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Tragedies with a satisfying ending

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Post #562781
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8:49 pm, Jul 24 2012
Posts: 124

Well, not as in the tragedy genre, but a manga more on the sad side I guess, throughout the story. But either has a happy ending where the main chars are alive to some extend, or having their goals fulfilled and dying without regrets.

Basically, tearjerkers that won't have me on the verge of breaking my comp after finished reading. No meaninglessly dying. They die for a purpose, for an important purpose, if they have to. If not, LIVE DAMN IT! Of course paying the respective prices.

* No hateful heroine (useless crybaby heroine of the tragics/tsunderes that publically display obvious dislikes without reason/kind, aka naive heroine who pulls hind legs, including meaningless self sacrifice/selfish spoiled heroines who make you scream bitch)

* No ecchi

* No manhwa

* No hardcore yaoi

* Preferably nothing too cliched, or have horrible art

I take:
-chinese novels

Doesn't matter if it's scanlated or not, though preferably.

Anything, romance or not. Just good manga in general. Preferably something that'll last me for a decent time, and not just one or two volumes.

Post #562783
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9:02 pm, Jul 24 2012
Posts: 47

the first manga that come in mind, Ressentiment

Post #562785
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9:26 pm, Jul 24 2012
Posts: 238

maybe Winter Flowers? (oneshot manga)
Watashitachi no Shiawase na Jikan leaves an impression on you
that's all that i can think of..^^

Last edited by nezushi at 9:36 pm, Jul 24 2012

lιvιɴɢ ιɴ α yαoι woɴderlαɴd
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9:39 pm, Jul 24 2012
Posts: 312

Tragedy label
Renri no Eda, that definitely was a good one, someone repairs his mistakes.
Tsuki no Waltz, truly a different representation of love.
Koi Kyouku Sei, I personally like a bit more the story 2.
Tada, Kimi o Aishiteru, sad....
Heaven's Door (HONGOU Ranko)
Deep Love: Ayu no Monogatari series.
See You Again (IKE Junko)
Rec - Kimi ga Naita Hi
Dear Friends

Not tragedy
3 years, I really liked this one, a bit angsty. They have problems, but at the end they mature.
Kare no Aijou no Hakari, that's realist and bittersweet.
1/6000 Honesty, this is one of the best old-art style I've read.
Hajimari no Niina
Rakuen (Sakurakouji Kanoko)
Cherish, chapters 4-5

I rarely pick long works sad , but you'll have a good time with some of those.

Last edited by StephKuran at 9:57 pm, Jul 24 2012

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K-Indie ♥

4:28 am, Jul 25 2012
Posts: 566

They were mentioned before and are short, but first off I would also recommend Heaven's Door (HONGOU Ranko) and Kare no Aijou no Hakari. Aside from them, I think the following ones may be worth their while ...

* Mugen no Juunin - Mature, with beautiful art and a well-balanced storyline, which includes many different tragedies bound to the main characters and the characters they met on their path of revenge and guilt.

* Hakuji - A story with character growth and a special kind of closeness between the characters

* Basilisk - Again: A storyline, which is able to combine various tragedies and built up tension, even if there are some action scences and fantasy elements


* Bara no Hitomi wa Bakudan and Touch Me Again - They are both by YAMASHITA Tomoko and just like Illumination (also a dramatic and sad story) made me think a while about them.

"It's like love is a bonus in your life. Even without it, I'm just fine. I don't feel like pointlessly searching for it. You don't have to make yourself unhappy." (Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji)

"Why does it rain?" - "To create drama." (Drops (Andou Yuki))
Post #562847

6:38 am, Jul 25 2012
Posts: 12

Hmm... maybe Basara?

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8:13 am, Jul 25 2012
Posts: 830

Banana Fish - This is the most heart breaking, captivating, inspiring, and fulfilling manga I have ever read. I've re-read it dozens of times, and it never fails to get boring. Don't let the art put you off (I let it put me off for ages and regretted it once I started to read). The ending is so perfect and beautiful, not happy, but any other ending would have seemed forced, so it is satisfying. Seriously, read this manga.

Sanctuary - This is also a very good manga, a little more graphic than Banana Fish, and not as realistic in my mind (the main characters are very optimistic and prone to inspiring monologues, but that may just be because they are politicians and that's what politicians do), still the story is very touching and, again, the ending is perfect. My main problem with this manga is the degrading way it depicts women, but the story is good enough that that flaw doesn't make me want to put it down.

Let Dai - This is very very beautiful, even if the plot is not as action filled at the above. This is about friendship crossing the boundry into love (though whether the main characters actually become lovers or not is very open to intepretation on the reader's part). The ending isn't quite as good as the two previously mentioned,
Spoiler (mouse over to view)
mostly because of the sudden introduction of some mystery character which really wasn't neccessary in my mind.
Still, it is quite satisfying, given the rest of the story, and this manga is most definitely tragic.

Shounen Zanzou - This is a yaoi, but not hardcore I don't think. Sex is almost a by product rather. This is a very moving tale about a young prostitute with a terribly sad ending but I honestly couldn't think of a better way to end it. Anything else would pale in comparison and be at odds with the tone of the story.

Confession (Kawaguchi Kaiji) - A hair raising, I'm-on-the-edge-of-my-seat short manga about two guys trapped up a mountain in a blizzard with a terrible secret. I'm not sure if this is as tragic as you like, but it a good read when you don't fancy a long manga, but still want something deep, and profoundly sad in a way, but leaves you fulfilled.

Kanojo no Namida ga Yuki da Toshitara - A little lighter, but still good, this one is about a young couple who's intended fairytale relationship doesn't go to plan. It is short, sweet, a little sad, but has a brilliant ending and is just adorable to read. This one will make you go "awww, what a shame" rather than "That was just so beautiful *sobs*" Read it to prevent any wrist slitting after the terrible tradegies when happy, perky mangas won't do. (Sometime happy is irritating).

Vampire Juujikai - If you don't mind fantasy and extended flashbacks, you should definitely read this. I don't even know where to start, everyone in the manga has a sad story to tell, and the ending... *sigh.*.... it defies words. After Banana Fish, I think this is my highest recommendation.

Angel Sanctuary - It's been a few years since I read this, it was one of my first ever manga so my memory is a little hazy, gomen! I do know that the trials this young couple has to go through are immense, add in the backstories of all these hevenly and hellish beings, each with their own agendy and you get a complex, tragic, gorgeous story with, from what I can remember, an absolutely brilliant ending. Just the right amounts of hope and sorrow feature. I will admit that Setsuna can be a little too much like your typical shounen hero at times, but it's bearable.

Houkago Hokenshitsu - Again, it's been a while, but the setting for this manga is a dream world for troubled teens, so, as you can imagine, there are plenty of tearjerking tragic stories to get your eyes watery. The ending is a surprising twist, but one which works well. It does seem to be a very marmite ending, however, in that people either love it or hate it. I'm on the former's side.

ES - A little lighter again, bit much more morally grey when it comes to ethics. By the end you won't be sure who to root for, and the ending will tug at those heartstrings, guranteed. My only complaint is that this wasn't a little longer, so it's harder to make a connection with the characters. That's just me though, if you're the type to get emotionally attached easily, you'll love this. |

Cut - Two troubled teenage boys, each with their own story to tell, unexpectedly come together. This is one of the few Yaoi's I really enjoy. Even though there is 1 scene (I think) of BDSM, it is not about graphic sex, but about the damaged teen's story, so I wouldn't call it hardcore at all. The ending to this is just beautiful in it's simplicity.

That's all I can think of for now, hope this helps.

The pen is mightier than the sword...and considerably easier to write with.
Post #562903
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2:56 pm, Jul 25 2012
Posts: 250

+1 for Banana Fish, Basara, Angel Sanctuary, and Houkago Hokenshitsu

Cross Game

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Post #562911
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5:03 pm, Jul 25 2012
Posts: 184

I checked your lists and you haven't read Fullmetal Alchemist... So go! Run! Read it!

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12:05 am, Jul 26 2012
Posts: 1439

Vitamin (SUENOBU Keiko) -- Wonderful. Really really good...

Not Simple -- I was pretty sad when I finished the story initially, but the epilogue really helped a lot.

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