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Welcome to Baka-Updates - Manga!

Why should you register here?
That's a good question! What will you get out of this account anyway? Well, there are many things you can use this service for:

  • Filter new releases by genre
  • Highlight new releases by genre
  • Maintain a manga list (keep track of where you are in all your series!)
  • Participate in the forums
  • Add new scanlation releases
  • Add/edit series, author, and publisher information
  • Add your scanlation group
  • ...and more to come!

We look forward to your participation!

--Manick, Site Admin

Special note to Hotmail users: Be sure to check your junk email! Hotmail doesn't like us very much.

NOTE: WE ARE NOT A DOWNLOAD OR READING SITE. Please do not join if you’re looking for either of these.
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