Hiyori, a small and timid girl, goes to school for the first time in a year since an accident left her hospitalized. Follow her as she struggles with her social skills, tries to make friends and maybe even a little bit more...?
14 Volumes (Complete)

For the most part, the series is so-so. The characters are not terribly complex, and things move pretty slowly. But there is one thing I really like about it. The main couple actually communicates their feelings to one another well. There's usually a certain amount of worrying alone and being insecure, but ultimately they realize how much can be solved by just speaking with one another honestly. It's very refreshing.
Hiyori seriously gets annoying after a while. All she does is cry and people jump to the rescue. She's super dense and oblivious and insecure and she never really gets stronger. Okay, she gets a little less wimpy, but that only reaches the point of where she'll stand up after crying...but only with cheering from her friends. Yuushin is pretty shallow as the male lead. He's the typical nice guy, but he's nice to the point of...not being very memorable.
Pretty much all the side characters felt like they have more emotional depth than the main couple.
This is a pretty typical shojo. Shy unpopular girl meets friendly popular guy and you can pretty much guess how it all goes from there. I enjoyed this manga for what it is at the beginning. The female MC is cute (albeit a bit annoying for how much she cries) and has a good heart. The side characters are interesting and made me want to learn more about them.
Towards the end of the series however, it seemed like the author was struggling to find ways to keep it interesting. But rather than ending the story, more elements were pulled in from out of nowhere to add drama seemingly just for the sake of drama (i.e. the appearance of Akiho). I felt that the pacing was off with this series, especially with the romance. I didn't really believe when
Yuushin asked Hiyori to go out with him. You could tell that, up to this point, he had some kind of soft spot for her, but I never got real "romantic vibes" from him. It became more apparent as the series went on, but I found the romance from Yuushin's end to be rather flat.
This manga is enjoyable for the most part and I do appreciate that, despite the large amount of cliched plot lines, most of them are resolved quickly and without unnecessary drama. Unfortunately, it's just not a memorable series.If you're looking to pass the time with a lighthearted story, then I'd say give it a go, but otherwise I'd probably pass on this.
The protagonist (Hiyori) is so shy and emotionally-weak that it just becomes incredible annoying to read. She literally cannot do anything without the help of others and cries at every chance she gets (probably every chapter she is crying). There really isn't any character growth in her throughout the series. Typically, other protagonists like her learn to become stronger but this girl stays the way she is until the very end. It's honestly frustrating to see a character as weak as Hiyori is.
Good enough to pass time I suppose. As many earlier posters have said, it sticks to the standard cliches - Valentine's day drama, pretty childhood friend rival, guy rival causing jealousy etc. Not exactly bad, just boring. I got tired of the protagonist - aside from her timidness and insecurity about her height, she ends up being the typical 'kind girl' and has very little going for her otherwise. Main guy is the usual 'refreshing' lead, nothing new. The side characters were somewhat entertaining.
If you're looking for something cute and amusing, and not very deep, then this might be right up your alley.
In terms of its genre and target demographic, it's quite fair to say this is one is on the better half side of things. It isn't bad, and is very spot-on in its light-hearted humour.
I suppose it all boils down to personal expectation of what you expected to read when the plot basically involves what it says on the tin.
On the comments about the height difference being absurd, it's part of the point of the story? Not necessarily as a point of struggle, but more as a something used for fluff and humour.
If you're thinking about the contortion involved for the couple in this series to have a realistic kiss or whatever eye roll, then, really, I'd love to see the oppai girls, so very much common shounen, have actual back pains once and a while, not to mention the pain of having DD-cups, that they should already struggle to hold up, getting squished when they try to kiss their significant other. Talk about contortion pains.
Also, and I'm saying this as a girl (whose reading selection is widely varied and not restricted to shoujo, which very much includes all kinds of porn), is it weird that I started reading this mostly to amuse myself in reading something that very much looked like Non-H loli? Ok, I'll admit, it's pretty weird.
No, she's not a prepubescent girl, and, Yes, there's such a thing called Size-Difference Kink. Albeit, it's used here in a non-H way.
I found it cute and something enjoyable to read when one is in the mood for fluff. It doesn't have a lot of surprises, and, yes, it's typical shoujo, but at least it doesn't have random rage-inducing tropes just to keep things exciting/angsty.
Give it a shot, it just might surprise you. Or you'll hate it enough to come back here and give it a 1, a common reaction to typical shoujo. Heh.
If you're looking for something new, original, refreshing, or even slightly different, look elsewhere. It uses a bunch of popular tropes common in any other shoujo manga and can't even use them 5well. For example, there's the popular boy and unpopular girl cliché. Kimi ni Todoke uses it MUCH better, considering how we actually see how the romance between the two develops.
In this manga I honestly can't tell why he likes her aside from the fact that she pushes him to confront his troubled feelings for another girl. Does he like her because of the insane height difference and that it would be interesting to be seen with her? Because I think that's the only difference she has from all the other stock character girls that have liked him. His relationships with his childhood female friends (the tomboy and the pretty love rival) are ten times more interesting than the main plot! And one of those girls is a side character who is jokingly called a boy at times!! Why should I be interested or sympathetic with Hiyokoi if she's the most boring character of all 😕 That and she hides in a locker, unnecessarily cries a lot, is pretty clumsy and didn't really have any friends so he helped her gain some. Like how could someone popular , who has met tons of unique people be remotely interested in someone who has the personality of a rock? Like the entire romantic development between the two is where he sees her as a little chick, a BIRD. I.E. A PET. He's taking care of her as if she were a baby and he were a babysitter. He's done so much for her but she's barely done anything in return so I can't possibly see a reason for his attraction to her.
Honestly, the beginning of the manga was alright. There was an event in the first few chapters that were slightly different but then it just drags and drags on once her newness is gone and she gets accepted by the class. After that, the awkward boy comes and ughhhg it gets worse and annoying.
Basically, go ahead and read this if you're a huge shoujo fan, however don't expect much fluff bc the slightest bit of romance gets cast away (literally) the next day bc she gets too embarrassed EVEN WHEN THEY'RE DATING. However don't expect anything new at all from this manga. I've read 11 volumes and I can't think of a thing that is new and exciting so you are MUCH better off checking out some of the other popular shoujo that can actually pull of these clichés decently.
This manga is best used as a source of laughter.
Apparently over in Japan girls who read manga have a height obsession as intense as Japanese otaku boys' big breast obsession. Thus it has become a convention in shoujo manga to have the boy be at least a head taller than the girl, and often skinny enough to blow over in a wind to boot.
In this case, though the boy is several heads taller than the girl. They look silly, almost grotesque, together, and I suspect tjat managing a kiss standing up would be a major contortion struggle for them. Conventions in popular fiction are hard to deviate from, and this mangaka didn't bother to here, when she set out to write a story about an extra-short, shy girl. That's fine, I guess, for the girl readers--although I bet even some of them are put off by the sheer unliklihood of such a coupling.
As for boy and men readers, since very few of us are several heads taller than the girls around us (especially in Japan!), the vast height difference between the boy and girl in this manga makes it too hard to identify with the main guy in this story, and too easy to laugh at the grotesqueness of the whole proceedings.
True, the manga is not aimed at us. But if you're going to set out to write about an extra-short girl and her struggles, it would seem reasonable to shorten her bf a bit. I would think if these two were somewhere in the same height ballpark the relationship would come across as more equal and companionable.
It's definitely very cute, but it's boring and drags by the end. There were a few times when I thought it was going to do something interesting and different, but it never did. The characters don't really develop much, there isn't much (any?) of a plot, and in my opinion the relationships are meh. I did hang around for 14 volumes, so I was somewhat invested - but by the end, I was mostly reading just to say I'd finished it.
The main couple gets together fairly early in the manga and just....doesn't really seem to make romantic progress after that? Like, they don't seem to get any more comfortable or relaxed around each other, and they don't communicate very well - and they only kiss twice in the entire manga, which ends up being about one kiss per year they are together (if that). Are you guys really dating at that point?
I started off feeling rooting for Hiyori and Yuushin, but between the lack of development and because I never really got any strong romantic vibes from Yuushin, for all he confesses to Hiyori (sort of), I ended up shipping the alternate relationships more...but those also go nowhere. Kou confesses to Hiyori, and then is just fine after she rejects him? And later starts 'dating' Ricchan, even though he clearly didn't like her romantically, basically because Hiyori and Yuushin tell him to? And then they ALSO don't go anywhere as a couple - they aren't even confirmed to be dating by the end!
Frankly, every 'romantic rival' thing was annoying. I don't know if we needed less of them, or just for the rivals to give up less easily, but it felt weird that every person who liked either of the main couple continued their relationship as being great friends with no hard feelings on any side.
Queerbait doesn't usually bother me too much, but for whatever reason, it really bugged me in this manga. Maybe because it's treated basically every wrong way it could have been; we have one instance where the feelings are treated very seriously, only for them to be brushed off as 'best-friend-only feelings' at the end; we have the typical tomboy prince character with fangirls, who is ultimately presented to have been straight all along; and, when we finally get a confirmed lesbian character, she's a two-faced, suicidal stalker, who doesn't seem to have a real personality other than obsessive. It's just depressing.
tl;dr: While adorable and kind of relatable at the beginning, it gets boring quickly and is probably not worth your time. If you want an interesting height difference shoujo, go read Lovely Complex; if you you're looking for a good Shy-Girl-Grows-As-A-Person shoujo (with actual character/romance development), try Kimi ni Todoke.