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Main character death

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5:09 am, Oct 10 2014
Posts: 91

As title says. With a few requirements.

Manga only (no manhua or manhwa), anime is okay if recommended over manga
Preferably at least partially translated, or have raws readily available
Preferably if at least like 4+ volumes long, but onshots and longer are still okay
Preferably good art
No ecchi or hentai
No yaoi (shounen ai is fine)
Preferably fantasy
Preferably not comedy
Preferably not horror
Death set within manga timeline
Must be male, preferably a cooler one lol
Doesn't have to be protagonist, can be some cooler side char

Yea, for some reason I either feel like tormenting myself by having a fav character killed off or am in a bit of a sadistic mood. Lol whatever. Something that'll jerk some tears, but not throughout the whole series. I don't want to go through my whole tissue stock or have red puffy eyes sticking around tomorrow. So um, something serious, but not as much as dark.

Thanks in advance. ^ ^

Also, I did search tragedy genre and death tag, wasn't being too helpful.

Some examples off top of my head:
Shin Sekai Yori
That Tales of Abyss clip from YouTube... lol well, just some random search result that triggered my memory. Just the clip, not the whole manga or anime. XD;;

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Noblesse Forever!

5:33 am, Oct 10 2014
Posts: 1067

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Death Note In case you didn't read it.
Vampire Juujikai

There are few more titles but I can't remember them now.

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Post #653945 - Reply to (#653944) by strixflash
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5:50 am, Oct 10 2014
Posts: 91

Quote from strixflash
Spoiler (mouse over to view)
Death Note In case you didn't read it.
Vampire Juujikai

There are few more titles but I can't remember them now.

Both read, but thanks.

Death Note isn't really what I'm looking for... to be honest, I still haven't finished the ending yet. Not even after watching the anime three times now. =/ Light's image just kinda, collapsed. More embarrassing than it was sad. > >

Post #653946
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5:51 am, Oct 10 2014
Posts: 477

Genkaku Picasso

Maybe check Spirit Circle, the MCs keep dying (it's about reincarnation). Well done though.

Last edited by oneeyed at 10:46 am, Oct 10 2014

Post #653958
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9:53 am, Oct 10 2014
Posts: 647

Dokuhime - Tagged as horror because of the subject matter I guess, but it's not scary at all.
Solanin - Not fantasy but good.

Post #654054
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11:14 pm, Oct 11 2014
Posts: 774

Spoiler tagging everything to be safe, so I can't use manga links, sorry.

Spoiler (mouse over to view)
Eternal Sabbath
Husk of Eden
Kimi no Knife
Paperweight Eye

Post #654055

11:38 pm, Oct 11 2014
Posts: 399

Utawaremono does not fall under what you are asking. For what you are asking the perfect example is:
Spoiler (mouse over to view)

But in my opinion those manga/anime where the main character dies suck especially when they die without accomplishing anything significant. There are more but I can't think of them off the top of my head.

Just remembered one. This one you'll get really pissed off and its not because of the tragedy.
Spoiler (mouse over to view)

Last edited by RS456 at 11:47 pm, Oct 11 2014

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