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Boy Dies After Imitating Naruto in Sandbox

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Post #138980

8:11 am, Mar 12 2008
Posts: 15

omg... it may be stupid but it sure as hell isn't funny... it's not funny when someone dies.. it doesn't matter how they die. He was 10 ppl not 25... you can't say that when you were 10 you never did something stupid... all those kids who try to do tricks on the playground that counts. When you're 10 you can't expect them to know the difference between what's real and what's not. Geez... to make a joke out of someone dying.. and to blame it on the 10 year old boy... have some compassion. mad

Post #138985

8:17 am, Mar 12 2008
Posts: 2

Phew good to see that no one is blaming naruto
since its pretty obvius that the tv channel "discovery" is to blame.
Teaching kids nowdays about Ostrich, and all other dangerous animals that can get you killed if you imitate them.

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8:18 am, Mar 12 2008
Posts: 9026

I can't speak for you, but I would never do something like that when I was 10. Don't underestimate children. I hate it when people do that. If they have been properly raised, they are more than capable to know what they should or shouldn't do in most cases.

source: animenewsnetwork

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Post #138988 - Reply to (#138980) by aya_san
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8:19 am, Mar 12 2008
Posts: 4917

Quote from aya_san
omg... it may be stupid but it sure as hell isn't funny... it's not funny when someone dies.. it doesn't matter how they die. He was 10... i bet when we were all 10 we were doing stupid things like this... you can't say that when you were 10 you never did something stupid. Geez... to make a joke out of someone dying.. that's so cruel. mad

No, its not Cruel, its Natural, while some people may seem to get upset by this, others(like myself) see it is as weeding out the ones that wouldn't last long anyway.

i may not like the fact that he was so young, but the point remains, this kinda thing will happen everyday as this world Grows ever more stupid everyday, and its a grim fact that people nowadays must learn to deal with.

with that being said i don't "joke" about death, i merely find it amusing, seeing as how this world is doomed anyway, why not make the best of it...?

I've been through my fair share of things that coulda killed me, but they didn't, i still am not sure why...but they didn't, and i guess it just wasn't meant to be, for that child.

Edit -
Removed last thing, since i don't want to end up in an Argument about that thing.

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8:24 am, Mar 12 2008
Posts: 39

Sucks that he died, but I snickered anyhow. Just another of the Darwin awards. I love how the newscasters were shocked to see people burying their action figures. What would they have done to see me and my sister mangle our barbie's with a hot curling iron and pair of scissors to create "amputee" barbie?
I grew up in the early 90s and we played ninja turtles in the dirt parking lot of the trailor park across the street. Nothing like kicking dirt in the faces of shredder's enemies to get away. Throwing rocks at people's heads to stun them. Or hiding until cars. We used to go into the drainage pipes too!
Again, natural selection. My dad always said not to trust men until they're 25 anyhow. They might die on you.


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Post #139006
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8:55 am, Mar 12 2008
Posts: 339

First - Natural Selection.. Really.. The strong don't always live and the weak don't always die.
Second - Those of you who are 19 or below presenting Natural Selection as your argument are just about as dumb as they are. Only a bit smarter. You can't say you're strong because you've been living off of your parents your entire life. So you haven't killed yourself.. Wow.. You're the most amazing people I've ever had the privilege to criticize... And those above.. Well, you aren't as bad as the others, but that doesn't mean you're strong enough to criticize 10 year olds that have died through unintelligent actions..
Third - If he did in fact place himself in there and everyhing, then he is dumb. But it still isn't funny. Those of you offended by certain people's remarks about it should pay no mind. Cause as someone else mentioned earlier, most people can't really comprehend the action of an unnatural death and what would follow.
Fourth - The whole, "Stupid American Kids" thing is a dumb thing to say. The person who said you don't see Japanese people doing this is stupid. In China a person jumped from a 24 story building cause he wanted to meet his Night Elf hero from The World of Warcraft(WoW for short).. There was also a man in South Korea that died of exhaustion after 50 straight hours of playing WoW. Now I know those aren't instances of the Japanese.. But it just goes to show that the kind of idiocy this case deals with spans worldwide. Now I'm not partial towards my Nationality.. I just have a sore spot for ignorant assumptions...

Hmm.. I'm kind of proud of that rant..

Last edited by ikuyoK at 9:04 am, Mar 12 2008

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9:05 am, Mar 12 2008
Posts: 4030

I second ikuyoK's post... just too lazy to point it all out >.<

Stupid sh*t happens. Sometimes it causes death... but I don't think it's hilarious.

Post #139013 - Reply to (#139006) by ikuyoK
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9:09 am, Mar 12 2008
Posts: 4917

Quote from ikuyoK
First - Natural Selection.. Really.. The strong don't always live and the weak don't always die.
Second - Those of you who are 19 or below presenting Natural Selection as your argument are just about as dumb as they are. Only a bit smarter. You can't say you're strong because you've been living off of your parents your entire life. So you haven't killed yourself.. Wow.. You're the most amazing people I've ever had the privilege to criticize...

While, i normally wouldn't argue with you, i find myself slightly annoyed by your assumptions about those of us that talk about Natural Selection.
so i cant help but say this.

Why is it that you think that those of us that are younger that talk about Natural selection don't have a good argument?
i hate to tell ya this, but not everyone is the same in this world, and there are some of us that know what we are talking about...

i am fully aware that it doesn't always kill off the weak and let the strong live, sometimes the strong can be killed off just as easily as the weak.
and the fact of the matter is, that in this day and age, Natural Selection doesn't carry as much weight as it once did, seeing as how we have so many things that can happen nowadays, to either end, or save lives.
but something such as this can not be just dismissed as something not to be used.
seeing as how, for so long, untill the Parasyte named man, came along, it was the rule of the world.

Post #139017
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9:25 am, Mar 12 2008
Posts: 339

Normally I wouldn't argue either smile I'm with Amaranthine.. I'm way too lazy. I usually let someone else say what I'm thinking in forums. But by the time I got through with the entire thread, I just had too many things to say that weren't said. On with the argument..

I'm not saying you aren't presenting a compelling argument(even though it is only two words..). I'm just saying that what you're saying is a bit hypocritical. Now I know you PROBABLY won't go and shove your head inside of a sandbox, or even play a game for 50 hours without a break or two.. But you aren't exactly the exact opposite. What I'm pretty much saying is that those of you who aren't strong, have no right to criticize those who are weak.

If you are one of the strong ones.. Feel free to criticize away..

Post #139020 - Reply to (#139006) by ikuyoK
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9:33 am, Mar 12 2008
Posts: 3342

Quote from ikuyoK
First - Natural Selection.. Really.. The strong don't always live and the weak don't always die.
Second - Those of you who are 19 or below presenting Natural Selection as your argument are just about as dumb as they are. Only a bit smarter. You can't say you're strong because you've been living off of your parents your entire life. So you haven't killed yourself.. Wow.. You're the most amazing people I've ever had the privilege to criticize... And those above.. Well, you aren't as bad as the others, but that doesn't mean you're strong enough to criticize 10 year olds that have died through unintelligent actions..
Third - If he did in fact place himself in there and everyhing, then he is dumb. But it still isn't funny. Those of you offended by certain people's remarks about it should pay no mind. Cause as someone else mentioned earlier, most people can't really comprehend the action of an unnatural death and what would follow.
Fourth - The whole, "Stupid American Kids" thing is a dumb thing to say. The person who said you don't see Japanese people doing this is stupid. In China a person jumped from a 24 story building cause he wanted to meet his Night Elf hero from The World of Warcraft(WoW for short).. There was also a man in South Korea that died of exhaustion after 50 straight hours of playing WoW. Now I know those aren't instances of the Japanese.. But it just goes to show that the kind of idiocy this case deals with spans worldwide. Now I'm not partial towards my Nationality.. I just have a sore spot for ignorant assumptions...

Hmm.. I'm kind of proud of that rant..

Don't Be. The weak live and the strong die. Don't you realize what is considered strength in today's society? A strong mind. If your dumb enough to kill yourself, that means your weak (weak minded). Those that are smart enough to realize how dumb this kid is, and better yet laugh at his stupidity, are smart enough to be strong.

We're not laughing at his death. We're laughing at his stupidity. You saps just don't want to laugh at his stupidity cause in this extreme case, death was the consequence. Sure it's sad that he died, but if he had just put himself in a comma, darkly enough, it wouldn't be as funny. Why? cause death is the ultimate consequence for stupidity. Now if he had killed someone else, then I would be upset. Yet he killed himself, which follows the order of things. (Natural selection)

Maybe if he put himself in a comma and his family sued the park for having sand that isn't oxygen permeable... Now that would be funny as well.

Yea, I said it!

"“That's the difference between me and the rest of the world!
Happiness isn't good enough for me! I demand euphoria!” "
Post #139022 - Reply to (#139017) by ikuyoK
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9:33 am, Mar 12 2008
Posts: 4917

Quote from ikuyoK
Normally I wouldn't argue either smile I'm with Amaranthine.. I'm way too lazy. I usually let someone else say what I'm thinking in forums. But by the time I got through with the entire thread, I just had too many things to say that weren't said. On with the argument..

I'm not saying you aren't presenting a compelling argument(even though it is only two words..). I'm just saying that what you're saying is a bit hypocritical. Now I know you PROBABLY won't go and shove your head inside of a sandbox, or even play a game for 50 hours without a break or two.. But you aren't exactly the exact opposite. What I'm pretty much saying is that those of you who aren't strong, have no right to criticize those who are weak.

If you are one of the strong ones.. Feel free to criticize away..

Ahh, i guess we feel the same then(maybe), i don't criticize anyone, normally, and someone that has died is no different, but i just found it a bit amusing that someone actually stuck their head into a sandbox and died from it.

but as i said in my first post here, life is full of death, and its best just to accept it and move on, and if you can, try and find the best of a situation, even if its grim.

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10:04 am, Mar 12 2008
Posts: 974

well if you are arguing about 50h non stop playing, yes its bad, but its nothing different than drug addicted people, most of them are adult as well.
My point is, It's not good comparison, It's different. I bet the person who died playing 50h nonstop know the consequence, those drug addict as well, yet they still don't stop.

but this kid he know nothing about death, I blame the parent totally, I could remember when I was a kid my mother always look after me 80% of the time.

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Post #139026
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10:15 am, Mar 12 2008
Posts: 339

Seems you and I are on the same page Kakashi.. Though I don't find his death amusing. I do, however, find it interesting. Still.. Fair enough.

Making the point that people who realize how dumb or weak he was have the potential to be strong is pointless.. If it's strength of mind then anyone who is alive has that potential. But potential is pointless for the time being. All I was saying was that those who aren't strong shouldn't criticize those who are weak. I mean most of the people bringing up Natural Selection are doing so in a mocking manner. Even those not doing so. You realize you're basically saying, "The kid deserved to die." He made one stupid decision so he should die? I'll agree that the one decision was completely idiotic and everything, but if he hadn't been eating the couch and chugging ammonia by the bottle then I don't believe he deserved what happened.
I'll agree with Calliber where the people that kill themselves intentionally are weak-minded.. Natural Selection isn't defined by one single point in our lives. You don't know if he saved a kid from drowning once or if protected people from bullies and such. This kid probably didn't commit suicide.. You don't know what he did in his spare time(besides watch Naruto) so you can't say if he is strong or weak..
So to summarize.. One.. You don't know if he was weak.. Two.. If you aren't strong yourselves, you shouldn't criticize those who are weak.

Oh and by the way.. I'm a huge believer of the whole, "To each his own," philosophy. So if you have a problem with me or my opinions.. Well I don't really mind.

Post #139028 - Reply to (#139011) by amaranthine
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10:33 am, Mar 12 2008
Posts: 3503

Quote from amaranthine
I second ikuyoK's post... just too lazy to point it all out >.<

Stupid sh*t happens. Sometimes it causes death... but I don't think it's hilarious.

yep, that is life...
I wanted to go against the people saying "Natural Selection" but ikuyoK has done quite well.
Sorry if i´m dragging this too much, but in my opinion natural selection doesn´t apply to humans living in a society, and it´s a term mainly used refering as "the survival of the strongest (or the fittest)", that is biologically speaking. All humans have weakness, without society who knows if we would even be living the way we are now.
It´s easy to judge other people rashly, even if it´s an idiotic act, a life is lost and that is not laughing matter.

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Post #139031 - Reply to (#139026) by ikuyoK
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10:43 am, Mar 12 2008
Posts: 3342

Quote from ikuyoK
I'll agree with Calliber where the people that kill themselves intentionally are weak-minded.. Natural Selection isn't defined by one single point in our lives. You don't know if he saved a kid from drowning once or if protected people from bullies and such. This kid probably didn't commit suicide.. You don't know what he did in his spare time(besides watch Naruto) so you can't say if he is strong or weak.
Oh and by the way.. I'm a huge believer of the whole, "To each his own," philosophy. So if you have a problem with me or my opinions.. Well I don't really mind.

I know he didn't commit suicide. I don't know if this kid did save lives on his free time. He could be a saint, which would make his death all the more sad. (I'd still laugh at his stupidity)

But he was dumb enough to bury himself head first, waist deep and think he could survive. That's weak-minded in my book.

Now if this kid was autistic or educationally challenged, then that would be a different story. He still would've been weak-minded, but his "setbacks" wouldn't have been his fault. Like if a man with one leg dies in a pool cause he swim, thats not his fault. Yet still, he's weak which is why he died.

It's the sad truth of life. Whenever you make an argument you have to look at all sides of the table. Even the blood stained side and the moldy, rotten, smelly side of the table.


People keep saying that natural selection doesn't apply in today's society. It does, but in more ways than one. Physically doesn't really apply, cause a strong man can die in a car accident, just like a weak man. But I'm talking about mentally. If one doesn't have a strong mind, then you'll get killed by society.

The weak-minded fall prey to too much stress, and find that they can't cope with society or choose not to function with it. These are your run of the mill dope fiends, terriorist, and the suicidal. Dope fiends and the suicidal are similar in that they try to escape reality. Dope fiends use drugs, the suicidal kill themselves. Terriorist and school shooters lash out at society by destroying and killing random things and people.

The strong-minded are those of us who are able to cope with our own problems and can recover from a strong emotional trauma in a reasonable amount of time. We take risks, we make mistakes, we learn from them, we grow stronger. This applies to a vast amount of people, from the successful business men, to government officials, to you and me.

Of course, the strong mind can become weak. Like when a successful business man gets hooked on drugs. But thats another argument for another day.

Last edited by Calliber at 11:02 am, Mar 12 2008

"“That's the difference between me and the rest of the world!
Happiness isn't good enough for me! I demand euphoria!” "
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