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2:55 pm, Aug 28 2008
Posts: 15

Does anyone have any hydralic air cushion system or anything close? confused

Last edited by Dragoon119 at 7:24 pm, Aug 28 2008


11:28 pm, Aug 28 2008
Posts: 6

If we try that do u have any distributes to distribute it out and i think they should be smaller size than trolley wheels but the same width

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4:07 am, Aug 29 2008
Posts: 15

I don't understand what you mean by distributes to distribute it out. confused


7:18 pm, Aug 29 2008
Posts: 6

srry the people who distribute them out once u make them. And lighting is he reading this

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9:31 am, Aug 30 2008
Posts: 15

sorry don't have any no


5:54 pm, Aug 30 2008
Posts: 6

Is Lightning reading this?! or is it only 2 of us?

Post #198377
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9:08 pm, Sep 2 2008
Posts: 3

yea for the braking and acceleration you should push on the back while to accelerate and to brake you should push on the front to stop but don't make it where it stops on a dime

________________ lia.jpg/180px-Fang_regalia.jpg

8:41 pm, Sep 6 2008
Posts: 1

i think this might help 4 the breaks i got it at the anime...

--------------------------------- current=untitled1-1.jpg

this might help at the schematics

Last edited by lambchopsil at 8:15 am, Sep 7 2008

Post #202512 - Reply to (#197139) by Itachi_8
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3:36 am, Sep 14 2008
Posts: 492

Quote from Itachi_8
Is Lightning reading this?! or is it only 2 of us?

i'm reading this. but please note, i'm not leader or sth. i'm just like you guys. trying to offer some ideas that i hoped will be of help.

Let's get Kickin' ...whatever that means

7:22 pm, Sep 16 2008
Posts: 2

Hey yo im in on this too ima help us as much as i can and bring more engineers in this

do we have any definite information on how to build it so far? so i can catch up and we can all be at the same page

Last edited by lambchopsil at 7:35 pm, Sep 16 2008


2:28 am, Sep 17 2008
Posts: 6

Umm so exactly how far are we in this process

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3:13 pm, Sep 18 2008
Posts: 9

Well, I started to read the post, but then I got bored by the probability arguments so... bollocks to all that. All I have to say is there are a couple of things AT's would need.

1) Full ankle support - turning, jumps, tricks. This is the basic of the entire shoe.
2) A sturdy foot platform - you would probably want something between your foot, the motor, and the wheels for many reasons.
3) Accelerator
4) Brake
5) Cushioning system
6) Motor
7) Energy source
8) Wheels
9) Cooling system
10) Insulation - seems a little ridiculous at first but, the faster an object turns, the more energy is lost which results in heat. I'm thinking you don't want to fry your feet.

Basically, we already have AT's in existence (but only through concept.) Segway's. The AT for two feet. Sure you cannot jump off of them but the idea is there, a motorized form of transport that cut emissions, is easy to use, and can go a decent speed.

I've looked at the above 10 needs and basically figured out what is needed to build an AT but the cost of actually building a prototype AT would be ridiculous as the technology needed to build on is still a couple years off. You could of course build a motor from scratch but for that you would need a mechanical engineer. (I'm an aspiring one but the wait for an understanding would take at least 2 years.)

The basic needs of the person building the AT are: time, money, space, and a couple victims as the builder cannot work with broken bones -_-

For the motor and energy source, that is difficult but not improbable. You don't necessarily need an engine with high horsepower but rather one with lots of torque. As it is, motors that would be able to propel a human at a decent speed are quite big. Unless someone has a suggestion for motor that would be very helpful. After that, all that's left is combining it really.

Nothing is impossible, only improbable.

10:27 am, Sep 19 2008
Posts: 5

According to the manga, AT accelerates by the rider putting more weight on the front of his foot. To brake you put no weight on the front at all, but to accelerate you need the make so that the rider doesn't have to put too much weight on the front, due to balance issues. As for the energy source, the only thing currently possible would be either some sort of gas (like in cars), or to charge it up with electricity. The main thing we have to worry about is the motor.

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11:39 am, Sep 19 2008
Posts: 9

I have the accelerator and brake figured out save for a few pressure glitches. For an energy source, it cannot be a liquid fuel as you would need somewhere to put it and a very efficient engine. Electric seems to be what the manga suggests as they charge their AT's and Ikki shorted his out by sliding on power cables near the beginning of the series.
Just going back to acceleration quickly, I'm doing some calculations to find the ideal acceleration for the human body and I'm going to use that number, change it into horsepower and torque and find the size of the engine needed. Also, as we are going to be (hopefully) going quite fast, the motor will need gears. That can be fixed by small gears and an automatic clutch like what is used in automatic cars.
For the energy source, I was thinking a lithium ion with a feeder which would convert some of the kinetic or thermal energy into electrical and extend battery life.

Nothing is impossible, only improbable.

12:24 pm, Sep 19 2008
Posts: 5

Nice. Ok, now the real problem is making it small enough to fit in AT. You have to make sure that it's light enough, though. About the gears, you probably already know that you have to make it automatic.

My "specialty" is mainly physics so, in my head, I've been thinking of ways a human body can "fly" with AT. The problem is you have to go forward more than up if you don't want to be immobilized. But if you do try to go forward more, gravity will still pull you down and, eventually, the result would be the same as the "no up" thing. And what I mean by "no up" is that you can't jump off of flat ground, go up at around 15 feet, and land without being in pain (you know what I mean).

Now, in my notebooks, I've been recording possible maneuvers one can do that will prevent injury. Of course, all of them include outside factors so if you are on a track using AT, you can't do much "flying".

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