Hey all!
Just want to take a second and congratulate MU for making it to its 20th birthday today!
Thank you all for your continued support! We're still working behind the scenes to make the site better. Stay tuned!
Previous Poll Results:
Question: Do you prefer the long strip style (like with webtoons) or the classic paged style (like physical manga)?
Long strip - votes: 727 (28.9%)
Classic paged - votes: 1164 (46.3%)
Doesn't matter - votes: 622 (24.8%)
There were 2513 total votes.
The poll ended: July 20th, 2024 10:26am PDT
This week's poll was suggested by Nyxsha. What paging style do you like to read?
You can submit poll ideas here
Previous Poll Results:
Question: What light source do you usually use when you try to sleep at night?
Bright room light - votes: 40 (1.5%)
Dim room light - votes: 87 (3.3%)
Next room light from opened door - votes: 52 (2%)
Next room light from door slit - votes: 33 (1.3%)
Light from outside of window - votes: 253 (9.7%)
Night lamp - votes: 124 (4.8%)
Smartphone - votes: 67 (2.6%)
TV - votes: 86 (3.3%)
Other light source - votes: 76 (2.9%)
I sleep in complete darkness - votes: 1787 (68.6%)
There were 2605 total votes.
The poll ended: July 13th, 2024 11:15am PDT
I really cannot understand adults who need a night light
This week's poll was suggested by VawX. Is there a light on when you normally sleep? To be honest, I can't imagine trying to sleep with a light on anymore. It's hard for me to sleep without complete darkness now.
You can submit poll ideas here
Previous Poll Results:
Question: How much do you care about romantic plotlines in series that aren't focused around romance?
A lot - votes: 544 (22.5%)
As long as MC ships with who I want - votes: 640 (26.5%)
A little - votes: 841 (34.8%)
Not at all - votes: 389 (16.1%)
There were 2414 total votes.
The poll ended: July 6th, 2024 4:26pm PDT
More romance than not
This week's poll was suggested by superspartan177. Do you care about romantic plotlines for series that aren't focused around romance, such as Naruto and Hinata?
You can submit poll ideas here
Question: What level of plot complexity do you prefer?
Easy and uncomplicated (ELI5) - votes: 61 (3.3%)
Straightforward with maybe a smart twist or two - votes: 724 (38.8%)
Genius story with incredible foreshadowing and lore - votes: 1081 (57.9%)
There were 1866 total votes.
The poll ended: June 29th, 2024 10:47am PDT
Heavy on the story, eh? Too bad most video game stories suck
This poll was suggested by our member Afiaki. You prefer simple or more complicated plots?
You can submit poll ideas here
Previous Poll Results:
Question: What's your favorite type of live performing arts?
Concert or music festival - votes: 599 (39.3%)
Dance - votes: 65 (4.3%)
Opera - votes: 51 (3.3%)
Plays, musicals, or theater - votes: 384 (25.2%)
Circus - votes: 33 (2.2%)
Magic shows - votes: 54 (3.5%)
Comedy shows - votes: 212 (13.9%)
Spoken word - votes: 15 (1%)
Puppetry - votes: 28 (1.8%)
Other - votes: 83 (5.4%)
There were 1524 total votes.
The poll ended: June 22nd, 2024 3:26pm PDT
Personally, I'm more of a Broadway person. I watched Beauty and the Beast last month.
This week's poll was suggested by docdesanta. What's your favorite type of performing art to experience?
You can submit poll ideas here
Previous Poll Results:
Question: What's the longest you've read the same series?
<1 year - votes: 145 (6.6%)
1-2 years - votes: 202 (9.2%)
3-5 years - votes: 432 (19.8%)
6-8 years - votes: 348 (15.9%)
10-15 years - votes: 511 (23.4%)
16-20 years - votes: 235 (10.8%)
20+ years - votes: 312 (14.3%)
There were 2185 total votes.
The poll ended: June 15th, 2024 10:35am PDT
We got some old people here...
This week's poll was inspired by lollylopmr. How long have you been reading those long series like One Piece of Detective Conan?
You can submit poll ideas here
Previous Poll Results:
Question: Which is your favorite Powerpuff Girl?
Blossom - votes: 488 (20.1%)
Bubbles - votes: 597 (24.6%)
Buttercup - votes: 673 (27.8%)
I never watched this show - votes: 667 (27.5%)
There were 2425 total votes.
The poll ended: June 8th, 2024 2:53pm PDT
Oh wow, more people like Buttercup than haven't watched the series. Wasn't expecting that
This week's poll was suggested by starrymisty. Which is your favorite Powerpuff Girl? I'm deliberately leaving out Bliss and Bunny. If you don't have a favorite, vote for the last option
You can submit poll ideas here
Previous Poll Results:
Question: Would you wait for the high quality scanlation that takes weeks, or would you prefer the low quality scanlation that comes out instantly?
Slow, high quality release - votes: 1766 (78.7%)
Fast, low quality release - votes: 477 (21.3%)
There were 2243 total votes.
The poll ended: June 1st, 2024 9:37am PDT
Oh wow, the slower, high quality release won this time. Maybe with the increase in bad quality, you guys are finally not liking it as much?
This week's poll was suggested by Afiaki. It's the age of question of speed vs. quality. I believe most of the past times we've done similar polls it was speed that won. You guys just want the content
You can submit poll ideas here
Previous Poll Results:
Question: How many chapters are you willing to give a story with a bad start before you drop it?
1 - votes: 162 (5.8%)
2 - votes: 193 (6.9%)
3 - votes: 426 (15.2%)
4-5 - votes: 645 (23%)
6-10 - votes: 613 (21.9%)
11-20 - votes: 450 (16.1%)
I'll still finish the series regardless - votes: 312 (11.1%)
There were 2801 total votes.
The poll ended: May 25th, 2024 6:47am PDT
At least you guys give it a chance
This week's poll was suggested by LazyReviewer. How willing are you to give a chance to a series that starts off badly? Are there any gems that start badly but end up great?
You can submit poll ideas here
Previous Poll Results:
Question: How do you keep track of the manga you read?
MangaUpdates - votes: 1086 (47.8%)
Other manga database site - votes: 302 (13.3%)
A personal file, spreadsheet, or database - votes: 209 (9.2%)
Web browser bookmarks - votes: 105 (4.6%)
Handwritten on paper, etc. - votes: 27 (1.2%)
Through the website I read manga - votes: 270 (11.9%)
Other method - votes: 82 (3.6%)
I don't keep track of manga I read - votes: 191 (8.4%)
There were 2272 total votes.
The poll ended: May 18th, 2024 9:59am PDT
Of course there's bias. As long as Tachiyomi (or its spin-offs) doesn't have a bug in their code that crashes our site again