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Good Detective Manga

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3:13 pm, Jan 30 2011
Posts: 50

Hello everyone. I've recently grown to appreciate the mystery genre as a refreshing change of pace from adventure, battle, and romance mangas and so I'm wondering if you could suggest me your favorite detective manga.

Any manga will do but if you want bonus points I'm looking for a manga where the main character deduces things like Sherlock Holmes. Additionally, I would appreciate it if the manga does not have supernatural phenomenon or, if it does, that the supernatural has clearly defined rules or is very rare.

Detective manga that I've liked so far are Detective Conan and Gosick (I'm relatively new to the genre). I liked the mysteries in Detective Conan but the lack of a main plot really bothers me. Gosick seems to be perfect so far but it's a new series so it's too early to rate.


3:17 pm, Jan 30 2011
Posts: 23

Q.E.D is pretty good.

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3:20 pm, Jan 30 2011
Posts: 161

Tantei Gakuen Q

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Pew pew

3:38 pm, Jan 30 2011
Posts: 883

Spiral:Suiri no Kizuna and perhaps Dolls?
I usually like mystery manga's so if I remember more I'll add them to the list.

Post #443993
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3:39 pm, Jan 30 2011
Posts: 1021

Paradox Blue - riddles. I personally think it started out nice but got too predictable right after...Still, only one I can think of.

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4:08 pm, Jan 30 2011
Posts: 339

In Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro the detective is a sadistic demon, and he sometimes uses his powers, but he does tend to solve by deduction and the mysteries are mostly, until near the end, committed by non-supernatural means.

In Seizon - Life, a father tries to solve the mystery of his daughter's murder--not episodic.

And the one I'd recommend the most, by the same mangaka as Gokusen, Deka Wanko. The MC is a new police detective with an extraordinary sense of smell.

I like mysteries too, but most of the ones I've read tend towards the supernatural, like Ghost Hunt.

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4:11 pm, Jan 30 2011
Posts: 963

Seizon - Life

why because i am the president of the student council of course

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Pew pew

4:15 pm, Jan 30 2011
Posts: 883

Liar Game?

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4:27 pm, Jan 30 2011
Posts: 50

Wow, thank you for all of the responses, it will take me a bit to check all of these out. I already watched Shinrei Tantei Yakumo and forgot to mention it, it was pretty good and it used the supernatural responsibly with clearly defined rules. I've also read Liar Game and while it is not a detective manga it was really good.

Keep 'em coming biggrin

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4:38 pm, Jan 30 2011
Posts: 1205

Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo
Spiral: Suiri no Kizuna

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Post #444039
Post #444040
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7:13 pm, Jan 30 2011
Posts: 991

0 no Soukoushi and Stone Cold are short but interesting.

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Reading: Kingdom, Sangokushi, Historie

7:28 pm, Jan 30 2011
Posts: 710


There is supernatural stuff (one of the two main characters is a demon), but other than that it's (mostly) well-defined/straightforward.

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7:51 pm, Jan 30 2011
Posts: 14

Shinrei Tantei Yakumo!!!! Best manga and anime ever!! biggrin biggrin

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