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What would you do if food you disliked was served?

Food you don't like was served
I like every kind of food
Eat it! Atleast there's food
Eat a little bit
Don't eat at all
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11:23 pm, Oct 16 2011
Posts: 838

I just won't eat it. I eat almost anything but if I don't like it, then I've had it before and there is no reason to subject myself to the experience again. Of course most of the things I dislike are either ridiculously smelly or has caused me horrific bodily harm in the past due to severe allergic reactions. Just thinking about it makes me itch. sad

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Slumbering Remnant

8:00 pm, Oct 17 2011
Posts: 657

I'd eat it (as long as it's edible). If someone served me food I disliked, I would just eat it. It be rude to just leave it on the plate untouched, I mean after all the trouble they went though to cook that meal it would be rude not to even take a bite of it, I would at least finish two-thirds of it, if not all.

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Post #501816
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8:17 pm, Oct 17 2011
Posts: 636

Sadly, I don't think the MAAIIIIDDD!!! COOK SOMETHING ELSE FOR ME!!! NOW!!! option would I guess I'd eat some. Depends how hungry I was.

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Ancient Alien

1:36 am, Oct 18 2011
Posts: 312

This happens to me often because I'm vegan... but I understand that cooking takes a lot of work and when people refuse the meal they often just throw it away (wasted food bugs the hell out of me) so I just ask that the meal be put into a to go box so I can give it to someone who will eat it and order something else. If it's at a friend's house, I usually tell them in advance but if I forgot... then sometimes I just take out what I can't eat, but most of the time I just give it to someone else and nibble on whatever nuts they have in a bowl in the middle of the table. I only feel bad that they made an effort to feed me to no avail, but oh well.

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6:08 am, Oct 18 2011
Posts: 365

Every time another person (so pretty much everyone since I can't cook to save my life) made a food for me, whatever it is, I'll eat at least half of it. I get the urge to eat it so the person who took the trouble of making something for me (even if it's just microwaved food) would not feel bad about the food he/she has served.
It's not like I'm allergic to the food, it's just something I dislike.

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Post #501925
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8:13 am, Oct 18 2011
Posts: 36

I'd eat it,even a bite to show respect to whomever made it for you (and yet,i'm a vegetarian) -->that what i learn from my childhood experience laugh
My parents both working,but my mom still spent time to cook for us.Her foods were truly terrified (thank God she cooks better now). Its all ''made in rush'', overfired outside but still rare inside,sometimes too salty you need a lot of water to shallow them up. And she beat me up quite often if i refused to eat... But now i know how troublesome to preparing food,i think my mom is great for able to work&cook, take care of kids at the same time

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8:28 am, Oct 18 2011
Posts: 830

It depends. I'm a vegetarian, so if it was meat or fish, I wouldn't touch it. I would rather not eat at all. However, there have been occassions when someone went out of their way to prepare me a veggie meal, but I didn't like it. One those occassions I eat as much as I can (preferably all of it) and just thank them. I usually prepare my own meals though, it's easier that way. When someone does cook for me (outside of restaurants), it's usually my mother taking advantage of my rare visit to dote upon me, so I just make requests, lol.

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Post #501944
Nicotine addict

10:17 am, Oct 18 2011
Posts: 183

I'd eat it. It would be a shame to throw it away. I'm not that picky with my food. If it'll fill my stomach, it's all good.

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Eat Me

10:28 am, Oct 18 2011
Posts: 438

Whenever I am a guest somewhere, I always eat what is served even if I don't like it. It is polite to at least eat some of what is offered to you.

Post #502973
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Angel of Sin

3:32 am, Oct 23 2011
Posts: 314

If you mean at a restaurant, I'd eat a tiny bit to make sure I really dislike it then stop. If I'm a guest at someone's house and he or she serves something I know I don't like, I won't eat any. I simply turn it down.
It actually annoys me a little when people say it's rude to turn down a meal when you're a guest. If I cooked something for someone, for example a friend of mine, I would never want her to feel pressured to force herself to eat it. If you don't like something, that's not your fault. Why waste it when someone else can eat it? cool

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Post #503010
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8:27 am, Oct 23 2011
Posts: 150

food is food, eat what you get and be happy.
except for mushrooms...mushrooms are evil.

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Post #503015
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8:45 am, Oct 23 2011
Posts: 2050

I would be polite and eat it.

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8:48 am, Oct 23 2011
Posts: 566

i'm a pretty picky eater, so there's tons of things i don't eat or don't like prepared a certain way. i try not to make a big deal out of it, but i won't eat what i don't like. i won't be like "eww you put peas in this, i hate peas, get me something else!" i'll either eat around what i don't like, or not eat it at all.

but i actually don't come across this problem too often. like when my family cooks, they know the things i'm not gonna eat and they don't get offended if they have to make food a different way or if i don't eat a certain dish. also, whenever i go to a party or get together where food is served i can usually make my own plate and avoid the things i don't like.

the only times its been a big deal were when i was kid and basically forced to eat certain things, which sometimes i threw up afterwards, and sooner or later my parents would stop forcing me to eat them.

Post #503101
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3:39 pm, Oct 23 2011
Posts: 24

I'm not too picky, so I don't run into this problem too often. When it does happen I'd eat it all because I'd feel bad if I didn't. Unless it's my immediate family, then I just would eat a tiny bit.

Post #503103
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3:57 pm, Oct 23 2011
Posts: 746

Eat it all to be polite.
There has only been one time where I disliked food I was trying to eat so much that my friend noticed (I'm quite good at hiding any dislike for food) and laughed and got me something else.

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