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Most embarrassing moments of your life

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Me too ♥

11:02 pm, Oct 9 2013
Posts: 1139

Odd ... I tend to blush a lot or easily get shy/embarrassed, but when trying to think of the most embarrassing moment that ever happened to me; my mind turns blank.

The only thing I can remember that still makes me turn red when I look back on it is ... well. I wonder if it would be a bit too explicit ... so I won't give too many details. One time I passed gas during an intimate moment with my husband. I got so embarrassed I literally turned as red as a tomato. I share every little detail with my husband so nothing I say/do is embarrassing, but passing gas during that time was by far the most embarrassing that has ever happened to me.
Luckily this has only happened once, and if it happens a 2nd time dead ... I don't want to think about it.

Yes yes, I know I make longwinded comments, but that's just me >.<
I should proof read my comments more, but I won't...
So keep in mind I'm filled with typos

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Post #617446
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12:29 pm, Oct 10 2013
Posts: 132

We left our boat in the marine near Rome.. It was really weird, the boats were not tied to the quay, but also to one another (like the first boat was tied to the quay, and second to the first one and up to the 6th). If someone closer wanted to get out for example in the middle of the night, the staff would untie the boats.. so you could wake up in a different place than the one you were in in the evening..

So I woke up. Climbed out of the boat and jumped to the next one.. Which was further away than the previous one.. The next thing I remember is hanging head down between the boats, my whole body hanged on the under-knee of one of my legs (on a thin, metal rope). I started screaming, crying, and forgot completely to get up...
Someone helped me but by the time the whole marine started looking at me as if I was todays attraction...

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manger le toupee

12:54 pm, Oct 10 2013
Posts: 306

My freshman year of high school, we had an important test for geometry class which I couldn't miss because I had already screwed myself over in this class plenty of times. I never had a brain for math, no matter how hard I studied. I was feeling very funny that morning, this gurgling feeling in the pit of my stomach, but decided to go to school anyway and duke it out.

It was a warm day that day, unusually warm and the air tepid. We had our class in bungalows on the C side of our campus which lay under a swathe of sun. And then mid-test, like molten lava, something warm came gushing out of me, and I knew right then and there, as a member of the female species, that my "it" had come. The lukewarm temperature must have stirred my inner juices or something.

The teacher being very strict I was afraid to talk to anyone for fear of drawing attention to myself. So after a moment's deliberation, I got up, walked as fast as I could to his desk to drop off my test, then came prancing back and swooped into my chair. A few people glanced up to look, but nobody said anything. Thinking I was safe, I breathed a sigh of relief and planned a discreet exit.

It was only until after, when we were about to leave, that my friend turned around to tell me, "Don't get up yet. There's blood all over your pants." She lends me her sweater to wrap around my waist, and shields me out the door from the freakish, suspicious ogling from the boys in my class.

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1:34 pm, Oct 10 2013
Posts: 15

So yesterday none of the series I follow had updated and so I was just blankly staring at my computer like... okay what now. My two maybe three brain cells tried to think of something to do (homework did not come to mind lol) and I decided I'd get some Gatorade. So now I have Gatorade but I'm still really bored. I decide to do that suction thing, you know when you hold the bottle up to your mouth and breath in and it stays up on it's own? Well I do that for about a minute. It hurts a little bit so I go into the bathroom and I have some red/pink above my lip. I laugh to myself a little bit then decide to wipe it off --- I was drinking red gaterade so the coloring had got on me. I tried to wipe it off. It wouldn't come off, IT WAS A BRUISE. Concealer didn't help... so today I enjoyed the fun of learning with a bright pink hitler mustace. I got no mercy from my friends sad

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2:24 pm, Oct 10 2013
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11:46 pm, Oct 10 2013
Posts: 187

I fell down the stairs at school.
I was caught in the girls toilet and now everybody thinks I'm a girl (it was closer than the boy's one, ok?!)
I was locked in the bathroom accidently.

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7:58 pm, Oct 25 2013
Posts: 272

I'm not a very social person, so the gears turn in my head like crazy when I'm talking to someone and trying to act like I'm not totally nervous and shy. So anyway, in a typical textbook manner, someone greeted me with "What's up?" and I, expecting them to ask "How are you?", replied with "Fine, thank you." *facepalm* I still kick myself over that.

"Everything is okay in the end. If it's not ok, then it's not the end."

"I'm tired of all the nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep. That's deep enough. What else do you want; an adorable pancreas?" - Jean Kerr

When I said 'death' before 'dishonor', I meant alphabetically.

Imagine what would happen if there were no more hypothetical situations.
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9:34 pm, Oct 29 2013
Posts: 1700

I remember in elementary school, I had like the biggest fart in existence. My chair would squeak when I leaned back so I tried to fart quietly with the chair squeak. Unfortunately, I wasn't that smooth, so I farted after the chair squeak. The chair squeak drew everyone's attention, then I farted. So yeah. All eyes on me. *____*

Post #619289 - Reply to (#618885) by distraughthallelujah
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1:06 am, Oct 30 2013
Posts: 1366

Quote from distraughthallelujah
I'm not a very social person, so the gears turn in my head like crazy when I'm talking to someone and trying to act like I'm not totally nervous and shy. So anyway, in a typical textbook manner, someone greeted me with "What's up?" and I, expecting them to ask "How are you?", replied with "Fine, thank you." *facepalm* I still kick myself over that.

none That's a completely normal response to that question.

Anyway, mine. Senior year of high school. I was in english class and because we had midterm tests in the morning for other classes our teacher decided we should just play a game. I forget what the game is called, but you have to guess what object or person is written on a card based on some elementary clues to that object or person or something. This one particular round two of the clues were for an object that was round and flat, to which my 18 year old mind immediately interpreted as being a condom eyes Despite this being a PG rated game I was so sure of my assumption that I yelled out to the rest of the class, at which point everyone, and I mean everyone in class turned around and stared at me. It also became quiet enough you could hear a pin drop, even though the floor was carpeted. That was an interesting hour and a half. Oh, and the object was a frying pan.

Then there was the time I forgot my name after I had written a three page essay in the half hour before class started. I actually had to find a piece of paper with my name on it before it all clicked.
I also forgot how to write once. That was not a good morning. dead And last, I forgot how to tie my shoes one morning so I went to school like that and had to ask the cute girl I sat next to to tie them for me. Okay, that last one turned out okay, but they were all deeply embarrassing. Even if no one knew. No, I was not on any kind of drugs. I think it was just the insane pressure, which I tried relieving by sleeping in every class. I think.

Then in the same year, in history class, there were all the times I swore out loud. The worst time my teacher was doing his lesson, I think it was on slavery or something, and me liking history was very into the discussion going on and I say,"Man that's fucked up." Again, the class goes silent, everyone looks at me. I'm like this: confused Then I realize. The next words out of my mouth are "Oh, shit!" I just got up out of my seat went straight to my teacher's desk, he pulled out a sheet and filled out a reprimand form, I signed it, and then I just sat back down all without a word to each other. Near the end of the year, I let one more slip and by then the rest of the class wasn't even phased. My teacher stops for a second, gives me a sidelong glance and then just kept going with the lesson. smile

Sarcasm just doesn't work over the internet.
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7:25 pm, Dec 28 2013
Posts: 21

Well mine is really really embarrassing. I peed my pants 3 times in one day in first grade.

It started off during story time in the morning and I had no idea why I didn't ask the teacher to go the restroom I guess the story was just that good...I was sitting by nobody and I was in the second row and I really had to go so I couldn't hold it any longer and out came a puddle. I panicked that someone will tell the teacher that I peed my pants so I scooted across the room. My teacher noticed a puddle then she said, "Oh Cameron must of spilled his water bottle". ( I never even asked to use the restroom the whole day for some reason.)

I actually don't remember the second one.

The third time was the worst because that was when I got caught. It was the end of the day so we had to line up at the door. I was standing in line and I peed my pants again. I guess the reason why nobody noticed the first two times is because I was wearing dark jeans... Well yeah I'm pretty sure the girl behind me noticed but she didn't say anything but it was my teacher who caught me. So like all the other times I tried to get away from the puddle but I only stepped one step away, and my teacher obviously noticing me making the accident called out my name and smiled at me. The bell rung and I didn't have to go the the office to call me parents for new pants because it was the end of school for that day. I went outside because my brother was picking me up and I guess someone called my brother and told I peed my pants because when I came out he confronted me.

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8:00 pm, Dec 28 2013
Posts: 121

When I was around 16 my class went to see othello (if memory serves) They were performing the play in kind of a makeshift theatre so we had so sit on very uncomfortabele benches. Me and my friends stayed seeted during the intermission and the rest of the play, me not realising just how very uncofortable the benches were, The play ends, we applaud and I stand up, or try to. We had been sitting for such a long time that both my legs from the tighs down had comletely fallen asleep. My legs just bend and I end up lying on the floor my friends laughing like crazy and trying to help me stand but for 5 or so minutes it is absolutely impossible for me.
Not only was the event in itself kinda humiliating but my teachers think I am drunk and wants a "conversation" with me. I still dont know if my teachers believed me when I tried to explain what happened, they just looked at me very sceptic and said ok.

All and all though it was a pretty fun day smile

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