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Your first manga/anime

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6:37 pm, Oct 4 2008
Posts: 776

First manga was Fruits Basket. And I started actually reading manga WAY before I watched anime. Once I got serious, I started running out of manga to read which lead to me watching anime. My first anime was Ouran High Host Club...

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3:27 pm, Oct 13 2008
Posts: 44

it was salior moon or yugioh or card captor sakura....that happened back in like 2nd gradeconfused
and my first manga was card captor sakura

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5:08 pm, Oct 13 2008
Posts: 169

hmm... the first anime that i have seen was Doraemon.. it was always aired as a movie in our school during lunchbreak. but i didn't know that it was an anime. i was 5 or 6 yrs old at that time.
the time that i already know what an anime is, the first anime was Dragonball Z.

manga? at first, it was Naruto, but i didn't know then that there were other mangas as well. in fact that time i didn't know what a manga is. when i learned what a manga is, i could say the first one that i have read non-stop and finished it within 2 days was Suzuka.

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Post #214811
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5:18 pm, Oct 13 2008
Posts: 151

First anime: Sailor Moon / Pokemon... Butthat was way back and didn't really try to watch any of them, and didn't even know they were "anime".

Now once I've started watching proper animes it was Naruto / Ouran host club that I were more or less forced to watch at a friends house. Somewhat triggered my anime sences.

Manga: Hanazakari no Kimitachi e, managed to start off with a good one <3
(maybe Lilim Kiss, read both almost at the same time, but they're both nice)

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5:29 pm, Oct 13 2008
Posts: 591

first anime Dragon Ball first manga death note

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5:33 pm, Oct 13 2008
Posts: 166

anime: Kodocha (I don't count Sailor Moon...too mass produced XD)
manga: sad to say...Fruits Basket 0_0 but then Hana Kimi~

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5:52 pm, Oct 13 2008
Posts: 1310

Space Adventure Cobra

I was a kid, but that series rocked and made me discover how awesome the world of Anime was eyes

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Post #214837
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but why?

6:17 pm, Oct 13 2008
Posts: 20

First anime: Tetsuwa atom (Astroboy).
First manga:Love Hina

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Post #214838
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6:24 pm, Oct 13 2008
Posts: 12

I started watching anime long before I discovered tha world of manga
My first anime was Candy Candy o Magic Knight Rayearth, I don't really remember
But my first manga was Ranma 1/2, I was really curiosus about the end so I look for it, and then I discovered lots of others mangas, in English of course (I speak Spanish, but it didn't matter to me) and now I read more manga than watch anime biggrin

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Post #214846
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6:45 pm, Oct 13 2008
Posts: 173

First anime before I knew what anime was ( I was 3): Sailor Moon, followed by Pokemon and Digimon

First anime I realized was an anime: I'm not quite sure on this one, so I think I'm going to say Cardcaptors... but it just as well may have been Sailor Moon, or Visions of Esclaflowne

First Manga: erm... gosh... I can't quite remember. I think it was Absolute Boyfriend though... confused I'll come back to that one...

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Post #214853 - Reply to (#214838) by Kazeko
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Lord of nonsense

6:54 pm, Oct 13 2008
Posts: 1310

Quote from Kazeko
I started watching anime long before I discovered tha world of manga
My first anime was Candy Candy o Magic Knight Rayearth, I don't really remember
But my first manga was Ranma 1/2, I was really curiosus about the end so I look for it, and then I discovered lots of others mangas, in English of course (I speak Spanish, but it didn't matter to me) and now I read more manga than watch anime biggrin

Almost the same, my first one was Space Adventure Cobra, but I discovered the world of manga a little over a year ago eek

I am an Hispano parlante eyes

Now I read manga and pretty much stopped watching anime (an animated movie here and there, but Anime? not anymore) smile wink grin

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7:13 pm, Oct 13 2008
Posts: 1901

Manga - Either Angel Sanctuary or Death Note. I read them both at the same time, I finished Angel Sanctuary first... because Death Note wasn't finished yet.

My first anime was either RoboTech or Sailor Moon. I remember my brother and sister watching them every day after school, so I kind of got hooked on them really early. I have memories of Sailor Moon from when I was around 4 years old. eek

That's it. That explains EVERYTHING. If only I hadn't watched Sailor Moon so young...

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7:34 pm, Oct 13 2008
Posts: 17

Anime - absolutely no idea......i can't consider anything dubbed as anime because back then i wouldn't have known how to categorize it (and not all cartoons can be considered anime).......but if you're talking specifically about the first fully japanese/chinese/whatever anime i've seen...well i still couldn't tell you cause i started watching a bunch all of the sudden......probably naruto though....that was definitely in that group

Manga - Love Hina...saw a friend in my school reading one of the volumes and that kinda got me into it.....borrowed most of them from him

Post #215775
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5:10 pm, Oct 16 2008
Posts: 417

Anime - Dragonball; it was on the television when I was really young. I didn't know it was an anime, what time it was on, it's name (title of show) and what was going on. I only realized in hindsight after watching Dragonball Z when I was older that I had seen at least some of the prequel when I was younger --- an instance of déjà vu.

Manga - Again, Dragonball. This was after I started watching Dragonball Z (I was around 7-8 years old)

I don't recall when I learned the terms Anime and Manga... I knew what an anime by the time I was 9 but don't remember where or when I learned the term. I learned what manga was shortly after that... I used to think that manga typically came after anime [my bias was in favour of all film media over litterature (if you can call manga that...); I know I was a foolish child --- until I was 10 yrs old].

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Post #215777
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5:12 pm, Oct 16 2008
Posts: 183

1. Pokemon
2. Digimon
3. Dragon Ball Z
4. Sailor Moon (I hated that show so much when I first saw it, still dislike it).
5. I believe it was Vision of Escaflowne or another season of Digimon. I don't exactly remember.

That was when I didn't know the terms manga and anime. After I learned about manga and anime:

Manga: Marmalade Boy
Anime: Naruto

Then the obsession started.

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