Master

8:19 pm, Sep 29 2009
Posts: 38

I've never been bullied but I"ve had people try a few times in high school. I'm usually peged as a target since I'm not very athleteic and I'm somewhat of a loner but whenever someone tried to start something with me I was able to make them go away just by staring them down.


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8:47 pm, Sep 29 2009
Posts: 170

I used to be a very bright, happy, and innocent kid through elementary school. This was because the elementary school I went to was a small school filled with kids that came from a good area. We were all sort of friends.

The middle school I went to was different. It was much larger and serviced far more people. There was a substantial amount of GHETTO TRASH CULTURE at my middle school.

The first few years there I was bullied horribly simply because I was nice and innocent. It was pretty bad.

I learned to hate there and I also learned the thrill of vengeance.

This might, be, though, mostly because I've never been in the public school system.

Probably. After middle school I went to a private high school for a year and was not bullied. Public school does have some nice people, but it's also filled with the garbage of society.

I also believe the quality of education at public schools is crap. If I have kids, I will never send them to a public school.

Last edited by RideTheWalrus at 8:54 pm, Sep 29 2009

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8:50 pm, Sep 29 2009
Posts: 1698

When I was in elementary school, I was picked on for being Asian. Well, I had 3 other asian comrades, they were the only OTHER asians in school out of 700 students (they graduated a year after. ;_;.)
The rest were a mix of hispanics and whites.

The harassment by my neighbors were extremely bad. There was this one time... they cut the brakes for my bike, and then I rode it afterwords and got into an accident. They would throw things at me, like water balloons, and marbles.. rocks.. none.
Thinking about it boils my blood, I couldn't do anything about it, It happened when I was 7-9 years old. Everyday, when they were bored, they'd verbally abuse me. I remember their names, I remember all the things they said to me, I remember everything they did. none

In middle school, I wasn't exactly bullied, but still, immature people yelling out "china" or "nip" and etc. But I did almost get into a fight or two because some of the 'azn' girls liked guys that liked me. I was being ignored, dissed, hated because rumors. My experience with asian-comrade-hate. lol. It was refreshing, compared to being bullied because of race.

In highschool, kids grow up (but not enough), I'm glad. Everyone is laid-back, chill, they're not so energetic. Thinking about their futures. Good change, children!

I did in some cases, become a bully. I just couldn't hold in all this hate I received.

But all's in the past. smile

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5:12 pm, Sep 30 2009
Posts: 536

would be when i got push and told to give money.
(i did give it in the end)
i even fought him before that 2 and won -.- it was scary though
after that i grow some spine and start a fight every time i see them.. eek funny thing.. they left after sometime.. guess they got expelled or something.. wasn't happy about that i wanted to get my pride back and shit

i LOST 3 DOLLAR..dammit

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