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Believing in God

The Existence of God?
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Post #14372 - Reply to (#14371) by Zubz313
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9:52 am, May 12 2007
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Quote from Zubz313
Quote from chueisha
basically i have a lot of points to brought up but erm.... this forum is too mature for me that i have to be careful whatever i am going to say for now.

We can't even see what is right and what is wrong. You may think you can differ from right and wrong, but there is a lot of chance you might be doing this wrong but think it's right. By then, you blame god. I hate that, but i am also one of the people who do that eek

Your defintely right that especially in this forum setting that everything you and I say will be scrutinized. But If you would love to talk more about God or even your own experiences dealing with God. I would love to talk with you. I don't believe in stupid or pointless questions especially when dealing with God. I think the real crime is not asking at all.

That's why this topic is created.

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this is not about cannibalism...please get back on topic

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I think it is exactly the topic. I see nothing wrong.
Post #14373
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9:52 am, May 12 2007
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i know a good example for one, liquid_hell.

all my friends say milk taste good.
it taste seriously bad XP

if Adam and Eden did not defy god and listen to Satan and eat the apple.. we might have not be like this cruel right now. God will decide for us and everything, doesn't mean that we have no right to do anything. But you see, WHEN we have the right to do something, war starts up.

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Post #14374 - Reply to (#14373) by chueisha
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9:54 am, May 12 2007
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Quote from chueisha
i know a good example for one, liquid_hell.

all my friends say milk taste good.
it taste seriously bad XP

if Adam and Eden did not defy god and listen to Satan and eat the apple.. we might have not be like this cruel right now. God will decide for us and everything, doesn't mean that we have no right to do anything. But you see, WHEN we have the right to do something, war starts up.

On a recent article, it may be that Cow Milk is bad for humans. Logically, Cow milk is for Cow and Human milk is for Human. That's why I switched to Soy milk. biggrin

Also, if Adam and Eve did not eat the apple from the Tree of Knowledge, then we would be naive.

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Quote from you_no_see_me_
this is not about cannibalism...please get back on topic

Quote from Toto
I think it is exactly the topic. I see nothing wrong.
Post #14375
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9:55 am, May 12 2007
Posts: 246

@ liquid_hell
I'm not saying that you need to accept beauty as beauty and thats it blindly. I'm simply saying that the scientific thought can only take you so far. And when dealing with something so complex as God it takes something much more than that. I am definitely not knocking down science because thats actually my major but I think God is much more than anything humans could ever understand.

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9:55 am, May 12 2007
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I don't wanna discuss believing or not anymore, people will believe what they want to believe. So no matter what anyone says they won't change their mind so easily unless their conviction was weak. The christian religion as it today is a joke. A million denominations all trying to get their congregation's money. Church is bigbusiness now actually. I can't believe people are stupid enough to give a portion of their salary to the church. The church can manipulate its masses like blind sheep whereever it wants. So the church has become a bad shepard imo. Also religion now is becoming a trend look at celebrities. What's up with that? bigrazz

~~~the world it is a dyin'~~ so let's just enjoy the view~~~
Post #14378 - Reply to (#14377) by luisalirio84
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9:57 am, May 12 2007
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Quote from luisalirio84
I don't wanna discuss believing or not anymore, people will believe what they want to believe. So no matter what anyone says they won't change their mind so easily unless their conviction was weak. The christian religion as it today is a joke. A million denominations all trying to get their congregation's money. Church is bigbusiness now actually. I can't believe people are stupid enough to give a portion of their salary to the church. The church can manipulate its masses like blind sheep whereever it wants. So the church has become a bad shepard imo. Also religion now is becoming a trend look at celebrities. What's up with that? bigrazz

we're just discussing and all.. it's just something to fill your brain.. roll eyes but you can go if you want.

@Savantsage, yes... the first human pair and already ruined it for us.

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Post #14379 - Reply to (#14377) by luisalirio84
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9:58 am, May 12 2007
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Quote from luisalirio84
I don't wanna discuss believing or not anymore, people will believe what they want to believe. So no matter what anyone says they won't change their mind so easily unless their conviction was weak. The christian religion as it today is a joke. A million denominations all trying to get their congregation's money. Church is bigbusiness now actually. I can't believe people are stupid enough to give a portion of their salary to the church. The church can manipulate its masses like blind sheep whereever it wants. So the church has become a bad shepard imo. Also religion now is becoming a trend look at celebrities. What's up with that? bigrazz

Since when did the Church became corrupt? Since ancient times. Guess what Inferno is about. Dante put the past Pope in Hell. Yeah, it's true, read Inferno.

According to the male dominant society from the past, Eve ruined us all.

Gay book discussion thread
Quote from you_no_see_me_
this is not about cannibalism...please get back on topic

Quote from Toto
I think it is exactly the topic. I see nothing wrong.
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9:58 am, May 12 2007
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@chueisha Are you talking about the submission to fate? Do we forge our own fate even though God has created one for us?

I wanna pop a question (hopefully I don't get flamed) and it's just something I've been wondering: If God had created Adam and Eve, and he could tell the future and knew what would happen, why then did he create men who would destroy the world slowly? After all, he banished Eve from the Garden of Eden and forced her to pay for the sin of defying him. Is he not just making us live to pay for whatever had happened eons ago? The way I see it, death is the easy way out, and that's why we keep reproducing.

As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods,
They kill us for their sport
- King Lear, Shakespeare
Post #14381 - Reply to (#14369) by Zubz313
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9:59 am, May 12 2007
Posts: 563

Quote from Zubz313
Quote from SirGir
No prob, it's basically the same question repeated. The scientist would probably say, that based on the person's experiences in life, the person has come to believe a certain standard of "beauty". Person sees something matching that standard, and their brain releases pleasure chemicals. Or something like that.

Yeah the scientific mind set, doen't exactly leave much room for Faith. But its pretty clear especially in the Bible that it takes faith to recieve God. Hopefully I'm not coursing you into a debate that proves God, because I can't do that. But I will tell you that if What God is saying about our sin and his response to it is true. Don't you think that is worth finding out about.

Funny how a scientist would explain something with a scientific mindset... Don't worry, I won't debate all that.

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Post #14383
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10:00 am, May 12 2007
Posts: 2596

i don't know what my faith is and don't think i will ever know. All i know is that i will continue to live on until god want me to die. ^__^ Then another thing, if god doesn't want the human pair to eat the apple. And set it up that they won't eat it, then i don't think they would. Unless god set up the faith that they will eat it.

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Post #14384 - Reply to (#14377) by luisalirio84
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10:01 am, May 12 2007
Posts: 246

Quote from luisalirio84
I don't wanna discuss believing or not anymore, people will believe what they want to believe. So no matter what anyone says they won't change their mind so easily unless their conviction was weak. The christian religion as it today is a joke. A million denominations all trying to get their congregation's money. Church is bigbusiness now actually. I can't believe people are stupid enough to give a portion of their salary to the church. The church can manipulate its masses like blind sheep whereever it wants. So the church has become a bad shepard imo. Also religion now is becoming a trend look at celebrities. What's up with that? bigrazz

I think that the american church today certainly does create a negative vibe, but I hope you won't judge all chuches like that. The institution of the Church like I think I said in a previous post is for us. We need the church as place to seek refuge and gather for worship and fellowship. But it is also a way of completeing the Great Commision which is to proclaim the good news of Christ to the Whole world. That there is hope to our sin and that God has freed us from sin and death. Speaking in a worldly way thats not cheap. It costs money to send missionaries abroad and to run the church, and provied different services to the community. Although many churches in america do give off the scent of big business I hope you won't hold that image over other churches that are really trying to serve God and his people.

Post #14385 - Reply to (#14362) by luisalirio84
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10:01 am, May 12 2007
Posts: 87

Quote from luisalirio84
Yes believing in god is good. But what pisses me off is when people waste their time and money in churches and other institutions when the search for god should be something that an individual does for himself. I agree with lilchoconut and also Don't spend too much time trying to get into heaven while the here and now passes you by. Just live a morally good life and do what you think is right and if god is that teribble to judge you cause you didn't dedicate your entire life to him and go to church all the time then he's not that much of a god imo.

I totally agree with you.
I personnally don't believe in god but i don't pretend to hold the ultimate truth either. Morality doesn't need to rest on any religion, it's a matter of how you perceive good or evil, which is rather defined by your culture. And i consider religion to be a personnal issue (my parents come from two different religions, neither being really a fervent believer. But i still see them both as good people).
If believing in god, whichever it is, can give you hope, it's a good thing anyway.

Post #14387 - Reply to (#14383) by chueisha
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10:05 am, May 12 2007
Posts: 246

Quote from chueisha
i don't know what my faith is and don't think i will ever know. All i know is that i will continue to live on until god want me to die. ^__^ Then another thing, if god doesn't want the human pair to eat the apple. And set it up that they won't eat it, then i don't think they would. Unless god set up the faith that they will eat it.

Well I think a better word for Faith is trust. I don't think adam and eve trusted God's word when he told them not to eat from that tree. God is a perfect being unstained by sin. When we sin we seperate ourselves from God. We tell him that our way is better than his way. But we sometimes forget that God is not our enemy. He loves us very much. When a mother tells her child not to touch the fire, she does it out of love not to dominate over the childs will. Our God is our heavenly Father and he wants whats best and that sometimes means we need to humble ourselves and ask who knows better God of me?

Post #14389 - Reply to (#14379) by BoxBox
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10:07 am, May 12 2007
Posts: 1199

Quote from Savantsage
Since when did the Church became corrupt? Since ancient times. Guess what Inferno is about. Dante put the past Pope in Hell. Yeah, it's true, read Inferno.

According to the male dominant society from the past, Eve ruined us all.

Heh if you like dante's inferno you will like Paradise lost by john milton. Also purgatory scares me a little bit. hehe.

@chue I never said I was leaving chue I said I didn' wann discuss believing in god or not. I don't mind talking about religion I just don't wanna argue whether he exists or not. bigrazz

~~~the world it is a dyin'~~ so let's just enjoy the view~~~
Post #14390
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10:08 am, May 12 2007
Posts: 2596

i know a song that it said devil comes from heaven. it might be true because in satan case...

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