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Worst/Best pick up line you have ever heard/read/tried

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Post #441164
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Is a female

10:44 am, Jan 19 2011
Posts: 3457

"Excuse me, but you've dropped something"

(You look down, then back up)

"You've dropped your smile"

This was actually said to me when I was walking down the street shopping by a random guy. I have to admit I did crack a grin and said "Nice try" while walking off.
Well at least I "picked up" my smile again? laugh

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insomniac Kagehime

11:01 am, Jan 19 2011
Posts: 2707

worst: "your eyes are as green as fire " wait.. what?

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currently reading: Nyotai-ka
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1:03 pm, Jan 20 2011
Posts: 284

* You wanna be an astronaut do yah? Well you can take a ride on my rocket to planet orgasm*

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Post #441547

8:18 pm, Jan 20 2011
Posts: 78

I was out advertising the store opening with the store mascot (boss inside the costume). People were giving him high fives, so I was like "Come by for some ice cream and give Slabby a high five!" A guy came up really close to me and said "I'll give you a high five." and winks. I was working at Marble Slab at that time. I have since left that job.

Another time I was shopping with a friend, we stopped to look at the display window of a shoe store. A guy stops and says "You'd look good in those...only those that is." The audacity.

Post #442890

7:57 am, Jan 26 2011
Posts: 2

I just made this one up while reading the post.

"Hey, can you hold/ warm up my hands 'cause they are freezing cold."
(Of course you have to smile cutely while asking)

Maybe i'll try this one, for some reason my hands are almost always cold...

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Make my day

8:28 pm, Feb 22 2011
Posts: 125

i use"hi there, you'r cute! my name i xx, whats yours?" after that i just talk some shit and i usually ask if im the first one "hitting on here" and i buy here a drink ofcourse and talk some more! works 7 out of 10. You just have to know how to keep a diaolog thats all

And that about "did you fell from heaven? I think a saw an angel" come on, are you 14? That doesn't work you will be laught at!

"I dont belive an eye for an eye, i belive in two eyes for an eye!"

- Bas Rutten
Post #448990
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8:33 pm, Feb 22 2011
Posts: 1668

Warn: Banned

I don't understand why men chooses to stupidly follow their douchbag men friends' idea of dating and pick up line......first, go ask another woman about women....second, don't follow douche bag moves....third......know the difference of being confident and being a dick...fourth, be flexible.

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this is not about cannibalism...please get back on topic

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I think it is exactly the topic. I see nothing wrong.
Post #455169
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It's him!!

11:32 am, Mar 20 2011
Posts: 617

I've used this one a few times in bars.
"Hi. I like that shirt on you. You know where it would look even better? On my sister. Her birthday is coming up and I need a present. Where'd you buy it?"

Believe it or not, this is a pretty good ice breaker. Most girls will laugh about it and you can start a normal conversation after.
If the girl doesn't laugh, then you don't want to have anything to do with her anyway.
A slight buzz of alcohol does improve effectiveness though.

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9:27 pm, May 4 2011
Posts: 161

Learned this one in bio class

"I wish you were DNA and I, Helicase so I can unzip your genes (jeans)"

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Case of Fumblitis

12:01 am, May 5 2011
Posts: 108

In my experience, anything starting with "Hi" has been met with disaster.

It's gotten so bad in my group that we would actually say "Peachy Cakes" instead of "Hi".

There is a simple solution to every problem; finding the simple solution is the difficult problem.

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Post #466543 - Reply to (#466483) by starfield
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his and her sonnet

5:37 am, May 5 2011
Posts: 1127

Quote from starfield
Learned this one in bio class

"I wish you were DNA and I, Helicase so I can unzip your genes (jeans)"

hahaha xD

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8:00 pm, May 6 2011
Posts: 471

some guy tried the worst pick up line ever on my friend. it comes with a story.

she was walking around one day and there was this group of boys ( this was in middle school ), hill billy looking ones at that. So she was just walking regularly, and then the one that looked like the leader ( he was in the middle and was by far the ugliest )started saying things like " you know you can't resist my hot body" and other complete duche BS. so when she started getting creeped out, the boy, in a lame attempt to keep her "interested", yelled out " WAIT! You're so hot you need an oven mitt"! an oven mitt. an oven mitt? an oven mitt. when she told us the story we laughed alot.

another thing my friend does to make people laugh is say " the symbol for virginity is a unicorn. nobody is magestic enough to ride me"

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12:23 pm, May 7 2011
Posts: 9

Well, I have one. It was the first guy I was ever with. It was a halloween party and I had dressed up like a vampire with these really expensive real-looking teeth. There was drinking involved and before I know it I was practically sitting in some other guys lap and he looks at me and says;

"Those theeth are really cool. They look so real. Can I feel them?" And me, being a naive 14 year old boy, nods and thinks he's just going to touch them. Instead he puts his toungue in my mouth. It was weird.

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2:30 pm, May 29 2011
Posts: 1308

apparently this is from Fast Five movie..."Sexy legs, baby girl. What time do they open?" ...And a fair repartee "They open at the same time I pull this trigger. Want me to open them?"-

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Post #473120 - Reply to (#467234) by Alexander92

8:30 pm, May 30 2011
Posts: 78

Quote from Alexander92
Well, I have one. It was the first guy I was ever with. It was a halloween party and I had dressed up like a vampire with these really expensive real-looking teeth. There was drinking involved and before I know it I was practically sitting in some other guys lap and he looks at me and says;

"Those theeth are really cool. They look so real. Can I feel them?" And me, being a naive 14 year old boy, nods and thinks he's just going to touch them. Instead he puts his toungue in my mouth. It was weird.

Oh wow, that's so gay it sounds like something out of a yaoi.

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