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Donten ni Warau   
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From Inkr:
Under the curse of Orochi, the great demon serpent reborn every 300 years, Japan has been shrouded in clouds for as long as anyone can remember. The era of the samurai is at an end, and carrying swords has been outlawed. To combat the rising crime rates, an inescapable prison was built in the middle of Lake Biwa. When brothers Tenka, Soramaru and Chutaro Kumo are hired to capture and transport offenders to their final lodgings in this prison, they unexpectedly find themselves faced with a greater destiny than any of them could have imagined.

Official Translations:
English, French


Related Series

Associated Names
Gia tộc Kumo
Laughing Under the Clouds
Ridendo tra le nuvole
Riendo bajo las nubes
Unterm Wolkenhimmel
Śmiech w chmurach (Polish)
Смех под облаками
Сміх під захмареним небом

Groups Scanlating

Latest Release(s)
v.6 c.29 (end) by Easy Going Scans over 9 years ago
v.6 c.28 by Easy Going Scans over 10 years ago
c.27 by Easy Going Scans over 10 years ago
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in Country of Origin
6 Volumes (Complete)

Completely Scanlated?

Anime Start/End Chapter
Starts at Vol 1, Chap 1
Ends at Vol 6, Chap 29

User Reviews


User Rating
Average: 8.5 / 10.0 (290 votes)
Bayesian Average: 8.29 / 10.0

Last Updated
April 3rd 2024, 1:50pm



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Original Publisher

Serialized In (magazine)
Comic Avarus (Mag Garden)

Licensed (in English)

English Publisher
INKR Comics
Tokyopop (6 Volumes - Complete)

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The feels  
by chineserider
May 30th, 2016, 3:49am
Rating: 9.0  / 10.0
While this manga reads fairly short, with myriad twists and turns (unexpected initially, but somewhat foreshadowed too) it packs so much emotions through its vivid art and atmospheric story. I definitely cried once and twice, and I wasn't sure if everything will end in tragedy...but ultimately, I think the ending is incredibly fitting. Highly recommended. (The mood is even better if you read it while listening to the anime soundtrack or ending song)
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So underrated  
by SephiriaChronos
March 18th, 2016, 1:16am
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
One of the best manga out there that's of a good length. It doesn't drag on unnecessarily and the pace is good. But I would say the starting is sort of confusing. I'm glad I finished this and will be rereading it soon enough.

Not sure if this is a shounen or shoujo though. It can be either easily enough.
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Goodness, that was good  
by enaikelt
December 27th, 2014, 1:58pm
Rating: 9.0  / 10.0
I think this manga could have been better written at the beginning. As another commenter mentioned, the first few chapters feel like one-shots. I almost gave up on it and would have seriously missed out, because around chapters 15-20 it started all coming together, amazingly, plot twist after plot twist after plot twist. So good! And the art is of course exceptional too!
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Pretty damn good  
by butako chan
December 22nd, 2014, 2:26am
Rating: 8.0  / 10.0
I rarely give shouja mangas a good score because of how cookie cutter many of the series are. This series has proven that the demographic is alive and kicking. The manga still retains the naive happiness of shoujo without feeling as if the events that happen would have no consequence. There is a feeling that what's happening matters. This is as a result of the characters, which are intriguing and likeable. I'm glad I took the time to read this, and I would definitely recommend it to others.

... Last updated on February 23rd, 2015, 10:25pm
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by MondSemmel
November 24th, 2014, 5:25am
Rating: 7.5  / 10.0
The cute moments were very cute (the interaction between Botan and Hirari was a highlight), but the action and plot were otherwise too shounen for my taste. The siblings of the elder brother (i.e. the protagonists) are idiots and commit every shounen error in the book: Things like putting themselves in danger "to help their brother" and forcing their brother to sustain injuries to save them.
In a significant fraction of action scenes, I was yelling at the screen due to this idiocy.
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so good!!!!!!!  
by raquelita416
November 14th, 2014, 5:19pm
Rating: N/A
the feels in this manga are amazing, i love the art and the sense of humor, but i did cry a lot. i was unexpected at times too. i give this a 10 cause it had a good length that went straight to the point. and it has a sequelllll yesss!!!! although the sequel only has one chapter so far, i cant wait to see what happens next.
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love it!!  
by Crusniks Moon
September 15th, 2013, 9:38am
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
I really love this series. As the oldest out of three, with two younger brothers, I can get a good idea of how Tenka feels for his younger brothers. I feel like I can connect with the story that way. I think the art is quite good too; its not too bloody, but doesn't lack gore either. The way the chapters end keeps me attached and reading. I cannot wait to find out what happens next!
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by windshadow
September 6th, 2013, 9:58am
Rating: 9.0  / 10.0
I didnt get as much feels as some people said the story gives. But the ones I got were heartbreaking ones.

Strangely, I liked the fact that Karakara didnt dwell too much on explaining the background of the town and characters. The story and characters can be a lot more fleshed out but instead progressed in a way that "fits the title". It could have been epic, but it went in the way of a beautiful but queer gem instead.

The "expanded" ending broke my heart. Especially because the big cliche where EVERYONE is together, well and happy did not happen. But it was gorgeous nonetheless. A story I would re-read and find something different to love about.
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Wonderful so far.  
by LennyThynn
January 4th, 2013, 5:34pm
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
This... is the first and only manga where I have cried my heart out.

It's not finished, and so I'm not going to put a full review here, but man, parts of it are so realistic. And the art is wonderful. I think the author knows the way people are quite well.
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So many feels from this manga asdfghjkl;  
by melon-ramune-freak
July 4th, 2012, 12:10am
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
"Donten ni Warau" is truly a fitting title for this series. Literally in English, "Donten ni Warau" means "Laughing while the sky is cloudy". The storyline of "Donten ni Warau" is heavily based on character growth and development; it's about how people learn to laugh even when times are rough or "cloudy". Albeit all of the characters are shown striving to be strong enough to "laugh while it's cloudy", our attention is directed towards the Kumou brothers, particularly Soramaru and Tenka. Soramaru strives to become stronger, both physically and character wise, so that he can help his brother Tenka carry the burden of the Kumou family. Tenka, on the other hand, is struggling both mentally and physically. He wants to do whatever it takes to protect his loved ones, though he knows one day his efforts will be proven futile. Both of them, if not all of the characters, want to be strong enough to smile during these cloudy times. It's a really sweet manga about characters who work hard to protect and help each other. It really gives you so much feeeeeeeeeeeels... Like that strong sibling bond is so cute asdfghjkl;
I can kinda get why some people don't understand "Donten ni Warau". You have to read between the lines and look at the forshadowings. Karakara Kemuri is known to forshadow a lot, particularly in the chapter prior to a a major event or in the begining of an important chapter. [I had to read this multiple times to fully understand what's going on! ;w;] "Donten ni Warau" is great for readers who love to analyze stories, but a horror to the casual reader. If you're looking for something that you can casually read, do not read this manga; you'll just end up confused or give up on the whole manga. But, if you're willing to spend a couple hours analyzing and piecing the information together, this is the right series for you. You have to watch out for foreshadowing and double meanings. And don't get distracted by the beautiful art + smexy bishies ><
Oh and Chuutaro's so cute~ I wanna pinch his cheeks!!!

... Last updated on August 10th, 2013, 10:36pm
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