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Genderless main character + romance (optional).

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Post #581736
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5:57 am, Dec 26 2012
Posts: 235

After reading Magnolia and Divine Melody I've become interested in looking for a manga with a genderless main character, a person who dosent particularly identify or ascribe to one sex. Would basically prefer it if the character stays genderless, but that might be basically asking for to much, so one where they aren't male or female for the bulk of the story is fine. Divine Melody provides an interesting example where the main character is both male and female, and spends the bulk of the plot switching between the two. Magnolia is an example where the character is born genderless, although she has to choose one eventually. So, yeah, something like those two would be great. I'm not really looking for male-to-female or female-to-male transformations (e.g. my barbaric girlfriend or [/m]return[m]), but something more where, at least for the bulk of the plot, the main character is neither gender (or, at least, they don't stay as one particular gender for very long, Divine Melody being a good example).

Fantasy and romance would be great as well, but not necessary for what I'm looking for. Could be a more realistic story instead (e.g. Intersexuality). THanks in advance for any suggestions.


6:35 am, Dec 26 2012
Posts: 21

Houkago Hokenshitsu and I.S. are two manga I know based on intersexuality. Though I haven't read either of them so I cannot say if they are any good. But I'm a fan of mizushiro setona sensei so I'm expecting houkago hokenshitsu to be good. Hope this helps. smile

Last edited by euphoria92 at 6:49 am, Dec 26 2012

Post #581825
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Come and Go

7:52 pm, Dec 26 2012
Posts: 399

Does that mean Ranma 1/2 and Itsuka Sora kara is a no no?

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2:49 pm, Dec 27 2012
Posts: 89

After School Nightmare might suit your needs, but it's more like the main character fluctuates between genders as opposed to being genderless. It has both romance and fantasy.

Post #581916
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3:24 pm, Dec 27 2012
Posts: 776

The only one that I can think of off the top of my head is Clamp's Wish (though certain scanlators ascribe certain genders to Kohaku, Kohaku is technically genderless and sexless). Clamp's RG Veda also has a genderless/sexless main character, though there's not much romance in that one.

Ame Nochi Hare (BIKKE) has characters that (literally) switch between male and female.

And A, A' and Shounen Hakaryuudo both have intersex characters, though gender-wise they are referred to with male pronouns. Not sure if that's what you're looking for, but just putting it out there.

Edit: Just remembered, Lonesome Eden has a sexless main character too. SiH (the scanlator) even used a gender-neutral pronoun for said character.

Last edited by Suxinn at 8:08 pm, Dec 30 2012

Post #581918
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4:17 pm, Dec 27 2012
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6:00 pm, Dec 27 2012
Posts: 74

Prunus Girl? Does that count?

Leader of Bento Scans
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8:09 pm, Dec 27 2012
Posts: 14

Tenbin wa Hana to Asobu A manga about a vampire that doesn't have a gender and will either become a man or woman depending on how much female or male blood consumed by the age of 18.

This is closest thing I could come up with, it's a cute simple romance manga. The character identifies as female for convenience, but doesn't consider herself one or the other. It has some shoujo-ai leanings because of this, but if that doesn't bother you I recommend checking it out.

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10:21 pm, Dec 27 2012
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Last edited by lambchopsil at 12:31 am, Dec 28 2012

Post #582045
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6:33 pm, Dec 28 2012
Posts: 250

They Were Eleven

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Post #582243

12:40 am, Dec 30 2012
Posts: 5

Been a while since I read it but I think Global Garden might work for you.

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