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Download or read online?

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2:26 pm, Apr 25 2012
Posts: 198

I download anything I know I'm going to read.

I use online readers for anything that I might stop reading halfway through.

Some exceptions though...Dynasty-Scans has a very good reader, and aggregates a lot of stuff that I wouldn't notice just through MangaUpdates. I trust them to be something of a filter.

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2:54 pm, Apr 25 2012
Posts: 45

I download.

The program I use to read the manga just requires me to select the .Rar or .Zip file to read. I don't have to uncompress it or anything and I can even change the reading direction in the program (from L to R or R to L), have two pages up at once, or just one. I can even bookmark pages.

All I need to do is download the file. o_o


6:02 pm, Apr 25 2012
Posts: 31

Quote from komurczakthealien
1. You can delete all credits, recruit, birthdays and other s**t beforehand and never see it. (some scanlators have about 5, or even more of these and if online, you can't skip them)

So, you mean the credits and other pages that the groups add is nothing but "s**t"?

Those scanlation groups are the reason you're enjoying those numerous manga, but their 'credits' page and other pages made by their hard work are meaningless to you?

You know, even when my 'net connection doesn't work well, I 'especially' download those pages to show my respect to those great people who bring us so much joy and fun.

Try to be less selfish, and respect those people.

It's because of people like you that scanlators are taking drastic measures.
You guys are forcing them to use watermark on each and every page.

If every group decides to use BIG watermarks on each page or something of the sort to get credit, what will you do?
Delete the whole chapter, thinking of it as a "s**t"?!
It's better to learn to show your respect before it's too late.

Anyway, downloading is way better than reading online:

1) You can re-read any manga without worrying about its availability.

2) You can cross-check anything without spending any extra time.

3) A collection of your favorite manga that is available to you 24/7 sounds great, doesn't it?

There are some more reasons that other fellow members have already mentioned in this topic.

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6:04 pm, Apr 25 2012
Posts: 874

I read online. The only time I download something is when I can't find it to read online then I delete it immediately.

No one gives a shit what trite garbage you write here.
Post #547616 - Reply to (#547613) by HitsujinoHon

6:20 pm, Apr 25 2012
Posts: 198

Quote from HitsujinoHon
So, you mean the credits and other pages that the groups add is nothing but "s**t"?

Those scanlation groups are the reason you're enjoying those numerous manga, but their 'credits' page and other pages made by their hard work are meaningless to you?

You know, even when my 'net connection ...

I delete every credit page that I download, because I like to be able to transition between chapters smoothly. Because I already know the group that did it. Because I go specifically to their site to download it in the first place.

Post #547624
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penguin king

7:34 pm, Apr 25 2012
Posts: 758

Mostly online(batoto or scanalation sites when I have the choice) I only download series I really like so I can reread them later, or jump through my favorite parts if the internet is out.

Also it makes a good ref list as to which manga I will focus on collecting hard copies for first.

Few favs
Kyou kara ore wa!!, Mx0, Angel Densetsu, Skip Beat, Ai Kora, The Devil King is Bored

Hana to Akuma, No bra, Shinigami Trilogy, kindan no koi de ikou, Usagi Drop, Threads of Time, Girl Friends

Most under rated:
Kindan no koi de ikou, kyou kara ore wa!.
m0r l83r... maybe >_>
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9:55 pm, Apr 25 2012
Posts: 260

I prefer reading online than downloading. I only download when the scanalators do not have a online reader or do not allow hosting of their scanalations on batoto. I would buy series which i think are great at Kinokuniya so i can re-read them anytime i want but for series not licensed i would download them to re-read until it is licensed.

Post #547657 - Reply to (#547613) by HitsujinoHon
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1:20 am, Apr 26 2012
Posts: 425

Quote from HitsujinoHon
So, you mean the credits and other pages that the groups add is nothing but "s**t"?

yes, I mean exactly that. Let's say you have 8 volume manga with 40 chapters and every chapter have about 2MB of those (who will keep it?), about 3-4 pages, that is really a bother if you read the series not by 1 chapter. Let me say I would never do it, I never would have thought I have to delete those, if every scanlation group had one page credits. But seriously, who cares that the cleaner has birthday?? Two or three recruit pages, what if the credit page is absolutely horrible, and you really hate the picture, and the scanlation's day and thoughts are for the blog entry, not for release, I saw that too. Time taker.

Look, I scanlate too. I honestly don't care if somebody delete or ignore my credits. What is one page. Don't you think some scanlators do it for fun? who cares.

if there is an option between "to do" and "not to do", I will always choose the latter.

"what kind of crazy, twisted conclusion is that...?" - banana bread no puding
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Pew pew

1:46 am, Apr 26 2012
Posts: 883

I prefer reading online compared to downloading but I don't mind downloading if I hate to.
And about the credit pages.
I hate it when there's like a dozen pointless pages about the scan group that I don't read in the beginning of a manga, rather have one page in the end of the manga.
I was 5 pages in a manga before and I didn't even hit the first page of the series. >_>

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3:49 am, Apr 26 2012
Posts: 6

I download everything (unless it's hard to find in its downloadable form). I use group's online readers from time to time since they actually keep their scans in good quality.

Other online readers I use for scans where you need to join their comm with a journal that is THIS MONTHS OLD and must have THIS AMOUNT OF ENTRIES ABOUT BL and so on ('s all too common in the world of yaoi)

Otherwise, I view everything I download on a Sequential Image Reader (CDisplay or MangaMeeya) which has faster transitions between pages than having to wait for a page everytime.

This way the zips remain compressed and I don't have to bloat my already sizeable 15GB+ yaoi folder.


8:37 am, Apr 26 2012
Posts: 31

Quote from wolfinthesheep
I delete every credit page that I download, because I like to be able to transition between chapters smoothly. Because I already know the group that did it. Because I go specifically to their site to download it in the first place.

It's fine to delete it if you're already showing your respect by visiting their site.

I hope you're not one of those average leechers, and spend a few seconds to say your thanks too!

Quote from komurczakthealien
I never would have thought I have to delete those, if every scanlation group had one page credits.

Most of the scanlation groups have only one credits page.

Quote from komurczakthealien
But seriously, who cares that the cleaner has birthday?? Two or three recruit pages, what if the credit page is absolutely horrible, and you really hate the picture, and the scanlation's day and thoughts are for the blog entry, not for release, I saw that too. Time taker.

You'll rarely find anything like that if you read releases of shonen and seinen groups.

That sort of thing mainly happens in shoujo and josie groups.

The credits page is not to please readers, but to recruit people.
Since it's a page for 'recruitment', they'll never try to use any horrible picture (I'm talking about the majority). They're not fools.
Like or dislike is a subjective matter, and what you dislike may be liked by the majority of readers and vive versa.

Quote from komurczakthealien
I honestly don't care if somebody delete or ignore my credits. What is one page. Don't you think some scanlators do it for fun? who cares.

It's up to the reader and his way of thinking whether he/she finds the credits page useless or not.

Logically, it's 'useless' to us, but readers like me still keep it to remember the great people and groups behind those awesome releases.
At least, I care about it.

Well, you can do whatever you like. I only wanted to tell you my opinion.

Last edited by lambchopsil at 11:22 am, Apr 26 2012

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