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1:18 am, Jun 14 2014
Posts: 10734

It's not related to manga, but I wanted to do this poll suggested by our member icassop. How big of a city is the place that you live? If you're not sure, look it up! Google is your best friend! For me, I live in the giant city of Los Angeles. You know it's huge because of the amount of traffic.

You can submit poll ideas here (and try to keep them manga/anime-related)

Previous Poll Results:
Question: Do you own physical, non-digital copies of manga?
I would consider myself a collector - votes: 1068 (9.4%)
Maybe not hardcore, but I have a lot - votes: 2710 (23.9%)
Just a few here and there - votes: 3773 (33.3%)
Maybe like one volume... - votes: 976 (8.6%)
None at all. Purely digital for me - votes: 2793 (24.7%)
There were 11320 total votes.
The poll ended: June 14th 2014

I'm glad a good number of you own at least some physical volumes (or magazines)~

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A manga parasite

1:26 am, Jun 14 2014
Posts: 320

A Town (50k - 100k) is in some countries a capital city...

And something bigger than 25k people is already called a city in my country.

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2:17 am, Jun 14 2014
Posts: 152

Had to check wikipedia for this. Population: 3 037.

God damn it... I wish I had been born in a city, so much more practical. Well, at least I live relatively close to Lisbon. I can get there in around 50 minutes, a trip I have to make every weekday twice to go to college and come back.

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Me too ♥

2:37 am, Jun 14 2014
Posts: 1139

I guess Town (50k - 100k) since the place I live at has 44k.
The place I used to live at had a population of 4 million. I like living in a smaller populated area.

Yes yes, I know I make longwinded comments, but that's just me >.<
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Demon Child

2:41 am, Jun 14 2014
Posts: 127

I live in a rural town of 10k-50k (not counting the farms on the outskirts of town) with around 15000 people

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Post #644608
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3:32 am, Jun 14 2014
Posts: 1162

Rural I guess... Since there is just 7 people. Me, my family and and the neighbor family... then 3km (1.8 miles) to the next "neighbor".

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4:31 am, Jun 14 2014
Posts: 362

I chose Metropolis. I live in a metropolitan area with about 6-7 million people.

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Post #644611
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Manga Omnivore

4:51 am, Jun 14 2014
Posts: 23

東京, so metropolis it is

Reads far to much Manga
Post #644616

5:40 am, Jun 14 2014
Posts: 25

8.337 million here in NY

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5:41 am, Jun 14 2014
Posts: 830

I live in Kyoto, which has over 1million residents, so big city it is, but my hometown is a small city of 300,000. I also spent 3 years living in a medium sized city, and 3 years living in a town of 40,000. I wonder if I can manage to live in a metropolis and in a rural area as well in my lifetime.

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6:02 am, Jun 14 2014
Posts: 310

whoops I put in 6k when it should've been 60k

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7:18 am, Jun 14 2014
Posts: 83

Rural (just over 2,000), and I live out of town in the sticks. Wouldn't have it any other way either. biggrin

I can't even imagine living in a city with a million people. It just boggles my mind.

Post #644628
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8:01 am, Jun 14 2014
Posts: 362

town , population of around 27k

a lot bigger than where i grew up (rural, less than 1k), but it's nice not to have to drive 30 miles to get to school/work/shopping.

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8:13 am, Jun 14 2014
Posts: 140

I grow up and live in a city with over 9 million people, so crowded huh. Sometimes, living in such metropolitan area makes me narrow mindedly think everyone in the world live like this. bigrazz

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10:56 am, Jun 14 2014
Posts: 1181

City, 2.6M

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