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Scariest Game (please choose one)

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Post #170073
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7:50 pm, Jun 14 2008
Posts: 3120

F.E.A.R. was pretty scary
i didn't finish it because it started to lag like crazy

Post #170195 - Reply to (#133192) by smichal
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11:45 am, Jun 15 2008
Posts: 13

Quote from smichal
Penumbra Overture
thats some scary shit ...

Same Penumbra it's very disturbing and i love it that way.
Wish i can watch a All-the-Game-Walkthrought on the net.
I'll say Forbiden Siren also it's very very very scary.

Post #170202
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12:44 pm, Jun 15 2008
Posts: 151

I wouldn't say I got scared when I played F.E.A.R, but I got some shivvers when that "some weird ghost thing is going to turn up soon". And I wasted some ammo trying to kill them a few times, but learned after a while that nothing will ever happen from those images -.-'

(spoiler tags are vague hints to where they can be found, I don't want to spoil it unessessarily, read them if you don't care about vague hints)

I did however get a slight jump when what I thought was a rat
Spoiler (highlight to view)
in the airvents
actually were the girl crawling around, gave me some arachnophobia feelings no
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The ladder
were somewhat unexpected too, but I had already heard about it earlier, so were somewhat prepared.

I loved the start of the game, but instead of getting scared I thought "Ahh great... There goes my backup -.-' "

This life sucked. Where's the reset button?
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Post #175769 - Reply to (#142583) by skyn
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4:47 pm, Jul 4 2008
Posts: 417

Quote from skyn
Siren - I thought that Siren was kinda scary but only because the controls were confusing and everything was so dark that you could hardly see anything at all...

Fatal Frame 2 - was more creepy than scary...

Silent Hill 2 - So scary that i didn't even finish it... (i'm so ashamed ) sad

Agreed. Siren was strange... I've only finished Silent Hill 3... I was far to afraid when I played 1 and 2 years ago to finish.
This thread makes me want to play the Fatal Frame games again. But back to the topic. I was most scared of Fatal Frame 2.

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Post #175772
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4:56 pm, Jul 4 2008
Posts: 220

current top for me is fear...i played that on my roommates computer alone in the dark one night when i was bored and i never did that again...

some other big ones i remember:
the first resident evils, mostly because i was like 7 or 8 at the time and that stuff gave me zombie nightmares

also fatal frame was pretty bad too b/c the idea of having a camera to go up against stuff was kinda creepy

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4:56 pm, Jul 4 2008
Posts: 548

FEAR it didnt scare me but it made me jumpy a little

i was nervous at first it was big & long & went straight up i had to try it i eased onto it & liked it! i went up & down on it.... i love escalators now! biggrin

(great onizuka ftw)
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The Movie Critic

2:19 pm, Jul 26 2008
Posts: 515

It was condemned for me people with clown masks and lead pipes creep me out.

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