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4:46 pm, May 13 2008
Posts: 1

i got an idea... how about u use the coil gun idea and put it in a circle form, for the inside of the wheel. and use carbon nano-tubes for the encasement of all the electrical stuff, its more durable than steel, AND lighter. and i think there should be gears on it. and the gears should be on hand controllers coming from the skate, and the gears will determine how much energy is being put in the coils.


9:41 pm, May 14 2008
Posts: 4

mhm.... I am disturbed... my father's drill has 125 torque. Am I getting something right here? If I was to dismantle this drill use the motor to turn a gear which will rotate the wheel, would I move? I have tried different things, but if you think about how a drill can rip apart metal, couldn't it help rotate a wheel? Not very fast of course, but one drill motor per AT and that is 250 torque. Am I just misunderstanding what torque is, or have I caught onto something? I will test this stuff out and see if just one drill motor can at least make me roll a little bit from a resting position. Of course the battery source is still a problem. The drill's battery is large, I could separate the energy source by extending the wiring and putting the battery in a backpack or something. That doesn't matter right now though. I'll just focus on getting my AT to move. ugg I have gotten no sleep thinking about this AT stuff bigrazz I will be in this for the long haul so lets keep this shit going bigrazz (even though I just joined)

Post #162028

10:22 pm, May 14 2008
Posts: 60

A coil gun wouldn't work. For one, carbon nanotubes aren't mass produced and aren't used in anything big yet. Secondly, trying to accelerate yourself with a gun doesn't work well if the mass you're firing is trapped and is lighter than yourself. It's like a passenger in the backseat of a car trying to kick his legs into the front seat, and then expect the whole car to move forward...

As for the drill, it will probably get you moving. However, I don't think drills can be scaled down (shorter) without decreasing its power or increasing its width.


4:11 am, May 15 2008
Posts: 4

mhm k

It is kinda bulky, but it is the smallest we can get right now though. I'll see if I can scale it down, may take a while.


12:56 am, May 17 2008
Posts: 1

Hey guys, i've been reading this thread for some time now and i'm not sure if any of you have seen this: uise.php

It's the closest real thing i've seen till now that actually looks like air treks but doesnt look sad. =) But well, it's four-wheels so maybe it's just Buccha's air treks eh? lol~
The thing is that it's a NICE looking prototype. and not to mention Slow.

Another thought. Instead of using a wired remote like in the vid, maybe Bluetooth tech or some other radio wave tech can be used to "pair" up a wireless remote with the ATs for less hassle? Unless of course the pressure pad thing is still on. roll

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8:00 am, May 17 2008
Posts: 15

Yo Peoplez! ^_^
Haven't been here in awhile but I'd just like to update you guys on something interesting.
Dunno if you've heard already but theres this dude on Youtube who made the frame for Ikki's AT, minus the junk inside. It was for a cosplay thingie and it looked pretty good. The wheelz are apparently trolley wheelz XD awesomeness.....
I couldn't be bothered to get the link but if any of youz wanna check it out just search 'Air Gear' or 'Air Trek' or whatever on Youtube. (....or maybe it was 'Air Gear Cosplay'.....can't remember). But just look for it anyway.

Best of luck with the project.
Youz are all doin great!

No, Neo, I am not your mother. Guess again.
Post #162872

9:30 am, May 17 2008
Posts: 6

You may want to consider using sewing machine motors/gears.... the motors run at 100,000 + rpm /sec (on the low end... high end being over 1 million.) and they are small....

Post #163333

11:53 am, May 18 2008
Posts: 8

I just had a great idea but this is going to be a lil different from the normal AT but u can make the brake,gears and acceleration in a glove like each hand movement can move the AT so it will like send signals to the at and thus the motor will go faster or brake according to the hand movements and also it could be on each fingertip so if yu move a correct finger to the palm then you can stop or go faster and change gears(if necessery)

Also im sorry for this is my first post and i might have made a few typos but i read this and had an idea and wanted to post it bigrazz

Edit:You all forgot 1 little rocks and such things get stuck between the wheels just like on rollerblades and when you move at like idk normal AT racing speed you fall cause of little rocks get between the wheels so dead


8:20 pm, May 18 2008
Posts: 4

your idea is a good one, but if anyone's lik3e me and moves their fingers randomly, this control system would pose a challenge. In the hands of those people this could be life threatning.
Im not saying this to wreck your idea, but it might be good to come up with some corrections to it.
sad sorry if this pises you off

Post #163516

9:58 pm, May 18 2008
Posts: 8

Nope doesnt piss me off i didnt think of tht,oh and i found the AT design but idk if anyone can undersand it:
and dunno if its right but after saerching 2 hours this was the only result

Hardest one: f?o=2

Last edited by joss32 at 10:24 pm, May 18 2008

Post #163724
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1:39 pm, May 19 2008
Posts: 10

heres the diagram in english

Komodo Dragons- fight to win!

6:07 pm, May 19 2008
Posts: 4

I actually found that youtube video for Ikki's Air treks before I found this site. lol My name it the same on youtube as here also. bigrazz

Post #163905

8:00 am, May 20 2008
Posts: 1

my friend and I started a design 2 motors would turn the axel and each would have individual batteries and they need to be syncronized eek


10:24 pm, May 24 2008
Posts: 4

i think the magnetic coil idea would work, but it would have to have a system in place that would allow you to control it. I was thinking that maybe, the wheel would do the controling. Maybe by limiting the amount of electricity flowing into the motor based on the amount of electricity in the battery.

Post #165562

10:00 am, May 28 2008
Posts: 2

hello, im new here, just wan to tell you, why don use the computer fan but i dun know how fast it go. Cos it small and light and almost like in the manga.
then just need to figure out how to put into the wheel

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