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Heavy Sleeper

How much does it take to wake you up?
The littlest noise can wake me
I could be trampled to death in my sleep
The alarm clock is enough
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sleepy ghost

10:54 pm, Nov 18 2007
Posts: 1140

I think I'm a heavy sleeper, but annoying sounds can wake me up (such as my mom yelling, my super mario bros. ringtone, and my phone on vibrate). My dad would yell too, but it didn't have the same effect as my mom's voice so he would resort to tickling my feet and/or yanking off my blanket/comforter.
My roommate in my first year in college tried to wake me up by yelling and shaking my bed because he couldn't go to sleep due to my snoring. I didn't notice a thing. Same thing with my alarm clock. It may or may not wake me up. Also, according to my mom, she tried to wake me and my brother up since a fire started in a auto-body shop in my old neighborhood, but I slept through the hole thing.

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4:30 pm, Dec 1 2007
Posts: 2708

One way to wake me up is pour ice water on my face. That's shocking.

I go away and suddenly the spammers are the mods. Okay, I can adjust to that, but... Gorath?! And what's up with Mam's not being the top poster?

210 days until I'm legal, Indy!

ZombieKing ihas been challenged! Now it's between him, Blissful_wulf and Mamsmilk. And maybe Dr. Love.
Post #99790 - Reply to (#99585) by xShatteredSoulx
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2:22 am, Dec 2 2007
Posts: 9026

Quote from xShatteredSoulx
One way to wake me up is pour ice water on my face. That's shocking.

And brutal.. laugh Wow, don't want that to ever happen to me.. o.O

source: animenewsnetwork

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Post #99854 - Reply to (#99585) by xShatteredSoulx

7:58 am, Dec 2 2007
Posts: 1650

Quote from xShatteredSoulx
One way to wake me up is pour ice water on my face. That's shocking.

I do that to myself when I'm half asleep and need to work.

Anyways, alarm clock gets me every morning, but nothing else is very good at waking me up.

Oh, and if you ever play a high high D on a flute or piccolo, that will shock you out of your mind. my friend next to me did it to wake me up in band once. roll

Post #99855
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The Gorilla King

8:02 am, Dec 2 2007
Posts: 1117

i'm a normal sleeper, sometimes light sometimes like a log ^^ but i usually get up when the alarm rings---> thank god otherwise i'd miss out alot dead

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9:40 am, Dec 2 2007
Posts: 435

depends sometimes if im tired or not
if im tired my mom said she couldnt wake me up but idonteven rem her wakin me its like im knocked out
if its a schoolday then an alarm is enough
my phone can never wake me up maybe its myringtone?

never fr0wn cause you never know whos in love with your sm smile e
Your mind is like a parachute it works best when its open
Post #99892 - Reply to (#99885) by blueberriexc

9:53 am, Dec 2 2007
Posts: 1650

Quote from blueberriexc
depends sometimes if im tired or not
if im tired my mom said she couldnt wake me up but idonteven rem her wakin me its like im knocked out
if its a schoolday then an alarm is enough
my phone can never wake me up maybe its myringtone?

what's your ringtone then?

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12:29 pm, Dec 2 2007
Posts: 345

My alarm clock is so loud you can hear it across the house (though just a little bit when your really far away) then again its right next to my ear. But I had to pick other because my alarm clock will not wake me up (I can press the snooze button in my sleep). However every morning my mom knocks on the door, and as soon as she does I find myself responding "I'm up!".

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4:47 pm, Dec 11 2007
Posts: 2708

I know a person that can roll out of their bed and never wake up.

I go away and suddenly the spammers are the mods. Okay, I can adjust to that, but... Gorath?! And what's up with Mam's not being the top poster?

210 days until I'm legal, Indy!

ZombieKing ihas been challenged! Now it's between him, Blissful_wulf and Mamsmilk. And maybe Dr. Love.
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12:48 am, Jan 26 2008
Posts: 29

Im a very heavy sleeper I slept through a fire drill at school once

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
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6:17 am, Jan 26 2008
Posts: 49

Well i've slept through the fire alarm at home before that was outside of my bedroom. And my sister has thrown items at me to wake me up BUT if someone says my name i will instantly wake up and hear them say it...kinda creepy, lol. So i have quite sensitive hearing but at the same time i can be a heavy sleeper (oh i can also sleep anywhere. When i was moving house i was supposed to wait at new house and watch it...yeah i fell asleep on the floor...with the front door unlocked >_>)

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2:12 pm, Jan 27 2008
Posts: 380

I wake fairly easily. If someone comes in my room, for instance. Getting me to stay awake is much, much harder. I'll also tune out a lot more sound if I'm sleeping on the couch during the day.

A narcoleptic surgeon.....scary....and how the heck can you sleep through a fire drill?!!?

They say it's the thought that counts, but then they tell you, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions......"

Will no one scanlate Takahashi Miyuki?! T_T
Post #115971

2:25 pm, Jan 27 2008
Posts: 70

I voted that the alarm is enough, although it takes about 5 minutes for it to wake me up. I've also slept through any number of storms, sonic booms (a couple of years ago a meteor fell a few miles from where I lived and broke the sound barrier), in cars, on the floor in airports, just about anywhere and I probably could (and may already have) slept there.

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10:04 pm, Oct 17 2008
Posts: 2708

This might sound weird, but hearing certain songs wakes me up. There was this one period of time where I traveled a lot and we usually had the same CD playing. One night this song (I Love Rock N' Roll) started playing on the music channel I'd left the TV on, and it woke me up and I started getting dressed at five in the morning thinking we had to leave.

I go away and suddenly the spammers are the mods. Okay, I can adjust to that, but... Gorath?! And what's up with Mam's not being the top poster?

210 days until I'm legal, Indy!

ZombieKing ihas been challenged! Now it's between him, Blissful_wulf and Mamsmilk. And maybe Dr. Love.
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7:31 pm, Oct 18 2008
Posts: 884

Kinda sorta maybe =/ My alarm is my phone which I keep under my pillow when I sleep and it vibrates to wake me up. I've prolly lost thousands of brain cells if all those studies about how cell phones kill off the brain are true. Oh well, at least I know why I am the way I am (har) dead

Forever lurking...
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