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Manhwa or Manga?

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Post #646452
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7:38 pm, Jul 5 2014
Posts: 362

Korean webcomics are really good. i guess that may count as manhwa.

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Post #660236

8:44 am, Jan 20 2015
Posts: 1

I like reading manga to relax, but the stories amazing me the most were all manhwa
(Savage Garden, Absolute witch, The poet who buys words, Running through the city in the sunset, H2O, The Queen's Knight a.o.),
and i'm always super happy whenever I discover a great manhwa with a beautiful art and a interesting plot smile

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11:25 am, Jul 26 2015
Posts: 46

I like both!

As of December 31st, 2021, this account is inactive. I have long moved on. Goodbye.

12:35 pm, Jul 26 2015
Posts: 354

It depends really on the story itself but manga has a jump start on shoujo whereas manhwa has a smaller collection available (i.e. consider the amount of manga scanned versus manhwa)

Recently there's been a wave of shoujo manga that's been really good. During the golden age of shoujo, manga was great but then there was a lull and now there's a different kind of story (utilizing more slice of life scenarios/plots).

Manhwa is pretty good except for 95% of Hwang Mi-Ri and Han Yu-Rang manhwas. There's a lot of good ones out there. The art is more beautiful imo

Post #669495
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Om Nom Nom Nom

9:38 pm, Jul 27 2015
Posts: 47

I'm going to say it is a toss up. If it is a romance then the manga girl is going to be extremely meek/submissive while the manhwa girl is going to be very loudmouth, bordering on being a delinquent. Either way, you're still dealing with a girl that is following a stereotype and while one or the other can be a nice change of pace depending on which you find yourself being overloaded with, it doesn't change the fact that it is still an overused stereotype.

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