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Good ending standards

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Me too ♥

6:39 pm, Jan 14 2014
Posts: 1139

Good ending standards - Define what would be needed for a manga to have a good (or better) ending. What are your standards set to?( meaning for a certain type of manga do you expect a certain type of ending). What's needed for you to be satisfied with the ending of a manga.
(You extend this to anime if you'd like).

For me
- All lose ends are tied.
- A slow ending maybe like the whole volume is the ending. ( I often feel that everything is rushed in the last chapter).
- Oh an extra. That always makes me happy to see a bit more after the ending.
- For romances anything after the couple has dated, and resolved everything. ( meaning if it ends with the couple admitting feelings, or deciding to go out that would never be a good ending for me).
-For comedies - ending with one last joke (before you read the end)
- I think I have more to add, but I can't remember right now.

Sidenote- I searched and didn't find any asking what you consider to be a good ending.

Last edited by kitty1826x at 9:28 pm, Jan 14 2014

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7:49 pm, Jan 14 2014
Posts: 288

~Happily ever after~ biggrin

Post #628511
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8:01 pm, Jan 14 2014
Posts: 476

For me a happy ending is an ending that will not leave me in sadness or anger. An ending that will make me happy lol.

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9:06 pm, Jan 14 2014
Posts: 139

I guess I'm too realistic for a happily ever after.

I just want all the story lines to be resolved and COMPLETED, whether it's a happy resolution or not.

Post #628521 - Reply to (#628510) by Accursed-kun
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9:16 pm, Jan 14 2014
Posts: 1181

Quote from Accursed-kun
~Happily ever after~ biggrin

Plus an omake of 2-5 chapters after their happy end..

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9:55 pm, Jan 14 2014
Posts: 63

A good's something we all want, we all rage about, but is very rarely seen, mostly because people's standards of a "good ending" is so wide and varied. Some like happy endings, while others think happy endings are unrealistic and dumb. Others like tear-jerking tragic endings, but others get turned off by it. Mangakas have it hard trying to please their increasingly picky audience....but not to say this stops me from having my personal "good ending" standards biggrin

1. Not everything need be resolved. Some loose ends are realistic and give me, as a reader, things to ponder and food for thought. However, these loose ends must be limited in number...and the major plot threads MUST be fully resolved.

2. Epilogue or omake at the end always makes my day ^^

3. I do not appreciate endings that are blatantly open-ended with a sequel in mind. Really good mangas make a sequel without the HINT-HINT-HINT at the end. It's only the series that want to sell a lot that come up with these ridiculously foreshadowing, open-ended conclusions. They are lame, and make me feel cheated of a potentially fantastic ending. (PS. this applies to movies as well.)

4. For action/shounen mangas: a victory of the protagonist that is believable, makes a lot of sense, and gives me something more to think about besides just "the power of friendship and love beats everythaaaaaang!!!" I really like it when the protagonist and antagonist come to some sort of mutual, yet never realized understanding, because it's moments like these that make a black-and-white situation become deliciously grey. I do NOT like it when the protagonist inexplicably powers up with some super-training in the last five chapters and then beats down the OP antagonist without so much as a sweat, all in the name of justice and blah.

5. for romance/shojo mangas: I like endings where the mangaka does NOT introduce a character or a plot twist at the VERY LAST SECOND just so that they can make the series clinch together at the end. It's painful to read because everyone knows that this happened ONLY because the mangaka couldn't think of any other way to get around the giant obstacle or angst-inducing element. Examples of this include, but are not limited to:
- siblings in love with each other, who moped around for 100 chapters, find out in the 2nd-to-last chapter that they are actually adopted. It's not that I don't like this plot twist, but it's lame if it comes that late into the game.
- boy and girl are separated foreverrrr...........oh, wait. There's this magic portal or time-turner or something that will suddenly work ONE LAST TIME just so that they can be with their true love.
- boy or girl becomes terminally ill.......but they find a cure in the last chapter! Or they find a 100% compatible donor at the last second! Or they find out it was a mis-diagnosis! Whatever the case, he/she can live on, be happy, and enjoy dating for the remaining 12 pages of the series. get my point.

There are many more, but I'll restrain myself from blabbering on too much haha. Yep, I'm a hard reader to please, and I am on a never-ending search to discover works with good endings! (pun fully intended)

I believe that the best mangas are still out there, waiting to be discovered.

7:30 pm, Jan 15 2014
Posts: 170

-Accepts the fact that life moves on
-Gives us resolution to the main plot points (subplots be damned!)
-Quietly moves on/ends

Seriously, nothing annoys me more than high school stories where the last chapter(s) suddenly time skip decades into the future just to show us the characters with their families/children. We get it, they eventually grow up. Don't have to show us their grown-up versions just because you don't want to wrap things up before/at graduation.

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2:43 am, Jan 16 2014
Posts: 11

- No mysteries unresolved (no chopping the manga off and making a ending 'just because').
- No annoying cliche romance scene (kissing til scene faded and stuff, then again I absolutely detest romance, so that's just extreme on my part).
- Preferably a big plot twist or unexpected ending.
- Preferably a timely unhappy ending if it is logical with the story.
- No new characters suddenly appearing in the final chapter 'just to explain everything' and is then gone.
- No big-shot philosophical explanation of things that just makes the reader even more confused.
- An epilogue is nice now and then but not absolutely necessary, though if it's a yaoi/yuri manga I'm reading, that is very much appreciated~ <3

Post #628994

12:44 pm, Jan 18 2014
Posts: 89

When the story resolves its overarching theme.

Most manga's are more character-driven though, so the best I can hope for is that the main character finishes his/her character arc.

Post #628999 - Reply to (#628510) by Accursed-kun
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12:56 pm, Jan 18 2014
Posts: 1027

Quote from Accursed-kun
~Happily ever after~ biggrin

Quote from Knightzomegaz
Plus an omake of 2-5 chapters after their happy end..

THIS AND THIS. That omake is totally necessary, I don't even mind an entire volume about how happy they are or about what happens after that, like Sakamichi no Apollon - Bonus Track. haha

And also no rushed ending, no slow chapters without story development just to prolong the story, etc etc... But I don't mind so much, what really makes me happy is happy ending with extra stories, since I don't like tragedy (I avoid it so much, even though sometimes it is good to read it).

A good romantic yaoi manga with happy ending: my little happiness.

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7:17 am, Mar 7 2014
Posts: 245

Definitely happy endings! And an omake, or more, about their wedding, married life, etc. (Since I mostly read romance) And I really like it if it tells what happens to each character. No unresolved problems. It's best if the ending isn't hurried.

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Thanks to blueangel06661 for the stock!
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7:53 am, Mar 7 2014
Posts: 122

Well, I don't have a preference over "happily ever after" and tragic endings, so my standards are based on impact. I want all the loose ends tied and I want it to leave an impression on me. Whether it's a happy ending or not. For most cases though, I tend to prefer somewhere in between, where it leaves me crying but all the sacrifice is worth it. After that, I'd love to see some omake of what happens afterwards.

Horrible ending would be something like Death Note. That, is just plain terrible. I can't believe they did that. Despite the anime being real good, the ending just cuts down it's worth. On the other hand, Code Geass left me crying, and as much as I don't want Lelouch dead, it's still a good ending. I always end up comparing those two animes, and the difference is just there. Bakuman by that same duo... well... the ending was so-so compared to the whole series too, just like Death Note. It's just really, meh. Nothing special. For most parts, endings that don't make that much an impact and is completely expected, well... they just are.

What I absolutely hate is when they leave things hanging. Like how western movies tend to do things, they leave things untied. It's not always bad, but mostly. I especially hate it, if things go to waste. It makes the whole series feel unnecessary and unneeded, if you're just gonna undo all the chars work in the ending.

In summary, I suppose if they leave me crying, partially of joy, is the best? o.O I dunno. But good endings tend to leave you thinking that there's no other option, you just can't go changing the ending for any better. EVEN if they kill of my fav char... And as all others said, omakes are nice things to have always. Sequels are even better though. That's especially for tragedies, if there isn't, I'd need resort to fanfics to revive my favs...

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8:20 am, Mar 7 2014
Posts: 412

Quote from Accursed-kun
~Happily ever after~ biggrin

This could be the best possible ending. But, sometimes I like a bittersweet tale. You know, for example - The MC doesn't get the boy/girl, but is still happy with his/her life. It leaves me with a greater impression as a whole.

Other than that, I definitely like an omake. It makes my day biggrin

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Post #662799
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4:03 am, Mar 9 2015
Posts: 15

I like happy ending, but sad ending (you may say bittersweet) doesn't really bad for me as well.
Let see... my standards of you-may-say-happy-ending is... *cough cough* some member already said this too, but let me write for mine biggrin

1. The ending resolving everything in the right place and in the right mood
...resolve everything. If not, then at least giving some hint. I'll be disappointed if the ending doesn't resolve everything.This is not apply for AXED / RUSHED ENDING. ^^ For axed/rushed ending, at least give it an open ending--- or open-happy-ending. An open ending that'll look like a happy ending if the manga is continued //brickd.

2. After story / epilogue will definetly make my day
Yes. Definetly true. After this that happen, happy or sad ending, everything will be much much moar better if there's an after story / epilogue. Like Samurai Deeper Kyo, Apollon on the Slope, Wolf Children Ame and Yuki (manga, not movie), etc etc. You have my plus-thumb-up if the epilogue exist.

3. Don't ever give me a cliffhanger and sudden turn-out ending please ; v ;
I'm not a fan of cliffhanger ending, nor a fan of sudden-twist-unexpected-unbelievable ending. Sudden twist is okay, but please makes it as logical as it should. Not just appear so sudden without any hint before. Give me a logical conclusion. Don't give me something that'll make me wondering so much. For example, School Days ending gives me an asdfghjsdfgh feeling of what'll happen next. Ann Cassandra is good, but the ending feel so freakin' rushed and left me with cliffhanger-thought-about-the-ending. Future Diary ending makes me wonder, how the heck the ending turn out like that (but somehow, thanks to Mirai Nikki Redial, I don't feel that anymore). Oh, as for shoujo with triangle love... please give me a conclusion who will end up with who. I'm not a fan of you-can-choose-who-with-who-triangle-romance. This example fit for Momo Lover.

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5:10 am, Mar 9 2015
Posts: 448

For me the journey is more important than the ending so if 90% of the series is the main character being useless, dense, indecisive, etc and in the end they are decisive and strong its too little too late for me. 50+ chapters of fail is gonna stick with me more than 5 chapters of win. So basically whether or not it has a good ending depends on the story as a whole.

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