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How many times have you been confessed to?

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Post #411657

2:38 pm, Oct 2 2010
Posts: 2

lolz NONE. but i have confessed to 4 girls. the first time in 7th grade was something i would love to forget, another was in 7thgrade again but i got rejected, then i confessed to another girl at the end of 7th grade and that lasted 11 1/2 months, finally i asked this girl out at the end of 8th grade but never really worked out dead

Post #411658
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2:45 pm, Oct 2 2010
Posts: 64

once.. i know, not much- and it was child-love. 3rd grade.

Let's just say Tarot Cards rule.
Post #411661

2:57 pm, Oct 2 2010
Posts: 302

I'm a guy and it happened twice or maybe more because i'm dense (and some confessions are subtle)
the first one was in middle school at that time i didn't know anything about love or such, some girl said that someone was looking for me in a classroom and i found myself alone with a shy girl classmate, the mood was so awkwward eek that i had to run outside from the classroom roll eyes

the second one in university was subtle but i have became knowledgeable about this stuff (yet immature to accept other people feelings) she was trying to make me go with her using various excuses but i shoot her down when i said that i'm an asocial being and that i hate to make contact with other peoples (though at the time i was a little bit gynophob ) dead

but looking back now i have regret about the wasted opportunities of youth
now at the age of 28 and after lowering my standards, women are only looking for future husbands ( money bags ) and stability ( house or apartment) laugh

Last edited by jasperv at 3:05 pm, Oct 2 2010

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3:13 pm, Oct 2 2010
Posts: 70

jaspery, I tend to disagree about the moneybags comment. Women just want to know that they can be taken care of if there is ever a problem. And what's wrong with stability? I would like to know that I don't have to worry about tomorrow's meal. And back to the moneybags comment, I support my boyfriend because he's starting his own company, so then, is he the moneybag? It all comes down to security and knowing you're not with a deadbeat.

And must admit, when I saw this question, I thought... ZERO!!! We're not in Asia!!! LOL. Anyway, now that I think about it, had one in first grade... ran away but was chased down and kissed on the cheek. After that, it was a subtle one in university, but it ended before I realized it. Wait, there was another one too, but I shot that one down inadvertently... by the time I realized it, it went too far and was EEKKYY!!!

If it's who I confessed to though... I had one in middle school for two years... but never capitalized on it... my first crush ever!!! It was pretty obvious to all of my friends though: D And the second one was in college, but I was a bit spineless so I confessed point blank via email. Now that I think about it, I loved that the guy was British... and my fiancée is half British!!! Funny how the world works biggrin

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Lowly Member

3:41 pm, Oct 2 2010
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Oh bad, forgot about one more, I've been confessed to IRL three times. Online...uh...idk...? Twice.

Creepiest: There was this guy I met online on a game and well, we started talking for about two hours...and after that, he told me he really liked me and asked to like, go out. I didn't particularly hate him, but I didn't like I said that we should just stay friends and he said okay. Then after that, he would email/im/talk to me every chance he got and then he disappeared for like two weeks. He showed up again and told me that he dreamed of me those last two weeks... none He didn't even know what I looked like, but whatever.

The other was through a text message...rejected him.
One was a love kind of creeped me out because I have never talked to him before in my life...also rejected...
The third one...well, was normal, he told me he liked me but I've known him since I was 3 so he felt more like a really good friend to me than anything.

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Post #411668 - Reply to (#411664) by sailorliones
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Couch-Fu Master

3:53 pm, Oct 2 2010
Posts: 160

Like 4 times or something.

I really only regret/remember the first one. She was my first crush, she was insanely beautiful and had really cool persona, I had liked her since the day I met her in middle school. We became friends and in the first year of high school she said she liked me and heard that I had liked her, but being intimidated by her I said that I did only as a friend. She ended up having a kid at a young age with a guy I can't fucking stand. I used to see her working at the grocery store before I skipped town, she still looked amazing and cool.

It's kind of funny,once in a while when I'm just listening to certain music she pops into my head and I think of how it could have been different if I had just said yeah.

But that's life man, sometimes you just screw up but you gotta move past it.

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5:41 pm, Oct 2 2010
Posts: 252

I just remembered I've been to confessed to once! I'm male so it never happens, but when I was young my best friend who was a tomboy said she liked me and asked me out. eek , it was after we played football to so she was sweatly and guylike. I said no and I don't regret it.

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5:47 pm, Oct 2 2010
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2 but none by the girl I like sad

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5:55 pm, Oct 2 2010
Posts: 42

None explicitly, but I did get asked by 2 people to my senior prom: both by a guy and a girl. I ended up not going, but they ended up going together. He wore the dress, and she the tux.

Post #411694
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6:00 pm, Oct 2 2010
Posts: 56

too many timess =/ its really sweet tho <3

Post #411887
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Sovereign Grace

10:02 am, Oct 3 2010
Posts: 209

Zero (: (Then again, it depends on your meaning of confess)

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10:19 am, Oct 3 2010
Posts: 23

Nadaa. Of course, I'm still young and kickin' so I'm not really minding it. Besides, I don't really put myself out out there, my dogs are better than half the guys at school.

I admit, my bathroom is actually water-pokemon themed... well, it was supposed to be, until I decided I wanted different kinds so now it's a water park with Pokemon. I have a little bit too much spare time...
Post #411899
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10:42 am, Oct 3 2010
Posts: 150

I think it is 4 times, though i am really bad at picking this kind of thing up so it could be way more. first one was when i was in 3 grade with the a girl that was one of my best friends. I said yes and we were "together" for like 4 years, but we were kids so yeah it did not mean anything, but i was here first kiss so we still talk about that now whenever i see her lol. Another time was this girl that was drunk and said that see has like me for a long time but i rejected her. Third time was a guy that said i was really hot and asked me to go to a party with him, told him i was straight but i still when to the party with him and we both had a good time even though we went as friends. last time was from a a woman that was like 10 years older then me, but i guess that was less a confession and more of just hitting on me, but it was awkward so i said no lol. so yeah it has been a weird streak, but fun. laugh
and my sig is about that first girl btw.

" 9 years and 163 days later, 2% of my body cells are still in love with her"
Post #411903

10:50 am, Oct 3 2010
Posts: 302

the weirdest confession i ever had was..... no confession

a friend thought we were dating for a year and a half...

and had a list of everything we ever did... his feelings at those times... and what he thought were mine....

aint this freaky people?

but i was confessed to like 14 times i think...

mostly by weird people... i seem to attract them (gramps, girls (im a girl), gramps, stalkers) and im only 19 -,-" aah also a dude from 35 years old wehn i was 16.... T,T

my love life is kinda... yeah.... stupid

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7:58 pm, Oct 3 2010
Posts: 40

lol I find it funny most of the guys said they were too dense to realize it. Sadly I'm the same I've been confessed to a few times. It sucks cause especially if your friend confesses to you it totally catches you off guard and I was so awkward. I had a hard time turning her down in a way where we can continue being friends without it being too wierd cry. I don't understand... I just act myself, someone who tries to be nice as possible, girls just get the wrong idea about me "hinting" I like them or something confused

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