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Morally ambiguous characters

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1:50 am, Nov 21 2009
Posts: 21

i am looking for a manga where there isn't really a bad guy, but instead all of the characters seem to have their good and bad side. Kind of like Elfen Lied where you just kinda felt sorry for everybody. Or at least a manga where the bad guy(s) aren't really all that bad, like for example a man who kills without blinking an eye, but is the perfect father. ah, I hope i explained all that clearly.

Please and Thank you smile

Post #336596
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2:38 am, Nov 21 2009
Posts: 76

Have you tried Kuroshitsuji? The main character is a demon who works for his master (who's 12 or something like that) disguised as a butler. He's completely fascinating even though you know he's no good. His master has a very dark personality too but he is very human.

The art's beautiful as well which is an added bonus. Geh I don't know, just give it a try biggrin

Last edited by MiraW. at 7:14 am, Nov 21 2009

Post #336600
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3:28 am, Nov 21 2009
Posts: 113

Dorohedoro sounds exactly like what your looking for. It's very good, follows a conflict from both sides of the story, with both groups being ruthless for their own reasons.

Vinland Saga is another I would recommend. There are no clearly evil characters and the characters in it often fight for their own personal reasons.

If you haven't read Berserk it's a bit like that at the start. Though calms down after a while and sets up some moral boundaries and clear rights/wrongs it didn't have in the beginning.

Then of course there's more well known stuff like Death Note.

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Post #336602

4:05 am, Nov 21 2009
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Angel sanctuary
Fairy cube
hoshin engi

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Peaceful Dictator™

5:35 am, Nov 21 2009
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angel heart
city hunter
Tokyo crazy paradise
Junk: record of last hero
shinobi life
Love monster
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Trigun aguable but i think knives not a evil as he appears after all his one wish is for vash to face reality

Last edited by westsiders2 at 1:28 am, Nov 23 2009

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Post #336618
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6:02 am, Nov 21 2009
Posts: 2038

Vampire Juujikai is the best I can think of.
Gunslinger Girl

What I like in Trivial Pursuit style. Pick your category:User Posted Image

9:02 am, Nov 21 2009
Posts: 165

perhaps Shamo

or Code Geass
but for Code Geass I recommend the anime, as I found the manga paler in comparison

Post #336660
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9:30 am, Nov 21 2009
Posts: 558

Crying freeman perhaps or Angel heart (not sure)

Post #336796
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7:53 pm, Nov 21 2009
Posts: 991

Shin Angyo Onshi -- I see Munsu as the epitome of the "hero in spite of himself." He is cynical, flawed, and doesn't see himself as the good guy, but in the end he finds redemption.

Monster -- This manga demonstrates the opposite, where the villain starts out "good" and can't be hated because he mirrors the potential for evil in all people.

Both series have supporting characters who are also morally ambiguous.

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Reading: Kingdom, Sangokushi, Historie
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8:04 pm, Nov 21 2009
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Onani master kurosawa

why because i am the president of the student council of course

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Post #336804 - Reply to (#336800) by tokyo_homi
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8:29 pm, Nov 21 2009
Posts: 131

Quote from tokyo_homi

yah, this manga sounds weird but its really good. you have to read the whole thing because half-way through youre like "wow... this is so weird"

The endings
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really nice and happy though.

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8:48 pm, Nov 21 2009
Posts: 237

A couple of her series have been mentioned so far, but I say try anything by Yuki Kaori.


3:41 am, Nov 29 2009
Posts: 21

Thanks for all the great recs! These all look really good, especially Dorohedoro and Junk i will definately check those out. I have also heard that Monster is really good but have never gotten around to reading. I'm a little worried it won't be able to grab me and then i will just give up. roll eyes Oh! Shinobi Life looks good too smile
oh and i wonder if there are any you might suggest that have a bit of ecchi??

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