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How do you take care of your manga?

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10:33 pm, Sep 21 2010
Posts: 227

so do you just read it and throw it around or do you read it and just put it on the shelf? or do you take it one step further and put plastic bags around each one and put it behind a cupboard? Also do you purposely put your shelf out of the suns way to avoid sun bleach? I personally read it and put in on the shelf but my shelf is right in front of a window. Does it really matter that much?

Last edited by bloodstainx at 10:44 pm, Sep 21 2010

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Current Favorite:Seishun For-get!
Manga That Needs More Attention: S Senjou no Tena
Post #408684
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10:40 pm, Sep 21 2010
Posts: 75

Read it, re read it and when not being read put on a shelf.
Plastic cover? nope never, it was meant to be read not to be collected so i'll treat it not as a fragile object, but rather as a normal book.

Need a loving and lovely tsundere wife, anyone interested? >.<

On second thought yandere would also be fine.... O.O

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Post #408690
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11:08 pm, Sep 21 2010
Posts: 76

I put mine on the shelf. I have a lot, so my shelves are heavy with manga. I picked up Honey and Clover Volume 1 this morning so I could re-read it on the train, and noticed how yellow the pages had become. The shelf were the volume lived, was once in our study, where boys would smoke and play poker most weekends. That particular shelf used to be near a window that sometimes got sun in warm weather. The shelf is now in a dark room, in a strict NO SMOKING INSIDE PLEASE!! policy house. *Sigh* I wish I could turn back time...the art in Honey and Clover is so pretty and the paper seems more fragile than it once was. Maybe it's my imagination!?!
Yellow pages make me sad sad But used up, beat up manga just means love to me lol, weird standard huh?

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Post #408692 - Reply to (#408690) by deelink
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11:12 pm, Sep 21 2010
Posts: 75

Quote from deelink
I put mine on the shelf. I have a lot, so my shelves are heavy with manga. I picked up Honey and Clover Volume 1 this morning so I could re-read it on the train, and noticed how yellow the pages had become. The shelf were the volume lived, was once in our study, where boys would smoke and play poker most weekends. That particular shelf used to be near a window that sometimes got sun in warm weather. The shelf is now in a dark room, in a strict NO SMOKING INSIDE PLEASE!! policy house. *Sigh* I wish I could turn back time...the art in Honey and Clover is so pretty and the paper seems more fragile than it once was. Maybe it's my imagination!?!
Yellow pages make me sad sad But used up, beat up manga just means love to me lol, weird standard huh?

Nope, it does makes sense, books meant to be read not kept as paper weight. The most u can achieve with books is to read and reread it, and that will make the pages turn yellow most of the time, but yellow pages means good books being read by the right person, so all in all a good pairings and usefull possesions. And yeah manga is also a book.

Need a loving and lovely tsundere wife, anyone interested? >.<

On second thought yandere would also be fine.... O.O

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Post #408708
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1:31 am, Sep 22 2010
Posts: 1050

read it. Re read it when theres an urge for it. Selfrule: never open them too wide. Put them back after finnished.
Put them on the shelf. Selfrule: lay them down on top of each other, not standing up. Put them accordingly. Different title, different stack.
No plastic bag used. Clean dust weekly usually at the same time to clean up the room

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1:45 am, Sep 22 2010
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I love keeping them in great condition! I use bookmarks (if necessary) as much as possible, and after I finish reading them, I return them back into my bookshelf so that they don't randomly go missing or get tossed around. For my bookshelf, I placed it in a corner of my room that will never get sunlight, and also, I made the bookshelf with doors so that dust doesn't enter. So far, the books look like the condition I bought them in, which makes me pretty happy. :3

Post #408711
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1:49 am, Sep 22 2010
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Mine are all in a shelf underneath my radio. It's basically a big black box with a shelf at the top for CD's, shelf for the radio underneath it then 3 more shelves underneath that for the manga.
I'm running out of space to put them all there though. I like mine in order and there's not enough room for me to keep adding more volumes to the same series. I wont stop buying them though. I'll just think of something when I do actually run out of room laugh
I'd like to think that all my manga are in good condition. After I read it, it goes back in the shelf. I never leave them lying around.

Post #408713
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1:53 am, Sep 22 2010
Posts: 150

yeah i don't do much i just try to keep them up on a bookshelf and keep them out of places that they could get wet. I have always liked the way books look when they get older they become tattered and the color changes and it just shows how good it is that it has seen so much use and i think it gives the pages more meaning and invokes a type of nostalgia for me, unless it becomes so bad that you can no longer read it that is just bad news.

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Post #408716
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2:02 am, Sep 22 2010
Posts: 1021

I keep most of them on shelves, but I get lazy and have about two dozens of them lying all over the place in my room...

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5:24 am, Sep 22 2010
Posts: 364

kept in shelf where I can easily reach it anytime I want to reread it.....sometimes, I put my favourite series and volume beside my bed.My bedtime story..... biggrin

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7:49 am, Sep 22 2010
Posts: 227

so how long does it take for paper to turn yellow?

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Current Favorite:Seishun For-get!
Manga That Needs More Attention: S Senjou no Tena
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8:07 am, Sep 22 2010
Posts: 81

They are in random piles that threaten to topple every time I walk past, along with some of my other books.

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Post #408795

8:40 am, Sep 22 2010
Posts: 490

I stow mine in Shoe Boxes. Lots of shoeboxes. In a walk-in closet.

Post #408796 - Reply to (#408787) by bloodstainx
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8:42 am, Sep 22 2010
Posts: 3457

Quote from bloodstainx
so how long does it take for paper to turn yellow?

Google it

Post #408797 - Reply to (#408762) by xxkuroxx
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8:48 am, Sep 22 2010
Posts: 672

Quote from xxkuroxx
kept in shelf where I can easily reach it anytime I want to reread it.....sometimes, I put my favourite series and volume beside my bed.My bedtime story..... biggrin

I do that too! laugh But I also store mine in boxes because I only have one bookshelf. I can't afford anymore.

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