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Worst bullying case?

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5:39 am, Oct 1 2009
Posts: 1308

..never did stand out primary school, maybe once by some boys- the typical dress up, show panties thing- was an Indian student in a Nigerian school- I think- I was 5-6.

and in high school by a female teacher who would deride me in biology lab class- her criticism made me commit more mistakes- thats about it- oh! there was also ragging aka hazing in my 1st year of college but that was nothing severe..

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11:17 pm, Oct 31 2009
Posts: 71

Strangely enough, I've been both a victim and a victimizer.

In grade school I used to terrorize this one girl who kept following me. I actually clawed her face. >>" Bad memories. I don't know what I was thinking.

In eighth grade, there was this stupid punk guy who kept bothering me. He wasn't terrorizing me(I wasn't scared), but I was annoyed. So finally, I stabbed him in the head with a pencil. And then he bothered me some more. He was nice occasionally. And then high school happened, so then things were okay.

In my freshman year, I was friends with this one girl who just kept pressuring me and using me for stuff. I was so sick and tired of her. She kept telling me to buy stuff for her, or do this and do that. It was so lame. Everything had to be her way.

And now, it's alright. I've branched out and met better people.
I guess my experiences weren't too extreme, but maybe that's a good thing. I probably would have snapped and then killed someone.

Post #331818
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11:37 pm, Oct 31 2009
Posts: 378

Never been bullied, always manged to be friends with everyone. Actually, I cant remember any one that was my "enemy". Kinda would have wished I was bullied once or had enemy or something, cause I never get the oportunity to fight unless I provoke. And I dont like to provoke others...

Well I suppose we all have our own unique experiences. I didnt get bullied, but I made sure others didnt get bullied either (except the douchy snitches, they deserved it!)

Post #332136
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Angel of Sin

4:24 pm, Nov 2 2009
Posts: 314

I've never really been bullied enough to care. People make fun of me? I laugh. Not because I'm trying to laugh it off, but because I truly find it hilarious. smile The only thing I clearly remember is being chased around the playground by half my class because they were asking me mean questions about... me being weird? I don't remember.

I made a few people cry in grade school though, usually because I verbally attacked them. I made my middle aged religion teacher cry when I skipped class. I've made too many people cry without meaning to... but I fixed things with almost everyone except one girl that moved. I still feel bad about it. =/

Though I've gotten into a lot of physical fights, usually they were to get over a verbal fight or to protect someone else. I prefer physical venting instead of yelling fights.

Last edited by Zandra at 4:36 pm, Nov 2 2009

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4:46 pm, Nov 2 2009
Posts: 100

ive never been bullied before. but i have gotten into fight with people who didnt like me and i didnt like them in middle - suprisingly we got along after all the shit goes down. im friends with these people and are on actually quite good terms ^^

its called my life was wrecked and rebuilt by anime and manga
Occasionally sane

4:48 pm, Nov 2 2009
Posts: 147

In middle school, these girls started shoving me in gym class, then pulling my hair everytime I passed by...still, I think I got off lucky, my middle school was not nerd-friendly..

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Post #332227
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1:32 am, Nov 3 2009
Posts: 2275

If I was ever bullied, then I was oblivious to it.

Last edited by Toto at 2:07 am, Nov 3 2009

"Officially, this machine doesn't exist, you didn't get it from me,
and I don't know you. Make sure it doesn't leave the building."

3:38 am, Nov 3 2009
Posts: 4

I havnt been bullied but ive seen this dude who got some nasty bullying done to him, one time the bullies pissed on him xd eek

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2:05 pm, Jan 20 2010
Posts: 87

I'm being bullyed every single day in school, the streets... etc. becouse of the way I look...
usually it is verbal abuse, but sometimes there are people who trow things at me or even hit me...

I'm open minded and tolerant so I never respond to anyone, and it wouldn't be in my nature anyway...

I just kinda got used to it...

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2:15 pm, Jan 20 2010
Posts: 874

I was bullied up until 8th grade when I started fighting back and beating people up biggrin

No one gives a shit what trite garbage you write here.
Post #351309
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Is a female

2:18 pm, Jan 20 2010
Posts: 3457

Hm yeah I got bullied when I was around 13-14.

Behind the back, sly bitchful stuff that girls tend to do.

I got over it. Learnt valuable lessons etc.

Still wasn't nice though. Bullying is a horrible thing.

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Slumbering Remnant

2:55 pm, Jan 20 2010
Posts: 657

mine was just minor bullying nothing big..i was only bullied in elemen. school..this girl used to verbally bully me for some unknown reason, some guy pushed me off the highest part of the playground, some other kid threw sand in my eyes, etc, etc..nothing serious. no one bullies me anymore lol. I just scare them off haha werid huh? laugh but I tend to avoid guys because i still remember what they did in elementary school..but that dosent help when your locked in damn school for 8 hours with 6,000 people in it...

Last edited by sweetnsour321 at 3:00 pm, Jan 20 2010

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I hear you say "Why?" Always "Why?" You see things; and you say "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say "Why not?"
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Dreaming of Change

3:30 pm, Jan 20 2010
Posts: 48

Never been bullied, but i get really annoyed and irritated so easily. tho i am patient sometimes i get very mad i look scary.too bad for them dead

Last edited by Identity Crisis at 8:01 pm, Apr 24 2010

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8:45 pm, Jan 20 2010
Posts: 367

I was bullied a fair bit when I was in a Thai school, but we became friends after we had a fight. Then I was bullied in middle school in which a lot heavier bullying, I was able to fight back and broke his nose but there was more of them. When I fought back I thought everyone was against me because somehow since I was the one without a broken nose I was guilty of being responsible and my Dad never encouraged me when I defended myself. After that I became a pacifist and learned to just ignore idiots and people's advances. And I graduate form being a hateful creature to a much better person that you see today ^^

It helps to know that the some of the people who once bullied me are doing minimum wage jobs in Thailand whilst I'm in University in a foreign country currently having a much brighter future. I always like the idea of Karma, it never always works but when it does its so sweet.

Edit: I also saw one of the bullies when I was going into a first class cinema, he had to bow down and serve me drinks and popcorn in the cinema, greatest satisfaction ever!

Last edited by Noobsrus at 9:04 pm, Jan 20 2010

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Post #351458
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4:28 am, Jan 21 2010
Posts: 140

That still sounds bitter to me.^^

I was never bullied, though intelligence seems to be reason enough to be hated by some, at least in elementary school.
Even made some friends in HS and since becomming a woman, any chance of getting bullied is a thing of the past.
Now and then, some people just cannot refrain from beeing assholes towards a seemingly nice person...but I am thankful for them, since they give me a reason to be an asshole myself. wink

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