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4:43 pm, Aug 6 2008
Posts: 4

ive been thinking that for starders y not use the iron ball air treck that aeon clock uses biggrin

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12:05 am, Aug 7 2008
Posts: 492

there's a reason why aeon is a formidable rider and only few use the ball thingy(i only know aeon who use them)..

well itsuki_AT and Nyctitropist got some good ideas(really good guys..for me at least)

*sigh* i'm a little brain dead at the moment.. got nothing to contribute.. sorry guys

Let's get Kickin' ...whatever that means

2:21 pm, Aug 7 2008
Posts: 4

well ive been trying to make a copy of the the wind regalia bagram but its much harder than it seems soo far ive made about 20 but they dont look good dead

also has anyone found a way to power up the air treck because that will be the main problem
the battery and dont try to use gear in the motor use a power converter to control the speed

well that wat i think biggrin eyes

Last edited by lambchopsil at 3:51 pm, Aug 7 2008


1:48 pm, Aug 8 2008
Posts: 4

nike uses the iron ball combined with an AT wheel

Post #190853

10:40 am, Aug 14 2008
Posts: 1

Hi. Just registered so I could start posting here.

So I read the first 5 pages, and I'm working on the rest, but what I am wondering is... did anyone draw up a prototype?

If not, I will start working on it today.

Post #190956 - Reply to (#190853) by __Lain
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5:11 pm, Aug 14 2008
Posts: 2342

Quote from __Lain
Hi. Just registered so I could start posting here.

So I read the first 5 pages, and I'm working on the rest, but what I am wondering is... did anyone draw up a prototype?

If not, I will start working on it today.

This entire topic has been just theory. Nothing has really come of it, well any that has been shown here.


8:07 pm, Aug 15 2008
Posts: 1

well i just joined too ive read a few pages and like airgear12 posted you can look for motors on they have small motors that would proabably work really well inside of at's plus the motor is really small biggrin


11:35 am, Aug 16 2008
Posts: 1

I think i found something that might get this project started. This guy put a motor inside of a razor scooter wheel, which is about the size of an AT wheel, i believe.
Heres a video of the wheel in action:
and heres the directions on how make it (though it is hard to follow):

The AT frames shouldnt be that hard to make and if someone can make 4 of these, im sure it'll work. Cuz if one wheel is enough to move someone standing on a scooter, im sure 4 of them will be able to move a persons whole body weight.

Post #191845

12:05 pm, Aug 16 2008
Posts: 45

I only read 4 pages so far so I don't know if what I'm gonna say has already been said...

I see a lot of talk about the motors but what about the power source?
Even if you get strong enough motors to move a person fast enough how will you power it? batteries will last for a minute or so and something that lasts longer is to big!

So I was thinking why not make the first AT (until theres better technology) look like boots? They don't have to rech your knee or something but it will add space for many components.

And also the hardest thing is to get motors strong and small enough to move a person from 0mph to Xmph. So why not start with motors that will only be able to accelerate you and you will e the one who starts to move.

In the manga, even though they have motors they still move like you do on normal rollerblades...

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8:27 am, Aug 18 2008
Posts: 492

umm.. i'm not sure if i believe this, but i guess i could share the news. it was posted on AT project site, and i figured, might as well put it here too. don't blame me, i'm just sharing. at the very least, it should raise the morale for a bit. so here goes

Quote from Niles_Touch
Anyone who creates a prototype of the Air Treks or something similar will receive 20% profit of its production and sales and 2.5 million cash beforehand.

I just received a hell lot of money in inheritance, and I cannot think of a better way to spend it.

I have the contacts and the money to make this product big.

Your probably asking why am I posting this challenge on here. I think that actual Air Gear fans would put more effort and time into finding someone to invent this or inventing it themselves.

At the end of the day its just a motorized skate.

That will hopefully sort out the energy problem.

I have not really done any extreme research of this, its just that I have the money so I'm letting you lot do this ... for 5 million of more.

P.s. this is not the only website where I am putting this on.

BTW Patent your Product before you tell me or anyone else about it.


again, it's not me. just posted on the atproject site.

Let's get Kickin' ...whatever that means

8:24 pm, Aug 23 2008
Posts: 6

I think that the max of the Tamiya motors are 50 km i have 1.But they are battery operated thats the bad part. Plus you have to think how much space we have under the rollerblades.We dont have much space too.And there are some info at wikipedia just go to their homepage than type in Air trecks than they would show some info.Im also willing to buy the motor if u need me too.

Last edited by Itachi_8 at 8:37 pm, Aug 23 2008

Post #195653

8:25 am, Aug 26 2008
Posts: 1

Do we have any engineers here? I have schematics for a wheel, but I think it is too big for the application.

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7:57 am, Aug 27 2008
Posts: 15

Hey guys new here read all the posts and I might have some info that may help you. For you who want an AT with no motor, theres someone who already made the best copy I've ever seen and he shows you how to build it: lated For a moving type I found a motor 103mm 3 horsepower motor two in each AT should produce enough power I think. The Anime schmatics seem to show the shoe build around the technology like what lightning said the battery seem to be placed in the sole and a double pad I guess fo sensing pressure is in the front. So I think there is no in wheel motor because al you see in the anime is one gear 4 star shaped disk like plates screwed together and the outer shell. I think two pancake motors in each side of the paltes that hold the wheel to the rest of the shoe is used for power cool

O'Yeah forgot to answer something.Lightning you asked awhile back what that lage T-shaped object was well I think it was the Air Cushion System for the manga's pictures It looks like springs and puematic systems lead all the shocks from the fragal wheels to the lag puematic system like a central shock unit. But I'm not completely sure. bigrazz

Hey guys found this I think it will help: but I don't know where the foot is gonna be. confused

Last edited by lambchopsil at 10:20 pm, Aug 27 2008


1:07 am, Aug 28 2008
Posts: 6

Dragoon but the thing is that when they make the Air Treck on the youtube vid. it cant move by it self. no

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2:38 pm, Aug 28 2008
Posts: 15

I was also thinking it could be used for practicing without the motor to become used to the two wheels spacing of AT's. I was also thinking of building the Air Treks off of that format but not making the patio frame as long and instead a button or pressure pad the to control the in wheel motors. The wheels would be those motor razor scooter wheels but I will make the rubber be a little shorter and more squarish and as for the battery. I don't know biggrin

Last edited by Dragoon119 at 7:23 pm, Aug 28 2008

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