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Worst bullying case?

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3:25 pm, Feb 3 2010
Posts: 822

Never been bullied and never really bullied anyone. From what I've seen, most guys who get bullied deserve to get bullied because they're the type who get bullied, though I don't really care. Most bullies are idiots, but usually the bullied person (a guy) isn't any better. It's a different with girls, more often it's just the bully who's an idiot (but it's not rare that the bullied is one too (though in a different way)).

Far-off places with sweet sounding names.
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9:21 pm, Feb 3 2010
Posts: 774

As it has come up again I've decided to finally respond.

I was bullied from grade 2 until grade 8 to the point I wanted to kill myself.
I had no true friends.

My 'friends' tried to pierce my ears. Put me in wagons with no steering and sent me down steep hills. Tried to drown me. Chased me around with knives. Stole my things.

Then there were put downs from everyone. Teachers, peers, and even friends. I was called stupid, ugly, tree, and stick. I've always been tall and skinny so standing out just made my life way worse.

In grade 7 I went to a sleepover of one of my friends. Her older sister in grade 10 was there with her friend. This friend spat in my face, sleeping bag, hair, and pillow. She threatened me when I tried to leave because I live down the street. They flushed my bus tickets down the toilet and tried to flush my scarf down the toilet. Then they put those pancakes with the syrup inside in my shoes.

Such a delightful experience. Then at the sleepover the mean girl leader got ten people to jump on me and try to beat me. I pushed everyone off and won and then suddenly they said they "respected" me. BS. My true 'friends' just sat in the corner refusing to join in but not doing anything.

I'd like to point out that the 'leader' now works full time at a movie theater because she is a low life. I laugh in her face when I buy popcorn. She gave me free fuzzy peaches once but I just laughed. KAAARRRMMAAAA.

In grade 8 I got kicked out of my elite french emersion school and everything got way better. I realized that as long as I loved myself everyone else didn't matter. I got through it because of anime and the people that I met through Anime. Those are the best friends I've ever had and we are still BEST friends even now that I'm in College.

High school was awesome for me cause I just didn't give a shit anymore. I might have stepped over some people to gain happiness but I don't feel I was ever too mean. I've come to realize its important to go for what I want, and by being myself I've only met people who love me for who I am.

Oh and for some reason I'm still friends with that girl who tried to drown me. And I'm still friends with the girl who would steal things from me and did nothing at the sleepover from HELL. We all laugh about it now but I don't think they will ever realize how much they hurt me.

SO. To anyone who has ever experienced bullying please remember there is always another day and a brighter future. Don't give up. I'm the happiest I've ever been. I'm also so proud of who I am. I could never wish that none of those things didn't happen to me, because they really made me who I am.

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