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Best online mmorpg for pc?

What's the best online mmorpg for pc? (only a few listed)
Grand Chase
World of Warcraft
Ran Online
Diablo II
Some other thing I didn't list.
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Post #210362

11:55 am, Oct 2 2008
Posts: 180

Warhammer Online is the best one. You can play casually and still get the feeling that you accomplished something. no pointless grinds and stuff you lvl by doing RvR

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A bomb!

2:50 pm, Oct 2 2008
Posts: 479

I woud never change from wow. Always liked PVE over PVP. and who cant love to ride the coolest mounts you can find in any MMORPG

Post #210420 - Reply to (#202622) by shaggievara
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2:59 pm, Oct 2 2008
Posts: 347

Quote from shaggievara
Granado Espada and World of Kung Fu aren't even up there.

And really, those are the only ones worth playing.

As far as free games go World of Kung Fu is awesome. In my opinion its like a more fun to play version of like guild wars. xP

But other than that WoW is king. Not even that fun anymore, but still better than everything else I've played, and I've played a bunch.

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Post #210548
Nicotine addict

2:41 am, Oct 3 2008
Posts: 183

That's highly subjective, but anyway... World of Warcraft bigrazz

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12:27 am, Dec 7 2008
Posts: 257

My favorite mmo ever? Everquest. The first one. Before it got completely end-game I mean. So...quite a few years ago, back when there were very few mmos to compete with it *sigh* also, Diablo's good...currently I've found WoW to be to my liking, I can only seem to stay with one of those free ones for about 15 levels before it feels like one big generic grind session.

Post #235895
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4:11 am, Dec 9 2008
Posts: 73

Im glad World of Warcraft made it to the highest votes. that is a classic mmorpg. its one of them mmorpg's that doesnt require too much grinding. compared to korean ones. and wel if ppl r lookin for non grind games... then its MMO not MMORPG(no role playing=nogrind). and there is tons out there. for me.. i enjoy Warcraft 3 no grind there.. just pure skills biggrin and tons of fun.. even DOTA. biggrin but WOW still the top mmorpg for me biggrin

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Post #235896

4:16 am, Dec 9 2008
Posts: 13

I'll send my pitch in a slightly different direction. Try Atlantica online, it's free and to be honest, quite interesting.

Other than that, I'm playing Warhammer Online though I'm in a hiatus right now waiting for the Blackguard to come out.

Post #235905

4:45 am, Dec 9 2008
Posts: 6

dota allstars....

seriously ragnarok especially when they introduce free-to-play server(official & legit)...


Stay SIC
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11:49 am, Dec 4 2009
Posts: 9026

Polite bump.

I suppose World of Warcraft since it has such a huge fanbase? I never even played it nor do I have the desire to do so. :]

source: animenewsnetwork

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Post #339619
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4:29 pm, Dec 4 2009
Posts: 378

mmm, poll needs an update. No Warhammer, AgeOfConan, EVEonline, Aion, Guildwars.

For me playing with friends Ragnarok online was the most fun. WoW was the biggest dissapointment, it was great at first but really turned bad over the years with the changes made. Feature wise I think WAR stands at the top of my list. So much great stuff about that game be it the graphics, TomeOfKnowledge, lore or acheivements.

I supose it comes down to the consumer, to each his own eh?

Post #340742
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9:07 am, Dec 9 2009
Posts: 37

The best one was Silkroad. Until the huge amount of bots came.

Recently I played Sword of the New World (it's the same as Granado Espada). Worth playing, but not many players which is a real shame.

These 2 are the only ones I played much. Both are free and have nice graphics (especially SOTNW).

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Ore... SANJOU!

9:04 am, Dec 11 2009
Posts: 210

Yes, my favourite MMO! Coolest weapon system, and you not only level up character levels, but grade levels as well, ah, it's great fun!

And Ragnarok Online
It's a little older but it's great fun, a MASSIVE world to explore, all kind of plots, quests, and the MOST different jobs to choose from I've ever seen in an MMO.

Other fun ones:
Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine

Last edited by Sleepy_Sheepy at 9:10 am, Dec 11 2009

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Post #344696 - Reply to (#235895) by gahno
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5:29 am, Dec 27 2009
Posts: 974

Quote from gahno
Im glad World of Warcraft made it to the highest votes. that is a classic mmorpg. its one of them mmorpg's that doesnt require too much grinding. compared to korean ones. and wel if ppl r lookin for non grind games... then its MMO not MMORPG(no role playing=nogrind). and there is tons out there. for me.. i enjoy Warcraft 3 no grind there.. just pure skills biggrin and tons of fun.. even DOTA. biggrin but WOW still the top mmorpg for me biggrin

actually if you really played WoW, there are grinds like honor/arena point, pve gears, reputations, golds. But its so much fun so that ppl dont feel like they are grinding. I mean when I played BG with my cow ele shaman its like pew pew the whole day.

even though there are some inbalances between classes, WoW still lot better at balancing their game or the dev are actually trying. Unlike those korean where 1-2 class outshined any other making those 6-7 hardcore grind pointless once you know your class is underpowered.

and also WoW has the best customer service, my bro was hacked got all his char deleted, after sending a ticket just like in 3h a GM replied and fixed the problem, he got all his chars back just like before hacked without losing a single gold and items. Thats what I call good service.

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1:39 am, Dec 30 2009
Posts: 283

Ragnarok...I play since it free play....also when need to buy point....stop for a while then still obsess with ragnarok.... laugh

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5:27 pm, Jan 3 2010
Posts: 85

Long time since I put my heart and soul into an MMO, but my favorite was WoW when I was younger. So I'll just go with that.

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