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What is your view on Marriage?
I am between the ages of 18-25 and I am/plan on getting married
I am between the ages of 18-25 and I am not/do not plan on getting married
I am between the ages of 26-40 and I am/plan on getting married
I am between the ages of 26-40 and I am/do not plan on getting married
I am under the age of 18
I am over the age of 40 and am/do not plan on getting married.
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Post #547240 - Reply to (#221588) by tps2
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✯ Sarcastic

11:17 am, Apr 23 2012
Posts: 597

Circumstances and feelings decide what will happen.

Quote from tps2
Just to let it be know... I am the kind of guy who would propose kneeling down, oppening the ring case in her hand laugh

Which is the way it should be.

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Post #547246 - Reply to (#547240) by Seijurou
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his and her sonnet

11:44 am, Apr 23 2012
Posts: 1127

Quote from Seijurou
Quote from tps2
Just to let it be know... I am the kind of guy who would propose kneeling down, oppening the ring case in her hand laugh

Which is the way it should be.

hey, why not be a little more creative? bigrazz

Post #547249 - Reply to (#547246) by sarah-eats-cupcakes
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✯ Sarcastic

11:58 am, Apr 23 2012
Posts: 597

Quote from sarah-eats-cupcakes
hey, why not be a little more creative? bigrazz

XD lol ok, I'll give it to him. That was awesome, although it is not what I imagined. b

Last edited by Seijurou at 1:03 pm, Apr 23 2012

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2:47 pm, Apr 23 2012
Posts: 31

Quote from sarah-eats-cupcakes
hey, why not be a little more creative?

Quote from Seijurou
D lol ok, I'll give it to him. That was awesome, although it is not what I imagined. b

It's because of guys like them that people still feel charmed when they hear the word- 'marriage'. smile

After seeing so many divorce cases, one could easily give up on the idea of marriage.
But the breeze of romance is still capable enough to blow the negative feelings out of our heart & mind.

"Tell me my Lover, what you want from me?"

"I want your heart, and some kisses for free..."

- Hitsuji

Post #561663
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Blue Princess

10:46 pm, Jul 17 2012
Posts: 118

I plan on getting married in a few years. I just want to be free of family struggles for a little longer.
Also, my view on marriage is that ONLY a man and a woman, should get married. eyes

Other gender complexities - I say no to that. roll eyes

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11:44 pm, Jul 20 2012
Posts: 21

I may or may not get married. It depends if I find a guy who will (choose and I agree to) be my companion till death do we part. I’m 25, never been married and I’m fine with that. With so many opportunities for people today, I’m not surprised by the high percent of divorce. Many rush into marriage before they figure out what he/she really wants. A serious relationship always takes work; even when some don’t realize it.

For me at least, I see dating (mostly) as the way to see if two people really do like each other and are able AND willing to work on their relationship. After that Marriage is just one way for a couple to tell/show that they want, and are able and willing to stay in the relationship and is commented to it and one another till death.

Just cause one is single does not mean that he/she will be alone; as long I enjoy life with my loved ones, I’ll be happy.

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3:13 pm, Aug 22 2012
Posts: 38

Never had much use for the opposite sex beyond the biology. For the most part I can find better ways to waste my time then to commit myself to dealing with one of these people on a regular basis. Having an increasingly authoritarian government is bad enough. Why would want to exponentially increase my problems and distractions by having a woman (who invariably want to increase problems/distractions further by having children) around all the time? Not worth it. Not to me anyway.


10:19 pm, Aug 26 2012
Posts: 130

When I was younger I always believed that marriage was just a piece of paper or some half-hearted union that with its name caused humans to act like idiots. And at that point in time, I held the firm belief that anything that made someone idiotic was that itself.

In that I was half-correct. Marriage is nothing but a word used to describe those in legal union which may prove benefical. Emotional gratification or financial extortion. Whatever the case many proved themselves to act like pigs and abhored what seemed to be standard ethics. Those feelings were strong until I found that in my area, there is this thing called "common law marriage". It was created to protect the naive. For those that don't know (though I presume this to be widely known), common law marriage is when two individuals (man and women in most areas) give off the impression (probably through legal statement) that they intend to marry. At any point in time when that intent is broken, the rupture in the relationship will be treated as a divorce. Heaven forbid that those two had children.

I met a couple who underwent such a marriage and thought "they couldn't have been serious". Well, I was half-right. Yet again. One party had been serious albeit reluctant and scarred. They weeped their eyes out because of a mere promise with some fool that was sleeping around to begin with.

Marriage is an exaggerated promise containing more (verbal or written). Promises can and (sadly) will be broken from time to time. If you're not serious, don't get involved. Even if you're not legally "married", don't plan on it, or whatever, don't get involved if you can't keep one damn promsie. Relationships are more tricky than some given them credit for.

Would I get married? Yes. However, I wouldn't delude myself into thinking that something as flimsy as the word marriage would make it any more binding then the term "meaningful relationship".

Reasons? 1) don't want to be called a player. 2) I have a record for running away; it'd be a way to assure my partner that I'd come back. 3) Weddings are the only parties I can drink in without someone getting mad at me.

I like my men androgynous.
I like my women androgynous.
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8:02 pm, Dec 26 2012
Posts: 56

I want to marry...but I don't want to get married for the sake of being married...I want to get married to the person I love..the one who I want everyone to know is mine, the one who, after I find him...I don't want to be with anyone else...I want to share every happy moment with him and spend the rest of my life connected to him...Marriage is the most wonderful thing when you find the most wonderful person to do it with....Marriage will be a ball and chain if you marry someone who is always trying to tear you with the right person and be patient finding them

Post #581859
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Come and Go

1:21 am, Dec 27 2012
Posts: 399

Im already married, and Im married to the person I love...
And Im soo happy Im married to my wife. cool

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7:48 am, Jan 23 2013
Posts: 187

If possible, I want to polygamy.

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Post #586665 - Reply to (#561663) by Azula
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Demon Child

6:54 am, Feb 8 2013
Posts: 127

Quote from Azula
Also, my view on marriage is that ONLY a man and a woman, should get married. eyes

Other gender complexities - I say no to that. roll eyes


preemptive strike here
if all your gonna say is (the bible says so) i'm not interested in talking with you

the bible says alot like
piercings, tattoos, round haircuts,
eating shellfish, a woman talking back to a man
and a woman being in a position of over a man
are all in there and they all equal hell

Last edited by zeroINUGAMI at 4:33 pm, Feb 8 2013

Smiles Conceal Knives - Lynn Flewelling.
There is No Such Thing as BAD Words.
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7:30 pm, Sep 3 2013
Posts: 37

I do not want to get married....ever. I think, it's much more romantic to stay together without the chains/laws bound to you when you get married. And, if you should happen to grow apart, it's paperless/hassle free. Everyone says marriage is a commitment but who's to say you can't make such a commitment without getting married?! If I truly love someone, then I should trust them enough to believe that he will stay by my side regardless of the law and marriage. Heck, I think I'm more of a romantic than those girls who start planning their marriage at age 5 smile wink grin

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Mad With a Hat

6:29 am, Sep 4 2013
Posts: 4764

It's been almost exactly five years since I had first posted in this thread.
Wow, time does fly.
My opinion stays the same.
While I'm interested in a partnership, I see no reason in getting married since I will not have children.
Unless the situation calls for it (not sure what sort of situation, but whatever), I'm willing to sign the legal documents, but to me, marriage, especially the wedding part, is a pointless, money chugging affair.

To those who are against same-sex marriage with whose ilk I'm tired of fighting:
You are fools.
I hope you end up in loveless and abusive marriages.
There is no logic or point in your "disapproval", because it is already happening and all the hate is just ridiculous.
Who are you to say it is wrong for a person to get married to the person they love, be it a man or a woman? You are nobody.

Hrodulf and Bjornolfr, you will not be forgotten.
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manger le toupee

2:39 pm, Sep 7 2013
Posts: 306

28, not even thinking of marriage at this point in my life. Not anymore.

Also I wonder. If marriage is so bad, then why are so many same-sex couples fighting so hard to get it? Very confusing phenomenon indeed.

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