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Heavy Sleeper

How much does it take to wake you up?
The littlest noise can wake me
I could be trampled to death in my sleep
The alarm clock is enough
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A Person

8:23 pm, Oct 18 2008
Posts: 2126

I'm what you would call a heavy sleeper, most defiantly. I can be woken up, however,
Only by something really loud. XD A tree breaking through my roof would, anyway.

For my alarm clock, I have one of the siren ones.. it scares me so bad when it wakes me up. I jump like, five feet and straight out of my bed. So, it works anyway.

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8:24 pm, Oct 18 2008
Posts: 2964

It depends on how tired I am.

If I am entirely exhausted, even tsunami's can't rip me away from my dreams. Otherwise, I can wake up instantly when you breathe. (:

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Lowly Member

8:32 pm, Oct 18 2008
Posts: 3888

I could be tramped to death in my sleep...
I'm serious...I set two alarms to wake up every morning >_< Sometimes 3 if my phone alarm decides to work. What can I say? I like my sleep and hate mornings.

♪MONSTARR~ will eat all your cookies and steal your bishies~♪ Φ_Φ
Post #217059 - Reply to (#216574) by Rainy Days
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11:04 pm, Oct 19 2008
Posts: 2708

Quote from Rainy Days
It depends on how tired I am.

If I am entirely exhausted, even tsunami's can't rip me away from my dreams. Otherwise, I can wake up instantly when you breathe. (:

*lol* I sleep through hurricanes, but if my siblings walk into the room, their footsteps normally wake me up.

I go away and suddenly the spammers are the mods. Okay, I can adjust to that, but... Gorath?! And what's up with Mam's not being the top poster?

210 days until I'm legal, Indy!

ZombieKing ihas been challenged! Now it's between him, Blissful_wulf and Mamsmilk. And maybe Dr. Love.
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11:16 pm, Oct 19 2008
Posts: 591

yeah i cant wake up when im asleep if someone walks into my room and trips and screams i wont wake up unless they touch me...for some reason on a school day i always wake up at 6:30ish ever school day dont know why but it happens

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11:36 am, Oct 20 2008
Posts: 1308

depends, if I have slept enough, walking in boots outside my room can wake me up and my alarm clock too...but sometimes, I am so groggy i wake up and go back to sleep after shutting off the alarm clock even if I have an appointment to keep roll eyes

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Mad With a Hat

11:51 am, Oct 20 2008
Posts: 4764

When I don't go to sleep too tired, small noises wake me up easily.
When I was a kid though, a parade wouldn't have wakened me...

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If I had a fantasy self, it'd be a tentacle monster.
Post #217275
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11:54 am, Oct 20 2008
Posts: 339

Alarm clock is the only thing that will wake me.
Nothing else will work, so I'm a somewhat heavy sleeper.
You could scream at me, throw a box (true story), and a remote
at my head (true story) and I wouldn't wake up.
Actually, if someone physically touches me such as hugging (true story)
I'll wake up.
I hate mornings.

Post #217277 - Reply to (#82238) by kaerfehtdeelb
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12:09 pm, Oct 20 2008
Posts: 1901

Quote from kaerfehtdeelb
Are you a heavy sleeper, I know I am. This is a true story; I was sleeping while a storm was going on, apparently it was pretty bad. A tree fell through my room and I didn’t wake up, and when I did I said "WTF happened?"

That happened to one of my houses when I was really little. There was a hurricane, and I woke up, and literally all of the porch and part of the living room had been taken down by this huge pine tree. And I slept all the way until morning. The cut up segments of the tree stayed in our yard for years, and we always played on them. (We were that poor.)

Anyways, I'm a heavy sleeper. This is mostly because I am really used to going to sleep with a lot of noise. The thing is, if those noises stop, I wake up. So I guess, at the same time, I am a light sleeper. I'm also a very routine sleeper. I wake up at 6 AM no matter how late I went to bed the night before. no This makes me tired all day.

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Inactive Phantom

12:56 pm, Oct 20 2008
Posts: 1078

I go to sleep really late, wake up really late (for school, that is).
I still can't remember the definitions of a heavy and light sleeper. confused

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Barely Here

4:00 pm, Oct 20 2008
Posts: 784

Actually it's strange, but these loud noises will not wake me up...there could be someone ready to cut me up with a chainsaw and I'll just be sleeping like a baby. And these tiny little noises will wake me up...there could be someone that just lightly coughed and I'll wake up immediately.
so yeah, it's strange
loud = sleeping like a dead person
not loud = wakes up like there was no tomorrow

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4:04 pm, Oct 20 2008
Posts: 3342

I'd say Ima heavy sleeper. I can sleep through thunderstorms, or when a car crashes in front of the the house, and catches fire... then explodes... Yea, i can sleep through all of that.

But if someone opens the door to my room while I'm asleep... I'll wake up in an instant and pounce on you like a puma. mad

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Post #217391
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4:18 pm, Oct 20 2008
Posts: 3120

heavy sleeper for sure

i remembered once i had a bleeding nose while sleeping, woke up in the morning to realize it had completely soaked through both of my pillows

Last edited by Sagaris at 4:57 pm, Oct 20 2008

Post #217399
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4:33 pm, Oct 20 2008
Posts: 2342

Yeah pretty much.


4:53 pm, Oct 20 2008
Posts: 135

I am so far beyond "light sleeper" I really need to build myself a sensory deprivation tank. A mosquito in the room (not necessarily by my head) can wake me up. That might be a special case though, since I'm highly allergic and have bloated to the point of taking days off from work because I can't walk.

Many people have recommended I use a lead coffin.

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