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When did you get hooked onto Manga/Anime?

When did you get hooked onto Manga/Anime?
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8:29 pm, Jul 2 2007
Posts: 1

my first anime was ranma 1/2, that was when i was 11, i watched anime for a year or so, until i got sidetracked. and now my first year in college, i've suddenly started to really get into anime and manga. smile wink grin

Post #22801
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the(old)SRoMU boss

8:52 pm, Jul 2 2007
Posts: 1502

card captor sakura got me into anime. first i only watched the dubbed ones that got to israel, and the i got a movie in japanese with english titles. from then on i got pretty good in english from reading all those subs, and learned japanese as well.
got into manga a few months ago, from daa daa daa, so now i can also READ japanese. most of it, kanji gives me headache...

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Post #62871
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10:28 pm, Sep 29 2007
Posts: 911

I first started to watch anime when I was 5 years old. ( I voted for 7-12 because I forgot I watched Saint Seiya laugh )
1.Saint Seiya
2.Ronin Warriors
4.Dragon Ball
5.Ranma ½

The first Manga I watched was when I was 7 years old
1.Dragon Ball
2.Ranma 1/2

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10:48 pm, Sep 29 2007
Posts: 50

The first anime I saw was Ronin Warriors when I was ~6, and then Gundam Wing after that. I didn't really start watching a lot of anime until Full Metal Alchemist when I was 14 so I voted 13-17.

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Post #62932
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Resident Odd

2:02 am, Sep 30 2007
Posts: 665

I got interested back in the early 90s. I didn't know about manga much (found out what it was in the latter part of the 90s, but I read a few titles.

Post #62992

6:52 am, Sep 30 2007
Posts: 1650

Anime... Pokemon when I was 7, and then Rurouni Kenshin and DBZ and Sailor Moon and Digimon, and all of those others. I started reading manga when I learned of its existence 5 years later.

Post #62996 - Reply to (#7633) by ares6
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Artificial Life

6:57 am, Sep 30 2007
Posts: 1591

Quote from ares6
no one read Doraemon.....I feel so old.......

noooooooooo dont feel old!!! i watched it!! even though i was like 2....but ur still not old!!!! biggrin

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Post #62998

6:59 am, Sep 30 2007
Posts: 17

first manga is fushigi yuugi when i was 6(yea can u imagine a six years old children read fushigi yuugi?XD), but my first anime 2 years later, ranma and dbz

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8:36 pm, Sep 30 2007
Posts: 4030

I've been watching anime since I can remember. I feel old... I used to watch Vultus V, Daimos, Heidi, Little Women, Princess Sara, Doraemon, Astroboy, etc. I didn't know the difference between Disney, Looney Toons and anime when I was really young, they're all cartoons to me.

I only started reading manga recenly though, I think about 4 years ago.

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8:43 pm, Sep 30 2007
Posts: 90

it was 2.5 years ago. i finished all of the high school japanese that i could so i took an advanced version of 1st year college in the summer at a community college. there i was so bored and advanced (since i took 2 years of japanese and everyone else just started japanese) that the teacher paired me up with someone like me. this guy said that i should learn to download and watch anime. so he is the one that taught me the basics of anime that i know now... (i am proud that i liked japan over ten years before i started to like anime. makes me special)


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8:54 pm, Sep 30 2007
Posts: 4

I first got into anime when I had to watch Dragon Ball and Yu Yu Hakusho for work because I had to work on the action figures. I really developed an interest in anime and manga through my boyfriend who started me off with Naruto a couple of years ago and continues to keep referring me stuff that he thinks I'll like.

Post #63334

10:34 pm, Sep 30 2007
Posts: 10

I'm a child of the 80's... Robotech, Voltron, Thundercats, Speed Racer!!!... so I guess like age 4. eyes

Manga addiction grew out of boredom with American comicbooks eek

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10:52 pm, Sep 30 2007
Posts: 159

When i was kid (maybe 10 years or something) i watched Nagareboshi Gin videos that my mother bought me. I liked it much. But well i didnt know how to use computers back then and i didnt really watch any animes after it until i was 16 when friend from school asked me if i liked anime and showed me episodes of Rurouni Kenshin. After that i been watching anime/manga every week smile

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12:05 pm, Oct 1 2007
Posts: 22

Technically, I suppose it would be around back when I was 6 or 7 years old and started watching Dragonball Z, and then Pokemon, Sailor Moon, Ronin Warriors, and all of those that were on television back then. But to be honest with myself, I'd really consider myself as getting hooked to it (and understanding that they are from Japan and that manga exist) about two or three years ago. Not quite sure what triggered it though, it's all hidden behind a blur of anime and manga addiction.

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12:48 pm, Oct 1 2007
Posts: 231

I started watching anime when I was 5, I think. I think the anime was Sailor Moon. I watched it when I was visiting family in Canada. Then at 14 for manga. My cousin kept telling me about this manga. So, I finally decided to find out what it was about. Then I got hooked on that manga and found other ones.

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