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Do you hate Shoujo?

Do you hate Shoujo?
I don't mind it
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7:39 pm, May 11 2009
Posts: 79

I don't hate the entire genre. I hate the stereotypes and the generic stuff though. There are some good ones, like everyone says, but there are a lot more bad shojos. But I think it's just like any other genre of manga. They're kind of all the same to me now... Each genre has their own stereotypes and good pieces. But some fluffy stuff is fun to read if you're super bored or sad or something. biggrin

Post #286975

7:56 pm, May 11 2009
Posts: 490

Not at all. I love worthless fluff...
Oh, and I suppose the nice cool ones too.

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7:58 pm, May 11 2009
Posts: 227

One thing is sure i don't like them !

But well i admit some hidden ones ( very well hidden ) are good, but hell the drawing is so horrible (most of the time ) and " so much original " it look almost alwas the same and The eyes! The eyes! That's some hard barrier to pass ! Not speaking of the story too.

Last edited by razornoir at 8:05 pm, May 11 2009

Post #286977
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8:01 pm, May 11 2009
Posts: 1975

if i hated shoujo i wouldnt be posting right now :]
but.!. i hate shoujos that are too cheesy and are just a load of poopiess.

Post #286982
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8:15 pm, May 11 2009
Posts: 181

some good some bad don't like most of them because story is the same only some variations are good i only read the good variations and ones with a story that is more interesting like love monster
vampire knight was good too but then it got too confusing and everybody looks the same...

the art needs to be good too if all the guys look the same and i get lost and then give up reading it

once u read one shoujo you basically read them all

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8:16 pm, May 11 2009
Posts: 123

Since I have read a few shoujo manga I thoroughly enjoyed, I would say, no. I just hate most male characters in shoujo titles which ultimately makes it pointless to read them.

Post #286985
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8:44 pm, May 11 2009
Posts: 838

I enjoy shoujo... But sometimes they get into my nerves when the girl feels so easy... when they have mixed feelings about two,three guys as if thats so normal biggrin makes me wonder if girls are really like that bigrazz. BTW.. Skip beat FTW bigrazz

Post #286992

9:10 pm, May 11 2009
Posts: 1762

I don't hate it, but I certainly don't love it either.

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9:11 pm, May 11 2009
Posts: 830

It really depends on the manga. I hate a lot of the romance shojo, especially slice-of-life stuff because it's so cliched and boring but the more supernatural and/or original shoujo I adore, like 07 Ghost, Boku no Hatsukoi wo Kimi ni Sasagu, Skip Beat, Vampire Knight, X, Angel Sanctuary, Let Dai, Count Cain etc. I think I read more shounen than shoujo though purely because I like fantasy, supernatural and action.

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9:13 pm, May 11 2009
Posts: 599

I really don't hate any genre. As long as the story keeps me entertained then I'm happy. :3

Post #286995 - Reply to (#232837) by Hermit-chan
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9:14 pm, May 11 2009
Posts: 245

Quote from Hermit-chan
But surprisingly, when I checked my Public reading list..most of the mangas in my reading list are SHOUJO-DRAMA-ROMANCE.. and I was like " O_____o"??

Same-ish. Then I looked at the number of them that were one-shots and I was like "oh, that's why."

Hm, I think it's cause I'm not the right demograph for it anymore. I liked it at the beginning but then just stopped caring about it. The stories are usually in high school too, along with all of the high school drama. I avoided that so there's no point in reading about it. none

"I've seen a look in dogs' eyes, a quickly vanishing look of amazed contempt, and I am convinced that basically dogs think humans are nuts." -John Steinbeck
Post #286998
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9:16 pm, May 11 2009
Posts: 156

most of it, yeah. i find it really annoying. and i hate romance, which a lot (or most) shoujo entails.



Quote from CuthienSilmeriel
It really depends on the manga. I hate a lot of the romance shojo, especially slice-of-life stuff because it's so cliched and boring but the more supernatural and/or original shoujo I adore, like 07 Ghost, Boku no Hatsukoi wo Kimi ni Sasagu, Skip Beat, Vampire Knight, X, Angel Sanctuary, Let Dai, Count Cain etc. I think I read more shounen than shoujo though purely because I like fantasy, supernatural and action.

same here.

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Last edited by Rainy Days at 9:29 pm, May 11 2009

Post #287001
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9:31 pm, May 11 2009
Posts: 437

I wouldn't say I hate it...
There's lots (and lots and lots) of crap shoujo, but every genre has its share of crap; shoujo just tends to have a bit more than its fair share. But there is good shoujo out there, so I couldn't say that I hate the whole genre (meaning, all of it), 'cause that wouldn't be true.
Now, for the details: The typical shoujo things that annoy me include but are not limited to the following: angsty romance, melodrama, pathetic characters or stock characters (like a whiny, lovey-dovey, wuss female or pervert/playboy male), most shoujo artwork (big, gaping, nasty, and otherwise hideously drawn eyes, body/arms/legs too thin and gangly, faces with the wrong shape, hands that are often very poorly done (especially for the males), not enough variety in character design, about a sixth of the time the characters are wearing ugly clothes, mouths completely white inside (it has to be in color to tell, but still, it's just plain creepy), characters that you can tell from context are supposed to be bishies but that are really ugly and nasty looking--a legitimate bishie is quite difficult to find in shoujo), horny or smutty stuff (so dull and so lame...), fornication or adultery treated as if there's nothing wrong with it, love triangles, too much sappiness or mushiness of emotions, and characters that are too easy to get or that are totally obsessed with/addicted to romance (aka hormone-happy). I'm not saying all shoujo manga contains all of those things, but they are things that annoy me that are commonly (much, much too commonly, unfortunately) found in shoujo.
Now, like I said, despite the many pitfalls that exist, there are shoujo manga out there that are good and quite enjoyable. Firstly, the artwork (very important!): good shoujo artwork should have a certain charm and lightness to the lineart, and an intricate subtleness that makes you admire it. It should have a story that's, well, like the artwork should be--charming, light, intricate, and subtle, and it should gently stir the emotions. Perhaps add a little romance or something. It's sort of difficult to describe, but you get the gist of it, I hope.
(BTW, if we're talking shoujo and another genre, say, tragedy, it should be adapted accordingly, but being careful to avoid the maladies I mentioned above.)

Last edited by lynira at 7:10 pm, Oct 28 2009

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Sweetly Macabre

9:36 pm, May 11 2009
Posts: 1005

Certainly not!
There is plenty of lousy shoujo, just like in any other genre. It doesn't make me love good shoujo manga less.

Post #287003

9:39 pm, May 11 2009
Posts: 522

All shoujo mangas seem to have the same art. I don't hate shoujo but I can't take the story serious if the art is overly cute. Shoujos I like are for example DN Angel, Superior, Karin,... The art in those shoujos isn't too cute and they have a good story.

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