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Worst/Best pick up line you have ever heard/read/tried

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7:49 pm, Oct 5 2009
Posts: 13

"I don't know much about pies but you make my banana creme"

Do I still have time to grow?
Post #325783 - Reply to (#325778) by 0taku1994
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The Gorilla Killa™

8:01 pm, Oct 5 2009
Posts: 3229

Quote from 0taku1994
"I don't know much about pies but you make my banana creme"

That is too fucking hilarious. laugh

Quote from Klapzi
The cool part is that I never get tired of being deceived

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Just because someone's head was chopped off doesn't mean they're dead. That's just silly.

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2:12 pm, Oct 6 2009
Posts: 1000

One I've actually had said to me was "I like that belt. Could you use it on me?"

I ran for the hills.

Post #325926

2:16 pm, Oct 6 2009
Posts: 141

Someone once said to me "Are you a present from heaven, because you look like my angel" roll eyes
Wouldn't be creepy, if it weren't for the fact that I was ten, and said hitter was most likely 18.


12:36 pm, Oct 7 2009
Posts: 258

"did you come alone alone tonight because if you want we could cum together"

"ive been looking at you all night and i still cant find a flaw"

"want me to skip the cheesy pick up lines so we can go to your your place"

"what was your number again didnt hear it because i was to busy looking at your (add feature here)"

"if you look in the dictionnary youll see me next to U"

"your beauteful but i have to go right now so leave me your address so i come look at you later"

"i like spicy food, so can i eat you?"

i have a dirty little mind laugh


10:17 am, Oct 11 2009
Posts: 539

This is a suggestion from pro pickupers:
"Excuse me, sorry for taking your time... I understand I'm taking your time and apparantly we don't know each other, and I've got to go too... but you are so attractive that I simply had to stop to say this to you".

At best I'd just walk away in the middle of this crap.

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9:07 pm, Oct 12 2009
Posts: 14

Okay the worst but funniest that a guy told me was " Come on babe lets add the bed, subtract the clothes, divide the legs, and let's multiply." I couldn't help but laugh and yes I guess it could be considered a good one because he caught my attention. I thought what a dork but then I'm attracted to dorks.

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2:15 pm, Oct 28 2009
Posts: 13

"Do you have a boyfriend? (No) Want one? (Yes) Well, when you want a MANfriend, come and talk to me."

"I am conducting a field test of how many woman have pierced nipples."

"Want to come see my HARD DRIVE? I promise it isn't 3.5 inches and it ain't floppy."

"There's this movie I wanted to see and my mom said I couldn't go by myself..... "

"Do you work for UPS? I could have sworn I saw you checking out my package."

"Dude: Hey, I don't feel to good. Lady: Why? Dude: I feel like I have an elephant in my stomach. Lady: What? Dude: (looking down) I think his truck is already sticking out"

"Excuse me, but do you have tickets? (Tickets for what?) (Points to arm and flex) To the gun show! "

"Let's get drunk and take advantage of each other. Or, I could get drunk and you could just take advantage of me. OR, you can stay here and get drunk and I can go home and take advantage of myself. Either way, it's up to you."

'I was blinded by your beauty so I'm going to need your name and number for insurance reasons."

"Mymagic watch says that you're not wearing any underwear on. (she says she does) Damn! It must be fifteen minutes fast."

"If I had a nickle for every time I saw someone as beautiful as you, I'd have five cents."

Do I still have time to grow?
Post #334624
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6:57 pm, Nov 14 2009
Posts: 2275

You have great turntables.

And that wasn't said to a dj.

"Officially, this machine doesn't exist, you didn't get it from me,
and I don't know you. Make sure it doesn't leave the building."
Post #334650 - Reply to (#334624) by Toto
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8:44 pm, Nov 14 2009
Posts: 3342

Quote from Toto
You have great turntables.

And that wasn't said to a dj.

The loss

"“That's the difference between me and the rest of the world!
Happiness isn't good enough for me! I demand euphoria!” "
Post #334652
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8:51 pm, Nov 14 2009
Posts: 14

Does "How much will 20 bucks get me?" count as a pick up line? none

Post #334653
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8:52 pm, Nov 14 2009
Posts: 1668

Warn: Banned

"Shut up and come with me!"

Gay book discussion thread
Quote from you_no_see_me_
this is not about cannibalism...please get back on topic

Quote from Toto
I think it is exactly the topic. I see nothing wrong.
Post #335364
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4:55 am, Nov 17 2009
Posts: 165

"Can I grab your breasts?"

No. You can't. o_O

I'll hug your problems away.

5:04 am, Nov 20 2009
Posts: 165

"I've been imagining you naked all night. I think it's time to know if I got it right."

Still didn't have the guts to try it hehehehehe

Post #336454
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Bazooka .

1:17 pm, Nov 20 2009
Posts: 603

hmm, let's see..
'hi, do you believe in love at first sight?'
'in that case I'll come back another time.'

'hi, I love the way your hair is today.'
'Wanna fuck?'
(this was the worst I've ever heard O_O)

'I gotta turn up the airconditioning, cause girl, you're smoking!'
(He actually said that in english, the loser.)

'Hi.Don't be afraid, hun.wanna come have fun with us?'
I have fun enough in my life, thank you very much.

'Hi there, kitty. wanna come with me?Miauw!'
I stared at him like he was insane. god, who freakin' says that?O_O

that's all I can remember atm O_O~

Edit: remembered another one!
this was on the bus, pretty weird, if you ask me.
'hey hey..I'm choco..and your hot milk..together we can make a fiiine hot chocolate.'
'get your ass away from me or I'll seriously kick you.'

Last edited by Azuka at 1:30 pm, Nov 20 2009

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