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Remove the 1-rating votes

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Post #136301
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8:54 am, Mar 8 2008
Posts: 173

The purpose of rating is suppose to give you a fair view on the quality of the rated in question. That's what I believe anyway, and I think it should be the same with manga.

What I suggest is to remove all the 1-ratings for all series. Just to be clear, the 1 option and rating will still be there, but the votes would be reset to zero.

Now before flaming this hear me out.

Take the example of the currently highest rated manga Claymore. If you look at the ratings you'll see a high amount of 10, 9, 8 & 7.
6-2 ratings is almost non-existent, but the 1-rating has a considerable amount of votes.
Obviously this is going to throw the rating system off, because do anyone honestly believe that Claymore deserves 1, let alone any manga whatsoever?

But isn't this kind of unethical? Isn't rating a subjective thing? Shouldn't people have the freedom to give the rating they want without someone changing it for them?

All these are valid questions and I agree to an extent. Ratings are obviously subjective, but you also have the responsibility to be partially objective, if not completely.
Think about it this way. If everyone voted 10 for the manga they like and 1 on the ones they don't like, then the whole voting system would fail.
I think most 1-ratings are from people who read the first chapter/volume only, decided that they didn't like it and gave it a 1.
That's obviously not objective and the voting system is better of without them to give a proper representation of the manga. Or do anyone honestly believe it deserved 1?

If someone strongly feels that the manga were indeed so horrible that it does deserve a 1, then they are welcome to re-rate it again.
But for now I suggest to purge the 1-ratings on all the manga.


Post #136303
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8:57 am, Mar 8 2008
Posts: 555

I feel the same about a 10 score so yeah... People are too liberal with their 10 scores too.

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Local Prig

9:13 am, Mar 8 2008
Posts: 1899

I think the ratings system is largely inconsistent. Obviously, you aren't going to want to continue reading something that you don't like, or look for the type of material you don't like, so lower ratings are going to be less frequent. Additionally, people have a natural tendency to not want to say that something is bad unless they really didn't like it. As a result, ratings like 7 and 8 are treated closer to average and 5-6 is treated as bad, which isn't really an accurate reflection.

I agree that 10s and 1s are probably given too liberally, but people are entitled to like or dislike things as they want. Even if you were to change the system so that ones wouldn't add in, the ratings would likely shift to twos. If someone doesn't like something, it'll still get rated lower, regardless of how many chapters they read.

I'm sorry, I think I meandered a bit too much there, I'm really tired right now and I'm honestly not making the sense I should be.

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9:40 am, Mar 8 2008
Posts: 475

It narks me when i see people voting 1. I honestly feel users doing this should be banned off forum.

Post #136325 - Reply to (#136303) by Hostile
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9:47 am, Mar 8 2008
Posts: 409

Quote from Hostile
I feel the same about a 10 score so yeah... People are too liberal with their 10 scores too.

Exactly, especially when the manga hasn't even been translated yet, or there's only a chapter or two out for it. How is that helpful in any way, shape or form?

Granted, they could be reading the original version, but somehow I don't think so (and if they are, they should at least leave a quick comment to let you know this).

Post #136338 - Reply to (#136321) by reanimated838uk
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10:03 am, Mar 8 2008
Posts: 356

Quote from reanimated838uk
It narks me when i see people voting 1. I honestly feel users doing this should be banned off forum.

Mmm... if voting 1s could get you banned, then there shouldn't be an option to vote for 1s. And if there was no option to vote for a 1, then it shouldn't even be counted in the ratings, and the ratings should go from 2-10. Then people will start voting for 2s =/

As I see it, if a series is popular enough, there will always be a few people who will be like "This series is too hyped, I can't stand anything that gets more attention than me!" and vote really low on it without really having read it. But, these people are usually a minority, and after a few hundred votes, really don't make much of an impact on the score.

Post #136372

10:29 am, Mar 8 2008
Posts: 106

I feel the same about a 10 score so yeah... People are too liberal with their 10 scores too.

I agree with Hostile. If you're going to purge the ones then why not purge the tens? They're just as biased. No manga can possibly be one hundred percent perfect (99.98% yes but not 100%). It's just not possible, since humans made it. Therefore, tens must be too subjective. For that matter, why even have a rating system where members can affect the voting? Why not just let the staff set the ratings themselves?
For that matter, why allow people with differing views of how good the manga is get
in? Why not just make it a set rating?
Yes, people can have read the manga if it isn't on the internet. Yes, they can understand Japanese or Chinese (no Chinese isn't the original language for manga but there are many manga in Chinese before they're scanlated/translated). If people didn't understand Japanese do you honestly think any of the manga would be scanlated/translated, ever?
Banning members that vote for 1 shouldn't be allowed, ever!! But if it is allowed then the members that vote for 10 should also get banned, what a great way to trick people whom you don't like into getting banned. But, they'll probably just make new accounts once they've learned their lesson.
There are extreme people, history teaches us that. So, their opinions can be extreme, too. Thus, the ones and tens. We shouldn't just purge one side. It's like saying, "radicals are fine but reactionaries are bad so the reactionaries should be purged."
No one has enough time to read all the manga out there.

There are perfectly justifiable 1 ratings.
a. The scans were so horrible the reader couldn't go on. (not the mangaka's fault but come on, quality does affect it in the end)
b. The plot was way too generic, and it didn't have any quirks to differentiate it from the other manga. (same can be applied to regular books, and is)
c. The artwork didn't suit the reader's taste, so, well, the reader couldn't get past the first chapter. The first chapter is supposed to get the reader hooked, at least that's what my teachers tell me about the first sentence of my essay. The same can be applied to the first chapter of a regular book. The justification, "if you didn't read past the first chapter you don't have the right to rate it" is wrong; it's a simple number that doesn't have details. In my opinion they shouldn't be able to argue for or against it (like in a review, if you really, really want to restrict people's rights) if they hadn't read past the first chapter because they honestly don't know the story enough.
True, no manga truly deserves a 1 considering the mangaka put so much work into it and the publisher thought it was good. But, we're not editors. Not everyone thinks every author is good. We're just the normal populous. Our jobs aren't to review manga (imagine the job smile )
Edit edit:
How is that helpful in any way, shape or form?

Granted, they could be reading the original version, but somehow I don't think so (and if they are, they should at least leave a quick comment to let you know this).

It's helpful because it tells the groups whether that manga is worth scanlating.
No matter how quick a comment is it doesn't compare to the quickness of a rating.

Last edited by ippy at 10:42 am, Mar 8 2008

Post #136430 - Reply to (#136301) by RilleL
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11:59 am, Mar 8 2008
Posts: 752

Quote from RilleL
Obviously this is going to throw the rating system off, because do anyone honestly believe that Claymore deserves 1, let alone any manga whatsoever?

Funny how you complained that 25 people voted 1 for Claymore and you didn't about the 403 that voted 10.

Do anyone honestly believe that Claymore deserves 10, let alone any manga whatsoever?

338 persons voted 10 for Bleach, and 333 for Naruto. Don't make me laugh.

All the people that vote perfect 10s for the manga they like harm the system way more than the people that vote 1s (because there are like 15 times more people that give away 10s than the people that rate 1s)

Quote from RilleL
Think about it this way. If everyone voted 10 for the manga they like and 1 on the ones they don't like, then the whole voting system would fail.

Actually, that would make the system simpler and more accurate than the one right now.

If you only have two options: "like it" and "don't like it" you know what to expect from the ratings. The better the result, the more the people that liked that manga; a worse result, less people liked that manga.

While now, you don't know what to expect from the raitings:

-Some people vote 10 when they like the manga and 1 when they don't.
-Other people vote 10 when they like the manga and 7 when they don't, because they are "nice"
-Other people are harder and vote 8 for the manga they like and 5 for the manga they don't like.
- Other people try to be more objective

You just don't know what to expect.

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Post #136473 - Reply to (#136430) by MajorMarmot
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12:56 pm, Mar 8 2008
Posts: 173

You guys have made some interesting points. Let me try to justify some of my thoughts.

Obviously, most 10 ratings are overated, but it's still closer to the "actual" rating the manga deserves.
In the ends, it's not the individual ratings that matters, but the average. Voting 1 instead of 10 have a much larger impact on the average score.
We can also look at it this way.
The better the manga, the closer the "peak" is to 10. But as it is now, some manga looks like this:
10: ----------------------------

This is very strange from a statistic point of view. In fact, if this were a public poll or a laboratory experiment, the people in change would assume something went wrong because of this abnormal result.

I have to repeat that my suggestion would not force someone to not vote 1. It's merely a way to ensure that people really feels that the manga deserves it. After all the 1-votes have been purge, they can still vote 1 again. With this I hope that only those that really believe it should be 1 vote 1. It's the same principle when MU wants to confirm when you try to change something in the descriptions ect because those who are not serious "shouldn't" go through the trouble otherwise.

Quote from MajorMarmot
Quote from RilleL
Think about it this way. If everyone voted 10 for the manga they like and 1 on the ones they don't like, then the whole voting system would fail.

Actually, that would make the system simpler and more accurate than the one right now.

If you only have two options: "like it" and "don't like it" you know what to expect from the ratings. The better the result, the more the people that liked that manga; a worse result, less people liked that manga.

I disagree. For instance, those with a generally high score would get even higher. I'm pretty sure that those who voted 8 or 7 would say that they liked the manga. Thus you're basically moving every vote from 6-9 to 10, giving it a much higher score.
The opposite apply for series with lower score. "Bad" manga that you'd give a lower score otherwise would get a 1 instead.

Also, with a numbering system you can take in different things. Maybe the story sucked, but the art was good? So maybe the score would be lowered from 8 to 6?
If you only have thumbs-down or thumbs-up, then you have to vote on wether you liked it or not. But how do you decide that?
If we take the aforementioned example, with bad story with good art, it generated a lower score. But what do you do with only two options? Do you vote to completely dislike it or absolutely love it?

The purpose of this suggestion is to give the manga in MU a more "correct" average score that reflects the view of this community. This is to be achieved by removing all the 1 votes to get a clean start.

Those who have some understanding on how "average" in math works should understand why the current votes demonstrated above by the psuedo-image is not supposed to look like that.
In fact, if we use the same example, then the 2-ratings should be more than the 1-ratings, 3-ratings should be more than the 2-ratings ect up to 10.

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1:11 pm, Mar 8 2008
Posts: 641

If you want a clean start, then why not just do a complete wipe?
Removing only the 1 stars will be the real injustice in terms of getting accurate sampling from the community.

Note that the community doesn't think like you, nor do they have to like the same things as you do. The graph is nice and all but why not present the actual numbers with it? Or the series that it's representing? Not to mention it's also rated by a very limited amount of people compared to the world, so nowhere are you ever going to get the "actual" ratings you claim it should. If the series can't even achieve a "normal" rating then you feel it MUST be the fault of the voters? Sad to say that people don't vote because they don't know anything, since if they don't, they wouldn't put the effort into voting in the first place.

If the 1s are wiped and people go back to update their ratings (which they can already do), it would bring things back to the same results. People who dislike it will dislike it, if one chapter is enough to disuade them from reading further then that is valid enough in not appealing to certain people.

People CAN update their ratings already, removing the 1 ratings seems pointless other than to sooth your own personal view on the series. Any series can be popular but also hated for the exact same reasons, you don't represent the world, the world represent the world.

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Post #136489 - Reply to (#136301) by RilleL
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1:13 pm, Mar 8 2008
Posts: 310

Quote from RilleL
Think about it this way. If everyone voted 10 for the manga they like and 1 on the ones they don't like, then the whole voting system would fail.

Well that IS what 90% of people do.
Not much you can do about it.

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1:13 pm, Mar 8 2008
Posts: 347

this "problem" if you want to call it that is only because people like a series so much they cant understand why anyone would hate it. Don't like this idea at all.

Can't read >_<
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1:16 pm, Mar 8 2008
Posts: 2126

I don't think so.

I love the 1. If I really hate something and want other people to know it, then instead of not rating it nothing at all, then I give it a 1. Most useful, it is.
So, I want to keep the 1 rating.

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Post #136498 - Reply to (#136495) by Dragonfiremule
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1:21 pm, Mar 8 2008
Posts: 641

Quote from Dragonfiremule
I don't think so.

I love the 1. If I really hate something and want other people to know it, then instead of not rating it nothing at all, then I give it a 1. Most useful, it is.
So, I want to keep the 1 rating.

The topic creator is asking to remove the votes from the 1 ratings, not to eliminate the 1 rating option.
So basically RilleL just wants to ignore the people that voted 1s because they're wrong.

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Post #136505 - Reply to (#136498) by greydrak
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1:29 pm, Mar 8 2008
Posts: 2126

Quote from greydrak
Quote from Dragonfiremule
I don't think so.

I love the 1. If I really hate something and want other people to know it, then instead of not rating it nothing at all, then I give it a 1. Most useful, it is.
So, I want to keep the 1 rating.

The topic creator is asking to remove the votes from the 1 ratings, not to eliminate the 1 rating option.
So basically RilleL just wants to ignore the people that voted 1s because they're wrong.

That doesn't make sense. No one who votes can be either right or wrong. Its all a matter of personal opinion.

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