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Shoujo manga with ugly/bad art

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5:27 pm, Jun 20 2010
Posts: 1036

Skip Beat!. Sure, I love the story, but the art isn't easy on the eyes...

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5:56 pm, Jun 20 2010
Posts: 333

Girl in heels

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Fruit Salad

9:01 pm, Jun 20 2010
Posts: 1353

Anything by Minami Kanan or similar type of art (not that I remember them). dead

Post #386972
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Such a tiny dream.

10:03 pm, Jun 20 2010
Posts: 106

xD Uwah, all of this is so controversial. I only label art as "bad" when it is extremely unpleasant to the eye, if you are talking about anything being un-anatomically correct then all manhwa are "ugly", as well as most manga.
I generally focus on intent; you cannot judge abstract work the same as you would realism. smile

The only thing that immediatly comes to mind in my opinion is anything by TORIKAI Akane (from what I've seen); the art is sloppy (lines are very... wriggly) and the characters are not anatomically correct though they were intended to be.
The coverart for her work always looks okay (what few there are), maybe even pretty but I'm talking about the actual stories.

Perhaps Platinum Garden as well; the characters are often disproportioned and the work is very sloppy though it is a nice story.

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Post #386977
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10:23 pm, Jun 20 2010
Posts: 4

Tokyo Crazy Paradise. The proportions are really awkward. But people say the art gets better later on in the series. I've already dropped it because it was hard to read with the terrible art and endless text in every page.

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2:22 am, Jun 21 2010
Posts: 48

Yubi to Kuchibiru to Hitomi no Ijiwaru
So bad, that I had to leave a comment(more like warning). AIYA, everything is wrong. Prior to reading it, I thought, "Hmm, the ear seems a bit off on the cover, but people make little mistakes here and there..hahaha.."

And then I READ it.

And my eyes bled. Ahhh the ear is just way off, way off!! MISSION ABORT MISSION ABORT

My brain may have suffered damage too, from the storyline, but we're talking about the art here, so I'm not going to get started on ranting about the plots/etc.

But needless to say, I enjoyed laughing at how ridiculous it was. embarrassed

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4:34 pm, Jun 21 2010
Posts: 349

Boyfriend (SOURYO Fuyumi)
Mars: Not bad artwork, but really old.

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Post #388568 - Reply to (#386972) by Doki
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2:22 pm, Jun 27 2010
Posts: 437

Quote from Doki
xD Uwah, all of this is so controversial. I only label art as "bad" when it is extremely unpleasant to the eye, if you are talking about anything being un-anatomically correct then all manhwa are "ugly", as well as most manga.

Haha, well I guess that's true; if we are being technically precise about correct anatomy, then even things like Aniken would be called "bad art" (but in reality, I think people drawn cute and little like that look nice). Only some anatomically incorrect drawings of people are ugly, but almost all ugly drawings of people are anatomically incorrect. Anyway, given the way the question was asked, I thought it safe to assume that we are talking about things that make us go " eek What the misanthropic muffin is this waffle!?," you know?

Anyway, since I'm here, and I gave one ugly manga for every letter, I thought I should add one that starts with a number: 17-Sai no Kaibougaku. This one has eye problems, face-shape problems, and huge-body-tiny-head problems.

Last edited by lynira at 11:51 pm, Jun 27 2010

Manga Cover Database
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11:53 am, Jun 28 2010
Posts: 171

@lynira: You're amazing. I don't know why I'm looking for them, they're interesting, very interesting smile .
Thanks to everyone smile

Last edited by SarutobiIchigo at 12:01 pm, Jun 28 2010

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insomniac Kagehime

12:31 pm, Jun 28 2010
Posts: 2707

yamato nadeshiko shichi henge
maria-sama ga miteru
black bird
wedding peach
sailor moon

Last edited by ShadowSakura at 1:35 pm, Aug 10 2010

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currently reading: Nyotai-ka
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11:23 pm, Jun 28 2010
Posts: 330

Hana yori Dango dead
Wow guys, some of the mangas you listed were mangas I liked o_o

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11:45 pm, Jun 28 2010
Posts: 37

Some authors that come to mind who CAN NOT DRAW for beans are Ikeyamada Go and Miyagi Riko there are a lot more, and a lot worse, but these have driven me personally insane.

I have to say I think Arina Tanemura is (in MY opinion) the best shoujo-genre artist out there! Not because the anatomy is correct, because it's not quite (eyes too big, nose too small, etc but at least the bodies are moderately realistic, unlike a lot of series with characters whose chests are bigger than their heads) but because the art is so pretty, mostly because she uses a ridiculous amount of screentones (I think this is the word I'm looking for, please correct me if this is called something else).

Post #388840
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1:01 am, Jun 29 2010
Posts: 64

Five I guess... at least was what I though when I first started reading it


3:41 am, Jun 29 2010
Posts: 1041

Banana Fish
horrible bad art
its hard to tell ppl apart

Post #388852 - Reply to (#387163) by xgloriOHz
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5:02 am, Jun 29 2010
Posts: 24

Quote from xgloriOHz
Boyfriend (SOURYO Fuyumi)
Mars: Not bad artwork, but really old.

really?? Hmm I kinda liked it

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