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Post #443669 - Reply to (#443385) by JohnHomos
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8:19 am, Jan 29 2011
Posts: 10691

Quote from JohnHomos
How do you rate comics from your country?
1. I'm from Japan, 'nuff said
2. They are as good as manga
3. Interesting, but not as good as manga
4. Really bad, I never read them
5. I don't know, I've never read them
6. My country doesn't have local comics.


A just ruler amongst tyrants
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Pew pew

10:28 pm, Jan 30 2011
Posts: 883

I don't know if this was already done because I don't feel like flipping through EVERY page to confirm it.

What do you do when a manga you like is dropped by the scanlation group doing it?

- Flip out and shake your fist at the world
- Beg the scanlation group to pick it up again
- Beg another scanlation group to pick it up
- Move on with your life

Post #444075
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10:35 pm, Jan 30 2011
Posts: 705

If you had(assuming you don't) the oppurtunity and skill to write and publish a manga title of your own, what is the main genre would it be in?

Gender Bender
Martial Arts
School Life
Shoujo Ai
Shounen Ai
Slice of Life

Took out the demographic ones and others.

"I'll shut your mouth~~~~~ with mine~~~"

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7:53 am, Jan 31 2011
Posts: 26

Got the idea while browsing through Sankaku Complex Archives and stumbled upon this one, lol

Would you name your child after an anime/manga/visual novel character?

- Yes, just after my favourite char ^-^
- Yes, just after a certain little sister from an Eroge
- Only if it doesn't stick out to much in my country
- Only if it's not from a well-known shounen manga (No fucking Naruto/Ichigo/Luffy/Son Goku)
- Only if it doesn't have some stupid meaning (like ricebowl, lol)
- Only if my wife/husband agrees to
- Maybe
- No, I'm gonna name it after some famous singer/actor/dictator/ect...
- No Way in Hell
- I don't plan to ever have children
- I can't have any children because I'm sterile (or castrated, lol)
- I can't have any children because of special personal circumstances (hardcore pedo/otaku/yaoi-fangirl/other)


3:30 pm, Feb 3 2011
Posts: 122

Average time per page from your favorite manga? Pick closest
1. 15 seconds or less
2. 30 seconds
3. 45 seconds
4. 1 minute
5. 90 seconds
6. 2 minutes
7. 3 minutes
8. 4 minutes or more

Of course this depends on page/chapter, but limited-options polls entail generalizations smile

I don't think any more options are needed since spending 3 minutes on a page
would total to 50 minutes for an average 17-pages manga!!

As for method, time yourself and read a chapter or two then divide total time by number of pages.

EDIT: Oh, as to why consider pages instead of chapters; it's because chapters length vary from one manga to another (17-pages for weekly manga or 40-pages for monthly manga)

Last edited by JohnHomos at 6:56 am, Feb 4 2011

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4:26 pm, Feb 3 2011
Posts: 303

Do you judge songs based on its age?

Yes, its good to stay in style!
No, good songs are timeless!
I don't listen to music

Post #445030
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the mu...

12:03 am, Feb 4 2011
Posts: 1050

the 'grouping' of mangas that published in your country:
- it follows the same grouping as it is in japan
- all mangas are for children
- all mangas are for adult
- they made a totally different grouping
- there are non

grouping as in shounen, shoujo, seinen, josei, adult, mature, and so on and so on.. y'know that age/sex related genre stuff. if there is another term for that then just change it

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3:21 pm, Feb 4 2011
Posts: 405

I hope these are not repeated..hopefullyembarrassed
Do you bring your manga or anime with you when you travel?

1.Or> Would you survive going overseas on vacation and not bringing anything related to manga/anime?
Yeah, not a big deal
Hell no!. I would die.
Depends on where I'm going.
There are computers where I'm going.
I have a laptop which I keep with me at all times.
I don't really care.

2.Or idk if this has been used but> Do you encourage/make[?] your siblings to read/watch manga/anime?

3.Definitely. He/she have to follow on my footsteps.
No. They're too little./too old
They don't care./I don't care
Sometimes>Depends on what type of manga/anime

What would make you change your mind about a type manga/genre you don't like /hate?
The art was pretty awesome
The plot looked interesting enough.
There is nothing I hate,
Don't even go there, i hate it. period.

Last edited by AnimeMusicLuv at 3:54 pm, Feb 4 2011

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Post #445108 - Reply to (#444937) by ChocoKun
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3:35 pm, Feb 4 2011
Posts: 741

Quote from ChocoKun
Do you judge songs based on its age?

Yes, its good to stay in style!
No, good songs are timeless!
I don't listen to music

This would be a good question for manga as well.
Some only follow new series for better art and having something current to discuss,
while others favor the old ones for the story.

Looking for... shoujo with a canned peach confession. Don’t English me I’m panic.
Post #445177
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9:34 pm, Feb 4 2011
Posts: 351

dunno if this has been used but
how long do you like your series
oneshots, i like 'em short and sweet
3-7 ish a couple of volumes. need a plot
10-20 ish is all i can stand
20+ i like 'em long with lots of character

lol that last one sounds kinda strange...

Post #445258 - Reply to (#444146) by Kuro Kagami
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10:04 am, Feb 5 2011
Posts: 10691

Quote from Kuro Kagami
Got the idea while browsing through Sankaku Complex Archives and stumbled upon this one, lol

Would you name your child after an anime/manga/visual novel character?

- Yes, just after my favourite char ^-^
- Yes, just after a certain little sister from an Eroge
- Only if it doesn't stick out to much in my country
- Only if it's not from a well-known shounen manga (No fucking Naruto/Ichigo/Luffy/Son Goku)
- Only if it doesn't have some stupid meaning (like ricebowl, lol)
- Only if my wife/husband agrees to
- Maybe
- No, I'm gonna name it after some famous singer/actor/dictator/ect...
- No Way in Hell
- I don't plan to ever have children
- I can't have any children because I'm sterile (or castrated, lol)
- I can't have any children because of special personal circumstances (hardcore pedo/otaku/yaoi-fangirl/other)


A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #445324
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3:56 pm, Feb 5 2011
Posts: 437

How much humor do you typically like in your manga--assuming the humor is good?
I'm sure there are people who'll want to say "it depends" (myself included laugh ), but I think polls are better if people have to choose, hence the "typically."

Just a little- occasional humor is good, but not too much
Moderate- I like a good amount, but it shouldn't overpower the story
Medium- About equal amounts of humor and story
Prominent- Humor is the focus--other stuff is secondary, but still important
Lots- Comedy first! I don't even care if there's a story

Also, I've been seeing more and more manga ebooks lately, and I was wondering what people think about them--purchasing digital copies of manga, I mean. Right, so here's the question: What do you think of manga ebooks?

I buy them
I'm interested, but I haven't bought any yet
I'm not interested
Never heard of them

I wanted to include reasons about why people do or don't buy them (prices, variety, quality, and such), but I couldn't think of choices that didn't overlap too much... I had a hard time just coming up with those four. Please feel free to change things if you think of better ones.

Last edited by lynira at 4:54 pm, Feb 10 2011

Manga Cover Database
Post #446059
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the mu...

8:08 pm, Feb 8 2011
Posts: 1050

what would you do if you found out that your favorite character(s) on a manga you follow gonna die? (beside crying, have a proper burial, making a shrine, sanding a letter of hatred to the author, and so on and so on.................jk)

- stop reading the manga after reading the death part
- stop reading the manga before the death part
- putting it in a freezer for a year, then start reading it again
- continue reading by skipping the death part
- continue on reading as usual

Last edited by mu2020 at 9:27 pm, Feb 8 2011

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insomniac Kagehime

9:35 pm, Feb 8 2011
Posts: 2707

on how many websites do you read regulary manga?
6 or more
i download them
i just google the manga´s name and read it on the first page i find
i don´t read manga online

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currently reading: Nyotai-ka
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Post #446612
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9:54 pm, Feb 11 2011
Posts: 66

Wow I've just read all of the old polls. Took an hour XD Actually some of them are quite interesting! But I can see that you still use some of the old ones, eh? (ex: the "Haloween" poll etc roll eyes )

Anyway, here I am thinking of craziest ideas of some new polls. Hope they're helpful, even if just a little bit:

* Why do you always sleep late:
- I'm having movies to watch, hello!
- It's my duty to do my homework
- I'm busy chit-chating with my gf/bf
- I've just been dumped!! eek
- This world cannot last without mangas, so 2AM is NOT late to read mangas at all!
- Urh... Just don't feel like sleeping roll

* What is more important:
- Absolutely MANGAS/ANIMES! How could you live without them??
- This world cannot exist without MUSIC. Why do you even ask??
- OMG I can't choose!
- Well, can survive without both of them bigrazz

* If you happen to meet someone looking just exactly like your manga/anime's idol character but has a nasty personality, would you date them?
- Of course!
- Probably... If he/she can change
- I'll have to think about it... If he/she loves me!
- Ew no! Absolutely not!

* Would you like to become a character in a manga or just stick to your life?
- Definitely to live in my ideal life in my favourite manga
- No, thanks. My life's fine just the way it is
- My life stinks but I haven't found my "paradise" in mangas yet
- I'd like to have both (greedy laugh )

* When do you often read mangas?
- When I'd just finished all my work and wanna entertain myself
- When I'm in the middle of doing sth but wanna have a rest before I continue
- When I wanna gain some energy through reading mangas before I begin my work
- Only in my free time

Oh I've just thought of some new ones XP Hope they're not too boring XP

* When a new year's just come and gone, what's your usual thoughts:
- OMG I'm getting older!! eek
- Yay! One more year and more maturity!
- I wish time could stay just the way it is right now
- Everybody gets old someday. Why even care about it?? Just "let it be"

* Which month were you born:
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December

* Would you consider being a manga character or just stick to your life?
- Definitely yes! I'd love to live my ideal life in my favourite manga!
- No thanks. My life's fine just the way it is
- My life stinks but I haven't found me "paradise" in mangas yet
- I'd love to have both (greedy bigrazz )

* If you could choose your character's eye colour in a manga, what would it be?
- Ruby (red)
- Amber (orange)
- Emerald (green)
- Amethyst (violet)
- Diamond (silver)
- Aquamarine (turquoise)
- Citrine (yellow)
- Pearl (white)
- Opal (mutiple colours)
- Obsidian (pitch black)
- Sodalite (light blue)
- Lapis lazuli (intense blue but not dark)
- Jasper (brown)

* What's your favourite social network:
- Twitter
- Facebook
- Myspace
- Flickr
- Cyworld
- Badoo
- Qzone
- Google Buzz
- Bebo
- Gaia online
- Habbo
- LiveJournal
- AsianAvenue
- MyAnimeList
- Others

* What's the most important thing that mangas/animes have brought you that still affects your life?
- They provided me a considerably large amount of knowledge
- They brought me to communities and helped me make new friends
- They led me to believe in a beautiful world and make me want to live better
- There're just too many things, I can't possibly put them all here...

* When you were caught with your "adult materials"...
- It was embarrassing like hell. Wish I could die
- I was caught "halfway", which means I managed to hid them before I was caught redhanded wink
- I've never been caught before! (How lucky is that?? laugh )
- I don't have any "adult material" with me, ya heard that?

* You...
- Are an otaku and will proudly tell anyone about it
- Are an otaku but don't like bragging about it
- Are not an otaku but still read mangas once in a while, and you're okay with people knowing it
- Are not an otaku because everybody would think you're a freak
- Haven't read many mangas before but intend to in the future
- Don't read mangas or watch animes or do anything related!
- Think that otakus are LAME! laugh

Last edited by lambchopsil at 12:15 am, Feb 12 2011


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