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Post #40009
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Mome Basher

1:49 am, Aug 23 2007
Posts: 3380

aaaw, it was fun reading what you guys were coming up with sad I say it shouldn't be locked so you can post here once you've finished making it or something smile

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6:51 am, Aug 23 2007
Posts: 492

it's gonna take way too long for one person to work on it. it's more than 200 post and we still aren't getting nowhere. besides the wheel,material for frame, battery, we ain't solve nothing. the engine is the biggest isue and no technologies today can make it. unless we make our own engine. but for one person to do that, it is quite impossible. so it's up to lambchop to lock this or not. if he doesn't lock, than i'll keep posting here hoping there's some genius join this thread.

Let's get Kickin' ...whatever that means
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8:47 am, Aug 23 2007
Posts: 10682's an interesting discussion

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Post #40331 - Reply to (#38900) by Jay3205

3:00 pm, Aug 23 2007
Posts: 20

Quote from Jay3205
A "push and pull cycle" will probably not work. Putting magnets in the setup you explained gives no advantage. Having one part push while the other pulls does nothing to actually make the parts spin. You might as well have one solid part with the motor directly attached to the wheel.

Secondly, putting a mini generator in the wheel will add unnecessary friction and it will make it that much harder to skate using leg power... meaning lower base speed. Basically, the energy that you will generate with your legs will not be enough to run the motors under the weight of the average teen/adult. An electric bike motor can use 350W of power to move at 25 mph. It's difficult to generate that pedaling a normal bike, and it's definitely not possible for the average person to generate that with a skating motion. There will be no exponential speed increase... all the extra energy that should be going into speed will be going into fighting wind resistance.

Ok, jay, do you actually know how a maglev train works? first of all a push and pull cycle within the wheel causing it to spin is more realisitic than a small engine pushing a person at this time of day and age. It sounds to me like you are saying the push and pull within the wheel will cause it to go forwards and backwards again and again, well it wont. these steps will explain:

1. the positive magnet will push the positive magnet to the negative magnet.
2. when the magnet reaches the negative magnet the momentum will make it keep going to the positive.
3. then once the magnet comes to the postive it will go back to step one

of course you need to have the right speed and strength to get it to the proper speed. I say when a person hits 20 km/h step one will start.

PLUS, why are you comparing a bike with a roller skate? theres too big of a difference to try and comparing them.

The generator will be a drag but will be worth it once you reach higher speeds, and the generator will be working along side with the battery. until you actually get a good speed so that the battery is not needed, the battery will keep working. Also if the right gears are are put on then it wont be that much of a drag.

Even better you can actually make the generator's gear an actual working gear so that it has more purpose than just making energy.

For example: You can make the gear of the generator work as the gear that is transfering some power from the front wheel to the back wheel or vice versa.

Quote from lightning90
it's gonna take way too long for one person to work on it. it's more than 200 post and we still aren't getting nowhere. besides the wheel,material for frame, battery, we ain't solve nothing. the engine is the biggest isue and no technologies today can make it. unless we make our own engine. but for one person to do that, it is quite impossible. so it's up to lambchop to lock this or not. if he doesn't lock, than i'll keep posting here hoping there's some genius join this thread.

Miniature engines wont work because of today's standards. Unless you can put about 10-20 small engines per pair of AT.

Last edited by lildude56 at 3:09 pm, Aug 23 2007

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Post #40523

9:57 pm, Aug 23 2007
Posts: 60

1. the positive magnet will push the positive magnet to the negative magnet.
2. when the magnet reaches the negative magnet the momentum will make it keep going to the positive.
3. then once the magnet comes to the positive it will go back to step one
I still don't see how this is going to work. Step 1 will work. However, once you get to step 2, any forward "push" benefit gained from step 1 will be eliminated since the magnet will need to break an equal amount of "pull" from the negative magnet. If the wheel was not spinning at the start, then these magnets would not make the wheel start rotating by itself. Spinning the wheel will not cause the magnets to all of a sudden give a rotation benefit.

For example, say step 1 will accelerate your wheel by .5 m/s due to the magnet repulsion. Then, step 2 will logically decelerate your wheel by .5m/s due to an equal attractive force. Whether you manually add in extra force will not change the magnets' power, so the net advantage will still be 0. It will be the same as a normal wheel, only the wheel's rotation speed will vary more during each revolution and braking would be more difficult.

PLUS, why are you comparing a bike with a roller skate? theres too big of a difference to try and comparing them.
I'm not comparing a bike to a roller skate. I'm comparing the power needed to arrive at a certain speed. If an electric bike motor needs X amount of watts to move a person at speed y, then an electric skate motor will need a somewhat similar amount of watts to move at the same speed, after measuring difference in skate/bike weight.

The generator will be a drag but will be worth it once you reach higher speeds, and the generator will be working along side with the battery. until you actually get a good speed so that the battery is not needed, the battery will keep working. Also if the right gears are are put on then it wont be that much of a drag.
There will never be a speed at which the battery is not needed. The "push and pull" magnet cycle will never CREATE energy... only transfer what is put into it. Hence, if the battery/leg muscle puts no energy into it, it will lose all its energy to sound/air friction like a normal skate. The system would work if the magnets were electromagnets and could be timed to turn off during times of attraction and turn on during times of repulsion. However, that would be too difficult and would not provide much benefit without using overly powerful magnets.

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2:54 am, Aug 24 2007
Posts: 31

Lightning, the problem is that you maybe havent gotten anywhere, but i on the other side have been working my ass off, and im freakin done, i've found the engine i've put it into a pair of wheels and attached them to my new AT, and i've even test driven them, tho with a car battery on my back, but it will be changed when i get a new type of battery, so stfu please, i've come fucking far, and here i stand, i've made a wrist boost controll(wireless) to start off the engine while skating, with a small regulator to decide the power of the engine, and it goes up to 5, and i didnt dare to go there, since i got to 40 km/h on third with a car battery, sure i know that i will loose speed when i change the batteries to fit in the boot, but as long as i get the boost i will be ok, so atm they are alittle bit more heavy then normal aggressive, but it feels like nothing if u ride awhile.
So im pretty much at the last step, and that my friends is the energy.
New bigger wheels with rims and engines : CHECK
Agressive Boot : CHECK
Suspension Frame : CHECK
Wires Attached : CHECK
Energy : Soon to be solved.
thank you very much, if i see this topic survive, ill post u everything u need.

*The new version of sierra*
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6:06 am, Aug 24 2007
Posts: 492

looks like, our best choice for power source would be lithium polymer battery. find it on wikipedia.

what kind of engine did you use?

whoa!!! wait. 40 km on the third gear? you serious? then it'll probably able to reach 80 km(standard speed for AT in AG). can you record while you're riding it? or atleast send me some picture of it.

Last edited by lightning90 at 9:20 am, Aug 24 2007

Let's get Kickin' ...whatever that means
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3:43 pm, Aug 24 2007
Posts: 31

Lightning im using an in-wheel engine, and i can record while i ride....when it feels like its the right time.

*The new version of sierra*
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3:27 am, Aug 25 2007
Posts: 492

i know you were using an in-wheel engine but what type? brand? you need to be specific.
sorry. i know i'm a little too demanding, but this is huge. you are actually done it(90% of it anyway considering the battery) can you send me the schematics? and some picture of it too. we need to test it's power with Li-poly battery though.

anybody know where can we find Lithium polymer battery? we need kuoru's schematics to see is there any space for the battery and we need to have the li-poly batery custom made for size that fits.

p/s : sure hope you're not joking kuoru.


did you put any brakes in your AT? forgot about that coz of the engine.

Last edited by lightning90 at 3:34 am, Aug 25 2007

Let's get Kickin' ...whatever that means
Post #41198

12:05 pm, Aug 25 2007
Posts: 60

Kuorakatsu, if this is real, you should post pictures and a video. I have much trouble believing that you've developed an in-wheel electric motor that can move a human and yet fit in a skate wheel... especially considering the smallest commercial hub motors at least need bicycle sized wheels to operate. I also find it difficult to believe you are reaching 40 km/h on 3rd gear, when electric bicycles bicycles barely reach 34 km/h. Even if you have some powerful motor, an electric bike should still be much faster based on wheel size alone.

The last point I can't accept is that the length of time of this post and cost. This thread is barely a month old, and as far as I know you have only been in this thread for around 2 weeks and only started building stuff within the last 10-12 days. The chances of going from scratch to a working, completed project are slim to none within 2 weeks. Working out the "wireless gearing" alone would take a while, not to mention the actual build time. If you are using a true "in wheel" motor, just getting a custom wheel manufactured to fit it would take 10 days. I find the time frame for project completion too short for realism, unless you can custom mold/shape polyurethane, design and build hub motors, design and build electronic circuits, and then make sure everything is working.

Finally, the cost of such motors and equipment you would need is fairly expensive... more expensive than most kids can just throw down. I'm not saying it's impossible to do what you claim to have done. However, you claim to have accomplished what no engineer, adult manga fan, or skating company has been able to do, and you've done it in less than 2 weeks...

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12:41 pm, Aug 25 2007
Posts: 31

jesus christ, i feel so flamed... no faith, well guys i like u guys but u seem not to believe, and thus i cant give it away to it.

*The new version of sierra*
Post #41319

4:46 pm, Aug 25 2007
Posts: 60

There is more reason to doubt you than believe you kuorakatsu. You claim to have done what no engineer, company, or person has done in less than 2 weeks. On top of that, the technology you've cited ("in wheel motor") doesn't even exist at the size of a skate wheel, and even if it did it would not be strong enough to move a person. You also claim to use "gears" on an "in wheel motor". If you know about in wheel motors, then you would know there is no contact between the actual motor and wheel, meaning there is nothing there for a gear to turn. There would be no "5th gear"... merely a switch that controls voltage.

All you have going for you is your word... no specifications, no pictures, no video, nothing. Simply claiming we're "non-believers" and not showing it pretty much shows it doesn't exist. If it were real, then you would patent it and sell it. The wheel motor alone would be worth millions. We at the forum would see the technology anyways when it comes to market, so there would be no point in trying to hide it...

Last edited by Jay3205 at 5:01 pm, Aug 25 2007

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2:56 am, Aug 26 2007
Posts: 31

agreed, guess i have no choice....
just a couple of things, its not a gear as u said its a regulator for the energy intake.
Plus its just minimized and the bigger versions already exists and are being used in some electric cars, its just that no one have wanted to try to minimize it, and last : its not moving a person on its on, it just help u get faster when already at normal speed.
but w/e, ill show u somehow.

*The new version of sierra*
Post #41483
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3:15 am, Aug 26 2007
Posts: 68

Then its obviously not Air-gear that your making cause Air Gear can move on its own as shown at the beginning of the series.

There is no engine you could make that could put out enough power to keep someone moving at that size let alone make somebody go faster, especially an electric one.

Secondly what energy is it intaking? what energy could it intake to be able to make a person go faster it would have to be able to store lots, and lots of power and what could possibly hold that power to be used?

Post #41584 - Reply to (#41483) by Badat
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9:58 am, Aug 26 2007
Posts: 492

Quote from Badat
Then its obviously not Air-gear that your making cause Air Gear can move on its own as shown at the beginning of the series.

duh. it's a beginning. one step at a time. ppl built planes before they built rocket. with current tech, it's quite impossible to make an actual AT. atleast we gotten closer if kuoru's telling the truth.

kuoru, i would like to believe you but you need to show us something. i'll pm you my email. take a picture of your AT and email it to me. or you can just post a link here.

Last edited by lightning90 at 10:07 am, Aug 26 2007

Let's get Kickin' ...whatever that means
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