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Worst bullying case?

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8:17 pm, Jan 23 2010
Posts: 910

I've never really been bullied. Maybe some people have laughed at me constantly, but I wasn't bothered by that. No one's actually picked specifically on me or used violence or anything like that.

Post #352172 - Reply to (#351458) by Isara
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8:42 pm, Jan 23 2010
Posts: 367

Quote from Isara
That still sounds bitter to me.^^

I was never bullied, though intelligence seems to be reason enough to be hated by some, at least in elementary school.
Even made some friends in HS and since becomming a woman, any chance of getting bullied is a thing of the past.
Now and then, some people just cannot refrain from beeing assholes towards a seemingly nice person...but I am thankful for them, since they give me a reason to be an asshole myself. wink

Deep down I'm a very vindictive person. That is why I come out to be bitter a lot.

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Post #352263 - Reply to (#352172) by Noobsrus
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4:09 am, Jan 24 2010
Posts: 140

Quote from Noobsrus
Quote from Isara
That still sounds bitter to me.^^

Deep down I'm a very vindictive person. That is why I come out to be bitter a lot.

I referred especially to this:

Quote from Noobsrus
And I graduate form being a hateful creature to a much better person that you see today ^^

(in this case, you used "hateful" as "filled with feelings of hate" and not "to be hated", right?)

This sounds as if you can forget the bullying as long as it isn't present in your everyday life but when faced with it, you are actually the same "hateful creature" that you were before, since you relish your former tormentor's inferiority.
It just means that it doesn't seem like you moved on at all, contrary to your statement.
But I never ment to judge or anything, I just felt like pointing it out, since I consider lingering feelings of hate very tiring and in your case, it seems as if a lot is still lingering there. wink

Post #352497 - Reply to (#352263) by Isara
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9:52 pm, Jan 24 2010
Posts: 367

Quote from Isara
Quote from Noobsrus
Quote from Isara
That still sounds bitter to me.^^

Deep down I'm a very vindictive person. That is why I come out to be bitter a lot.

I referred especially to this:

Quote from Noobsrus
And I graduate form being a hateful creature to a much better person that you see today ^^

(in this case, you used "hateful" as "filled with feelings of hate" and not "to be hated", right?)

This sounds as if you can forget the bullying as long as it isn't present in your everyday life but when faced with it, you are actually the same "hateful creature" that you were before, since you relish your former tormentor's inferiority.
It just means that it doesn't seem like you moved on at all, contrary to your statement.
But I never ment to judge or anything, I just felt like pointing it out, since I consider lingering feelings of hate very tiring and in your case, it seems as if a lot is still lingering there. wink

Its actually one of the reason I study so hard, the only thing I had that was going for me was that I was smart. I didn't want anyone to take that away from me so I made sure that I would come out of University with something to show for it. It was really the only thing that I thought differentiate me from those bullies and the reason why I felt that if I could succeed academically it would prove them wrong. The bullies have been far removed from my life since living in the UK but the motivation is still there.

And by from hateful to been a better person I was talking about, my change of ideas on how conflict should be resolved. I was very violent and abusive then but now I'm quite a pacifist and thicker skinned when it comes to any kind of verbal aggression. I'm still however not okay with physical aggression.

Last edited by Noobsrus at 10:39 pm, Jan 24 2010

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10:36 pm, Jan 24 2010
Posts: 283

reading some cases above make me feel it is good to been bullied....the feel of revenge, when you could bringing down the one who bullied then been bullied back....but the matter of fact i nvr been bullied and i think that so waste....been bullied during school time but i've been escaped from that experienced, so i missed the moment....i duno how the feel of been bullied, huh so pity.... mad

Post #352534 - Reply to (#352505) by alice4eva
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1:08 am, Jan 25 2010
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Quote from alice4eva
reading some cases above make me feel it is good to been bullied....the feel of revenge, when you could bringing down the one who bullied then been bullied back....but the matter of fact i nvr been bullied and i think that so waste....been bullied during school time but i've been escaped from that experienced, so i missed the moment....i duno how the feel of been bullied, huh so pity.... mad

I wouldn't really say that, I personally would never want being bullied to be under a list of things my kids should experience. Some people die from excessive bullying its not always a happy story.

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4:24 am, Jan 25 2010
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well i never really got bullied in my life because ive got this whole intimidating so normal people including bullies dont really wanna get near...but surprisingly i also magnet people toward me when i start to talk anyways i feel sorry for the people who did get bullied>>

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Post #352583 - Reply to (#97909) by shade449
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6:30 am, Jan 25 2010
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Quote from shade449
Yeah, that's happened to most of the girls I know in my school. It's the reason why most of the groups of friends who are mostly consisted of guys tend to stay together from 9-12th grade in our school while the groups who are mostly consisted of girls usually break apart after a year. When the group is split pretty evenly, the same thing happens too. Guys usually stay together while the girls tend to wander in and out.

That's true. Some people say that human r scarier than ghosts or devils. And among human-being, girls r scariest creatures. I'm female but I do not have any objections against this. dead
Girls' revenges r often bitchy and hurtful. They r often playing victims even when they cause most of trauma for each other.

During middle school and high school, bullying hardly happened. But that's just as far as I know. At least I haven't been bullied those days. I used to think that high school days were boring but now i am really thankful. I know I cannot handle if I was bullied those days.

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Post #352589
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6:55 am, Jan 25 2010
Posts: 306

Hmm, bullying happened to me mainly in elementary school, but that is because kids don't know much better. In highschool it happened but to a much lesser degree. I also found that regardless of the school, even if you're new, you'll get bullied if your personality is the type that attracts it. Now, which personality attracts it I'm still not sure though, but evidently i had one of those.

I transferred schools in elemenary about 3-4 times and was bullied in all of them untill a bit into highschool.

I could take care of myself so it never escalated to the point of overly traumatic (in fact i've been suspended about 3 times for retaliating against bullies), but i've known my friend's younger brother to very bullied, to the point where teachers would stop caring because nothing they did stopped it. Stupid i know, but some teachers in north america at least (and depending on the school) really don't give a crap, and if they have to try harder then saying "stop bullying", then they consider it a lost case. Last time my friend's parents tried to complain, before anything was said the principle asked "What is it this time?" in an exasperated voice (or so i hear).

But yea, in my friend's case when his brother fought back and lost, they pissed on him after and called his parents a bunch of fags.

Kids are stupid, but I stand satisfied knowing that most bullies don't amount to anything while the bullied ones make something of their lives.

Post #352698 - Reply to (#352534) by Noobsrus
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6:36 pm, Jan 25 2010
Posts: 283

Quote from Noobsrus
Quote from alice4eva
reading some cases above make me feel it is good to been bullied....the feel of revenge, when you could bringing down the one who bullied then been bullied back....but the matter of fact i nvr been bullied and i think that so waste....been bullied during school time but i've been escaped from that experienced, so i missed the moment....i duno how the feel of been bullied, huh so pity.... mad

I wouldn't really say that, I personally would never want being bullied to be under a list of things my kids should experience. Some people die from excessive bullying its not always a happy story.

i didnt mean to involve in such excessive bullying....that should be prevent.....coz all my sibling involved in bullying, but the light one....first time they have been bullied when they are junior in a school, but after being a senior they help ppl that get bullied....they bully back the bullier....i think that good...but i felt sorry for the excessive bullied.. roll eyes

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6:46 pm, Jan 25 2010
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I guess I've been...ridiculed at, instead of intense bullying. =/
In 6th grade, there was this one really annoying kid who would always ALWAYS do stupid shit to me. One time he took forks and stuck them in my front lawn. =_=;
Next day I went up to him and kicked him in the shin.
Then other people find it fun to make fun of my name and sexually harass me by saying they have boners and shit.
Yesterday, the same douche farted on me. -_- I wanna kill him.

I don't really recall any really traumatizing bullying. =/ Maybe it's because I present myself as someone who you don't want to mess with and know that I don't take crap from other people.

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Post #352730

9:14 pm, Jan 25 2010
Posts: 257

Never really been bullied. Probably because most schools i went to, I threatened to beat up the guys? In a friendly way, of course ^^. Though they were always bigger than me...

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9:36 pm, Jan 25 2010
Posts: 79

never really been bullied.. I've been in fist fights in elementary school, but I mean they're little kid fights. I'm told i have this terrifying look when I'm angry, I guess it's even scarier because I always smile. Oh once in high school this boy who had a crush on me kissed me, he liked me so it wasn't bulllying really, but it still pissed me off. I was so pissed I punched him in the nose and accidentally broke it. Turns out he was the P.E. teacher's son.... so many extra laps....

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10:31 pm, Jan 25 2010
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I've never been physically bullied, though there were a few times; nothing horrible.
Everyone goes through some kind of emotional bullying and I definitely did,
though I've blocked a lot of it out by now.

I've had enough done to me to realize that children are the spawn of the devil and I don't like getting within 30 feet of any teenagers.

When I was younger I was very nice and shy, so I allowed people to walk all over me.
That's why the main source of bullying would be from the people I decided to be friends with. One person in particular would constantly bully me, but I stayed friends with them until they moved to the opposite side of the country. I don't hold anything against them, since they had a serious disease and will die a lot sooner than I will if they haven't already.

I've been bullied by a lot of adults, even teachers.
My 3rd grade teacher (she did NOT like me, she caused me a lot of humiliation)
and my 7th grade (perverted) gym teacher come to mind.

But bullying from adults in general was horrible ;_;
It makes me mad how they would continuously use the fact that they were
older than me, and thus superior, to take advantage of me in various ways.
When I was 12 years old I snapped, and I haven't put up with their shit since.

I was never into bullying.
I didn't get off on calling people names and degrading them.
Even seemingly innocent teasing, I never did it.

That doesn't make me any better than people that have bullied,
but it just means I didn't ruin anyone's day to put a smile on my face.

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Post #354715 - Reply to (#352589) by SiLNeT
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Slumbering Remnant

2:15 pm, Feb 3 2010
Posts: 657

Quote from SiLNeT
Hmm, bullying happened to me mainly in elementary school, but that is because kids don't know much better. In highschool it happened but to a much lesser degree. I also found that regardless of the school, even if you're new, you'll get bullied if your personality is the type that attracts it. Now, which personality attracts it I'm still not sure though, but evidently i had one of those.

"you'll get bullied if your personality is the type that attracts it." now that you mention it it's true!
when i was younger I looked liked a nice,gentle, and shy girl and these people would pick on me
but as I got older I started to look like "you mess with me i'll kill you" kind of person and they left me alone haha
your words are true laugh

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