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How many times have you been confessed to?

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Post #412082
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8:16 pm, Oct 3 2010
Posts: 186

Once, freshman year, during studio in art class (I think it was in June...somewhere in that month-range, because I remember the school year being over soon afterwards.) by a douchebag Senior who drove me nuts/harrassed me for a whole damn year. Obviously, it was a joke. One that I decided to ignore, he started leaving me alone after that, I think, thankfully.

Honestly, though, I hope to never be confessed to because I never plan on dating (I'd find it to be an inconvience). So lets hope my ongoing 20-year (how old I am) streak doesn't get broken (except for the whole joke one.)

And now, it has gone up to twice (kinda). Again, it was a joke.
I was at work, y'know, working, when three of my coworkers (who I shall dub J, BJ, and Z).
BJ, laughing says, "Mikashi, come here."
I go over, honestly not knowing what to except, and then, I look over near Z and J
And Z utters the words, "Will you be my valentine?" His facial expression was a dead giveaway that it was a joke, so I kind of just...walked away and got back to work. Z however, didn't want to let the joke die, saying that now he was "heartbroken, and I now knew what it felt like." I forgot what I was supposedly "heartbroken over." After serving the food, I go to do saves, and he asks me, again, annoyed, I bash my head against the steam table top, making it bloody obvious that I'm irritated, and he says something along the lines of "I'm just kidding."
Next day, he changes it up and asks me "to go to prom with him." DUDE, IT ISN'T FUNNY, LET IT DIE! So he makes up different jokes, such as calling me a monkey.
The next day, he doesn't ask, but I kind of tell E how he was being a pain, and she rolls her eyes.
Now, skip towards today, I told him that I know he was joking, and that if he were serious, for what reason did he ask for. He goes, "W-w-what, what! I can't believe you just asked that!" In an OMG-I've-been-caught look. I just go, "Just answer the question." And he kind of just ignores it, and then repeats what he said before hand and got all defensive. Not to mention, that Z used to date J, and J is one of my best friends, even if I did have romantic feelings for him (which I don't) there is no way in hell I'd do a betrayal like that. Also, romantic relationships between coworkers would be considered inappropriate anyway.
The funniest thing, though, was before this whole thing, he still kept trying to get me to hook up with EF (saying, "He's single, take him before I do!", and I would roll my eyes, shake my head back and forth and walk away each time, trying to avoid it.)


Sorry if that seemed kind of long and ventish, my wannable boss with a tyrannical shtick shoved up her ass said something so totally uncalled for that I'm tempted to break her jaw (and fyi, she is not one of the mentioned people up above). But I won't get into that.

Last edited by Mikashi at 6:34 pm, Jan 26 2011


8:49 pm, Oct 3 2010
Posts: 429

0, but I think over the course of 18 years I lived so far two girls might have liked me. Still though how do people shuffle work, school, family with dating and in my case gaming, manga, anime, etc.? Or maybe those last three things explain it? But hey, I shouldn't have to hide my likes or dislikes just to please someone by not being my self. confused

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8:59 pm, Oct 3 2010
Posts: 741

A few times. Sometimes, it's hard to say what counts, but my first confession still stands out the most.

For one of my classes, each day I was locked up in an empty classroom with some other guy to finish assignments. After a few days or so he said that he liked me. Later I decided to study for once. I opened my notebook and all these letters fell out, one written for each day. To put it mildly they were all about how he wanted to sleep with me. I was really dense and naive so I was horrified when it all clicked. I was really glad when I came to school the next day and the teacher said to go to the library instead of having me and that guy stay together in the empty classroom.

Looking for... shoujo with a canned peach confession. Don’t English me I’m panic.
Post #412112
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Angel of Sin

9:29 pm, Oct 3 2010
Posts: 314

I've been confessed to 5 times, but only twice was it very serious. The other times it was simple crushes by friends. It's always been awkward for me because I never liked any of the guys back... and those two serious ones confessed mutliple times. >.< I felt bad for awhile, but hey. I can't help it if I only want to be friends with someone. At least they were nice about it and didn't push me to date them, they just kept asking for a while.

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9:45 pm, Oct 3 2010
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Post #412127
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10:01 pm, Oct 3 2010
Posts: 92

Possibly maybe once? I'm not really sure, so I'll say no. Makes sense because I'm a guy which means no one comes to confess. I'm kind of a loner, and possibly intimidating (I'm not sure about that), and hang around some different people and act weird myself, too.

Thought about confessing once or twice but never actually done it for two reasons:

1) Didn't want to make the other person feel awkward around me. (in this case at work and at school)

2) I have little confidence in myself and am unsure of my looks. (I am truly just unsure of how I stand)

I have this vague sense that I could get someone, but I'm really not sure. no

I care waaaaay too much... sad

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Post #412139 - Reply to (#411689) by Wage Knight
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10:50 pm, Oct 3 2010
Posts: 1354

Quote from Wage Knight
I just remembered I've been to confessed to once! I'm male so it never happens, but when I was young my best friend who was a tomboy said she liked me and asked me out. eek , it was after we played football to so she was sweatly and guylike. I said no and I don't regret it.

So cute! biggrin You do know that girls get 'sweaty' during sex, too, right? So it doesn't necessarily mean a girl's 'guylike', just... having exerted herself. wink But if you were very young when this happened, then I can understand your viewpoint that sweaty = unattractive. You might think differently now, though... Sweat-moistened skin + flushed mouth + heavy breathing + shiny eyes? Usually = sexy, at least in my book. biggrin (Unless I find the person totally unattractive/unpleasant overall; that's a different matter, and nothing to do with whether or not they're sweaty. Hee!)

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HanaTsuki Hime

8:27 am, Oct 8 2010
Posts: 262

twice i think, well i dont remember if there were more biggrin ...both were my classmates, but the 1st guy, i didnt even like, he was just a classmate but we're still friends, ah, btw, i dont remember how exactly it happened, i mean how they confessed, that was some time ago lol, and the 2nd guy, actually i dont know why we didnt get together, cuz i actually did like him, but we kind of were and at the same time werent together ya know our relationship was similar to the one in Rockin, but then he transferred and that was the end for us, havent seen him since then...^_^

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1:40 pm, Oct 9 2010
Posts: 152

Unfortunately zero cry no

Really boring right?! dead

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insomniac Kagehime

2:03 pm, Oct 9 2010
Posts: 2707

3 times.
one time in a chatroom
one time while i was shopping with that guy
one time on the phone

(i don´t count the stupid confession of some of my classmates everyday, since i know they just say it for fun. they also say this to other girls)

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2:25 pm, Oct 9 2010
Posts: 30

three times i time on phone or was it a text message..i forgot.i think i was 14 that time...oh and he also send me a letter later does that count one or two times xD
other was when I was 15 this guy I used to talk with alot confessed but it was pretty obvious we both liked each other already at that point and the latest was when i was working at the library few years was a guy I had never even seen before and he told me he liked me and asked my number xD

Post #414208

2:34 pm, Oct 9 2010
Posts: 486

4 times I think. It pales in comparison to how many opportunities I missed because I was too slow to "get it". Women need to be more straightforward bigrazz

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2:45 pm, Oct 9 2010
Posts: 105

Well once but i know 2 guys who have a crush on me. I'm still young so it doesn't bother me ^^

When he confessed to me i was like on 4th or 5th grade? It cam out of blue and i didn't know how to react because i didn't though about it before so i said i don't know xP (GOSH it must have been reaally akward for him!) but then later on i said yes. But it wasn't that serious.

Last edited by Cherrycake at 2:51 pm, Oct 9 2010

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2:46 pm, Oct 9 2010
Posts: 471

ummm im female and its embarassing to say more girls have confessed to me than boys...

one girl at a cafe
one girl at her house ( she almost attacked me when i said no )
one girl while i was walking my dog
a dude i barely knew when he got drunk ( sniff )
a guy durring an after school club
another girl who was my moms friend

6 is quite amazing when it comes to confessions, but 2 / 3 s of them are from girls, if i was a guy it would be another story but...

Post #414216 - Reply to (#414211) by vampire ninja 896
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insomniac Kagehime

3:15 pm, Oct 9 2010
Posts: 2707

Quote from vampire ninja 896
ummm im female and its embarassing to say more girls have confessed to me than boys...

one girl at a cafe
one girl at her house ( she almost attacked me when i said no )
one girl while i was walking my dog
a dude i barely knew when he got drunk ( sniff )
a guy durring an after school club
another girl who was my moms friend

6 is quite amazing when it comes to confessions, but 2 / 3 s of them are from girls, if i was a guy it would be another story but...

why do girls confess to you?

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