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1:32 pm, Sep 7 2007
Posts: 3

Wouldn't the AT have 4 motors? If you look at it, the motors are at the side of the front and back wheel which can only mean there is a motor on each side. That can explain how AT's can move pretty fast. Oh, there are probably two brakes on the back motor wheels. If you look at chapter 6 in the manga, you see part of the schematics. There are motors at the side of the wheels and air cushion right under the driver unit and battery which is under the sole of the shoe. The batteries they use are lithium batteries don't know which but it seems you can recharge AT's.


8:28 pm, Sep 7 2007
Posts: 2

well if u look at the pic good enough the battery is in the back of the AT and it has a brake above the rear wheel so the problem isnt the wheel its the parts for the wheel just take a good look at the pic all the info for a basic wheel is there so we need no magnets

Post #50582 - Reply to (#49944) by Jay3205

3:51 pm, Sep 8 2007
Posts: 15

Quote from Jay3205
Are you sure there is a 30 mph difference? Most professional skaters can't even skate 30 mph, so I don't know how you'd calculate a 30 mph difference. Even going downhill, I've never heard of a 30 mph difference.
your right i was actually comparing the difference bearings making in street luge and I meant to say 30 km/h my bad sorry if that was confusing

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2:54 am, Sep 10 2007
Posts: 492

hello? anybody here?

Let's get Kickin' ...whatever that means
Post #51439

5:06 am, Sep 10 2007
Posts: 32

im here >_>
but im not very usefull
except recerch.....

Post #51443

5:42 am, Sep 10 2007
Posts: 40

good news and bad news

good news: i had my calculation all wrong, i forgot to add the wheel factor into the equation, so i'll come back to ya with new and lower requirement for the engine

bad news: i don't really have timne to do the calculation here cause every time i need a new formula i can't look it up on the net or the book, and i'm mostly guessing them till i can check them all in an afternoon at an internet cafe

be back with new numbers asap

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11:11 am, Sep 10 2007
Posts: 31

Im fucking stuck! argh, still working my fucking ass off, why does it have to be so freakin dificult!

well someone quoted me that i said "that i just needed a battery" and i did until it broke down, it was all to weak! sad

back to blueprints and so on!

*The new version of sierra*
Post #51563

4:19 pm, Sep 10 2007
Posts: 32

oh sorry
well good luck

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1:12 am, Sep 11 2007
Posts: 492

hey, relax kuoru. shit happens. tell us what exactly broke down. perhaps we can solve it together. oh yeah, watch your language. there maybe some underage kid lurking around the forums.

Let's get Kickin' ...whatever that means
Post #51771

2:30 am, Sep 11 2007
Posts: 40

share the blueprint plzzzz

i really want to see some cool blueprint. mine look like poop T_T

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3:08 am, Sep 11 2007
Posts: 15

I've always wanted to make my very own pair of ATs.
*sigh* right now its kinda hopeless for me cause i dont know anything (repeat, ANYTHING) about electronics.
(lol sounds kinda sad heh?)
but hey I've got. like what, 60 years left of my life? so i cheer you on and btw I've been keeping track of this thread since the beginning (now i sound like a stalker....the hell..?)

I'm studying all i can so good luck to you guys and keep going.
I have a feeling this is gonna work out.
And I'm never wrong.
...well, not very often anyway. ^_^

No, Neo, I am not your mother. Guess again.
Post #51794
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4:21 am, Sep 11 2007
Posts: 38

hmmm you guys are working your azzez off maybe I should try to make my own ATs. huh? or should I not

a.Art is Music.
g.Art is Art.
p.Art is Me.
Post #51820 - Reply to (#51776) by DragonANBU

5:21 am, Sep 11 2007
Posts: 32

Quote from DragonANBU
I've always wanted to make my very own pair of ATs.
*sigh* right now its kinda hopeless for me cause i dont know anything (repeat, ANYTHING) about electronics.
(lol sounds kinda sad heh?)
but hey I've got. like what, 60 years left of my life? so i cheer you on and btw I've been keeping track of this thread since the beginning (now i sound like a stalker....the hell..?)

I'm studying all i can so good luck to you guys and keep going.
I have a feeling this is gonna work out.
And I'm never wrong.
...well, not very often anyway. ^_^

welcome to the thred(as in posting)
all we ask is that u do ur best

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12:05 pm, Sep 11 2007
Posts: 492

hey guys. i think we should put a little ac system to our AT to atleast slow the over heating process.

here what i thought of:

we find a really smal motor for a small fan, don't have to be powerful, just to fit infront of the ATs, and we use small tubes to direct the wind from the fan to the engine.

so while we're moving, the small fan suck up the air infront of us, and blow it off on the other end of the tubes as in the engine.

i got this idea from Yoshitsune's regalia turbine system.

it just a thought though. is it possible or just a waste of battery power?

Let's get Kickin' ...whatever that means
Post #51918

1:01 pm, Sep 11 2007
Posts: 40

waste imho

we don.t have the engine yet so we don't really know if it'll overheat

engine first particulars later

i bought an awesome 4lt coke pack and i'll be doing an all night mystic experience to remember the power calculations that i studied last year

if an inca god visit me you'll have the numbers tomorrow

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