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How old were you when you discovered manga/anime?
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Mad With a Hat

11:21 am, May 17 2008
Posts: 4764

I'm not sure...
The first anime I've ever seen was Pokemon. But I didn't know it was an anime... I was 6 maybe...
I became aware of anime when I was.. 12 I think~
I've first heard the word "anime" when conected to DBZ..
Some years later, I've discovered manga, and became hooked roll eyes
My first manga was Fruits Basket. That was after watching the anime^^

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1:20 pm, May 17 2008
Posts: 1429

6 years, the first anime in croatia aired then ("Candy Candy")

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1:25 pm, May 17 2008
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Simple as that.

Post #163663
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10:36 am, May 19 2008
Posts: 339

I started reading Young Shounen Champ and Shounen Champ from when I was little. Don't remember what I read first. The age would be 8.

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Chaos Incarnated

12:42 pm, May 19 2008
Posts: 363

well first i started watching pokemon and digimon when i was like 9 or 8 but didn't know it was anime and when i was 11 or 12 i started watching dragonball and yugioh but still didnt know what it was they showed it on tv thought it was funny but i really started to like it after i watched naruto and bleach when i was like 14 or 15 though i think they kinda get boring right about now and now i read like 40-60 mangas and 10-15 animes biggrin biggrin

p.s. sorry for the really crappy grammer

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2:11 pm, May 19 2008
Posts: 380

My first series, on both counts, was One Piece.

They say it's the thought that counts, but then they tell you, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions......"

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5:47 am, May 21 2008
Posts: 5

When I was 7 years old. The animes back then was Dragon Ball Z, Ghost Fighter, Sailor Moon and the likes. Just as when I was really hooked up in Fushigi Yugi.

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7:09 am, May 21 2008
Posts: 224

I have watched anime since i remember, i think i began with SF Saiyuuki Sutaajingaa (aka Starzinger) also Kyaputen Fuuchaa (Captain Future) and Seigi no Asiru Mono Gekko Kamen (Gekko Kamen)... I really liked anime since i was chiled weirdly enough i realized the difference before i could enter school mostly because the anime itself had a "show" on a national's tv channel named "El show de los robots" where they specified the difference

Last edited by Lagito at 7:31 am, May 21 2008

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7:35 am, May 21 2008
Posts: 35

The first Anime I'd ever seen was Outlaw Star, and my first Manga was Flame of Recca.

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10:07 pm, May 21 2008
Posts: 264

...I grew up in Hong Kong and so manga/anime were my cartoons.

Um... firsts?

First manga = Doraemon. GREAT CLASSIC <33
First anime = Sailor Moon (I can't remember if it was Gundam or Sailor Moon)

...But if you ask when did I get obsessed... Probably at age 11, first manga = Love Hina, first anime = Fushigi Yuugi.

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12:33 am, May 22 2008
Posts: 61

Anime, when I was about 5 or 6. My older brother and I got hooked into watching Dragonball, so go and blame him for my addiction.

But the first time I read manga, I was already 12. A classmate brought Rurouni Kenshin and lent it to me.

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7:51 pm, May 22 2008
Posts: 452

I think the 1st manga I read was Adolf when I was 11ish. F***en masterpiece imo! Then I think it was either Dragon Ball or Akira. biggrin cool

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8:04 pm, May 22 2008
Posts: 277

My Neighbor Totoro. I was a toddler. Then we got it on VHS, too; we had the promotional plushie (however awesome, long since lost).

I busted out the Totoro about three months ago and sort of relived that bit of my youth. It was worth it. It's a solid film.

My first experience with animanga that I knew was animanga was my Yu Yu Hakusho/Rurouni Kenshin obsession that started in the seventh grade and didn't end until I'd finally managed to see each and every episode (about a year ago). But now I still need to read the manga of both.

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Empire of the Gun

8:08 pm, May 22 2008
Posts: 300

I remember watching Voltron and Speed Racer when I was younger. First manga was FLCL and Love Hina

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8:11 pm, May 22 2008
Posts: 14

My first anime was probably Sailor Moon or this one about a robot cat, which I can't remember the name of. This was around 4-5 years of age.

When I discovered what manga/anime was, I was 13, and the manga that introduced it was Ah! My Goddess - the only manga available in my library at the time, shockingly enough.

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