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How do YOU pronouce manga?

How do YOU pronounce manga?
manga (the whitenized way)
monga (the Japanese/"real" way)
other (please specify)
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Post #242843
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3:56 pm, Dec 30 2008
Posts: 225

the way it's written...

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manger le toupee

10:16 am, Dec 31 2008
Posts: 306

I just say "comics", if I'm speaking in english to english speakers. For some reason, the clueless ppl in my office think "manga" is a dirty word.

In Japanese, I still say コミック (komiku), lol.

But if I say manga. I say it as it's pronounced in Japanese, of course. /ˈmɑŋgə/

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10:36 am, Dec 31 2008
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Either mango or 漫画, depending on who's around me. And yes, I call that yellow fruit thingie manga.

Post #243112
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11:09 am, Dec 31 2008
Posts: 228

i have no clue how to put it, but i pronounce it the german way oO

i think it's /'maŋɡa/ but i could be completely wrong

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11:13 am, Dec 31 2008
Posts: 406

i say manga "with the 'man' from mango" way although i know that the a should be a short sound rather than a long sound... its just a little strange to say it the proper way while speaking english...

sorta like how i'd speak english with a chinese accent if i was mixing in chinese... i'd say manga with an english accent if i'm speaking english *shrugs* its odd

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5:26 pm, Dec 31 2008
Posts: 466

Manga, just that...

Now I read kiriyama-Rei's post I realize that I'm a Spanish speaker and I pronounce in Spanish.
So tragic that I forget that little detail!!! LOL

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7:19 pm, Dec 31 2008
Posts: 60

I pronounce it as Mángá, as saying sleeve in Spanish because I've noticed that the Japanese share the same accents as Spanish speakers. They both roll their R's too bigrazz

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8:42 pm, Dec 31 2008
Posts: 15

I used to pronounce it as 'main-ga'. (My pronounciation sucks, I know.)

But my boyfriend criticizes me for it all the time, so now I'm always self-conscious about how I pronounce Japanese words. So now I pronounce it 'mon-ga', like you're "supposed" to.


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9:07 pm, Dec 31 2008
Posts: 9

Just found out that its pronounced as monga in Japanese.
I always pronounce it as mángah (making the A really short, because the dutch like to make words short and a clanging sound with the NG(staying at the NG for a whole two seconds)).
I knew Americans tend to pronounce it as maangaah. But i never knew the Japanese pronounced it as monga, . This is a revelation. eek

I only know of one person who knows of the existence of manga, but she never reads manga and has never corrected me on anything concerning manga.(i suspect she also doesnt listen to me when i rant about it)

At least i pronounce anime the right way (i think) or at least closely.
OMG, its also wrong?!

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Last edited by mayerling at 9:13 pm, Dec 31 2008

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The Coolest

9:21 pm, Dec 31 2008
Posts: 891

i pronouce it 'mon-ga'....thts how i always pronouced it

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Form is Emptiness.

9:28 pm, Dec 31 2008
Posts: 930

why monga if the ideogram is a "ma" (with the "a" as in Car, as far as i can read it)?

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Post #243276

9:41 pm, Dec 31 2008
Posts: 489


My cousin pronouses it Mag-na which means no matter how wrong I am he's more wrong

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The White Guy

10:33 pm, Dec 31 2008
Posts: 340

i pronounce it the white way b/c my title...but sometimes i say monga to annoy my friends

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1:33 pm, Jan 2 2009
Posts: 204

Mah-n-ga. I.e. the 'correct' way.

Ironically, I still pronounce anime like I did when I was 9, though. You'll never hear me say 'ah-nee-may', it's always gonna start with the hard a sound, because I'm cool like that.


4:48 pm, Jan 4 2009
Posts: 6

Why monga is the Japanese way confused

From dictionary (Shogakukan) it's
漫画 [mannga] [まんが]

Japanese also call it Comic or コミック

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