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Post #21704 - Reply to (#21703) by Zubz313
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6:49 pm, Jun 25 2007
Posts: 1574

Quote from Zubz313
Once again my friend I apologize, for upsetting you. You are absolutely right my mistakes are my own responsibility. I have never said otherwise. Like I mentioned in a previous post we are the results of our decisions in life. Big or small they make a huge impact. Yeah the torture that I went through was by my own hands, quite literally, but I have come to terms with it and slowly and maturely being built back up. My point in bringing up aids and homosexuals is not out of ignorance, since the majority of cases especially in this country is transferred anally. And men weren't designed to take that kind of penetration, it's no coincidence. Aids is simply one of the possible consequences for homosexuality, and I'm sorry if I have led you to believe otherwise. But this conversation is getting out of hand, and is headed down south. The point of this topic is lost and there is nothing to gain. I only wanted to give you a friendly warning "to not play with fire." I hope you don't misinterpret this as an attack on you. I don't want you to be my enemy, but if this conversation is going to make us bitter towards each other, let's do right thing here and cut it off before it turns into something much worse. Sorry for the bitterness that came out of this discussion, thats all I can say.

apparently not a fan of anal? but i seen statistics that only somewhere around 30% of male homosexual couples actually perform anal sex. way to keep the stereotype alive. just becuase you got the equiptment, doesn't mean you have to use it

and no i do have the source for that, but if I find it soon ill post it.

Edit:thanks to google, the Urban Gay Man's study, performed at UCSF, indicated only around 50% of men were involved with anal sex. and thats the University of SAN FRANSICO. wa-la

not trying to keep this going, just informing eyes

Last edited by daed at 7:09 pm, Jun 25 2007

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5:42 am, Jun 26 2007
Posts: 94

Whoa, I go away for a while and all this happens? Clearly, I need to be around more often. The absence of my Loving Lesbian Vibes must be affecting people badly. biggrin

Ahem. Right, right. Gotta be serious.

Zubz313: More than anything else, I have to criticize your misrepresentation of AIDS. Giving people the wrong idea about AIDS is dangerous and irresponsible, and will only serve to increase the rate of HIV infection. AIDS can spread through unprotected penetrative sex of any kind, be it heterosexual or homosexual. If anything, the sheer scope of the international AIDS crisis should make it clear that it isn't just a "gay" disease.

AIDS is a human tragedy. It affects all of us. Misrepresentation and poor education is part of the reason it's become such a crisis. Please, don't make things worse by turning a medical issue into a moral one! Morality has nothing to do with it. AIDS victims are not evil or perverse, anymore than victims of SARS are evil or perverse. When it comes to AIDS, any sexual practice is safe as long as people take precautions such as condoms etc. Being gay or straight is completely irrelevant.

Speaking of sexual practices... Anal sex is not an exclusively gay act. Heterosexual couples also enjoy sodomy. Lesbian couples do, too. (Fisting, toys, rimming, strap-ons... Er, I should stop now.) Anal sex is enjoyable as long as it's performed with care. Once again, being straight or gay is completely irrelevant.

In fact, I have to challenge Zubz313's statement that he was addicted to porn. Dude, have you seriously watched a lot of porn? If you had, you'd have seen plenty of straight people having anal sex. bigrazz

When it comes to Zubz313's religious arguments, I'm afraid I have no response to make. I'm agnostic and I have no real understanding of common religious views about homosexuality. Since I haven't studied the Bible or other religious texts, I can't defend or attack Zubz313's ideas about God.

What I can say, however, is that I'm glad to be myself. I neither know nor care what any divine entity thinks of me. I'm happy the way I am, the way I was made -- whether it was nature that made me a lesbian, or whether it was God.

Zubz313 also argued that sex wasn't a necessity, because a person who doesn't have sex won't die. When I said that sex was a necessity, I meant it. Not that a human being deprived of sex will die -- of course not! But that a human being deprived of sex will be unhappy. After all, we don't need music to stay alive, either. We don't need games, or laughter, or companionship. A lone person surviving in the wilderness can still scrounge together a living.

But companionship, humor, music and sex are necessities, in the sense that they all contribute to a person's sense of well-being. Sex is a physical need, but also a psychological one. It's fine if someone who has enjoyed sex decides to give it up for personal reasons -- but to demand that other people also give it up? That's going a little too far!

That was sex in general I just commented on; now let's talk about homosexuality.

Whether homosexuality is natural or not is a silly concern. What is "natural" and what is "unnatural"? Other species are also known to indulge in homosexual acts, so homosexuality certainly isn't a human invention. What about computers? Vaccinations? Surgery? Should we stop manufacturing machines and medications, because these things are "unnatural"?

In my view, absolutely anything that happens in the universe is natural, by virtue of the fact that it happens. The moment it happens, it becomes a part of nature. As a result, there is nothing in the entire world that is unnatural.

Pretty simple, huh? biggrin

Morality should have nothing to do with naturality or normality. After all, morality itself is a fiction, and one that each individual composes in his or her own way. I have my own moral system, and you have yours. Both these systems are fictional ideas that we willingly believe in. According to my system, certain actions are "wrong" -- in your system, other actions are wrong.

In my system, causing deliberate harm is a sin, as is interfering with another person's freedom, so long as that person's free actions do not deliberately harm others. By "harm" I mean any action that is invasive and that causes physical or emotional pain. Non-invasive actions, such as expressing one's opinions in a democratic forum, are not sinful. Invasive actions -- such as insulting someone personally, or breaking into their homes, or stealing from their bank accounts, or killing them, or raping them, or stopping them from fair political participation -- these are sins.

In my system, loving someone is not a sin. Nor is having consensual sex with someone, whether or not I love them, and whether or not they are of the same gender.

Zubz313's moral system is in direct opposition to mine when it comes to this particular issue, but hey, them's the breaks.

To freely express our moral beliefs is a great privilege, but in the end, it is unlikely that we will convince each other to put our self-made fictions aside and adopt other people's.

That's why I'll stop my discussion here. It's gotten way off-topic, anyway!

Last edited by pearlesque at 6:08 am, Jun 26 2007

"They sicken of the calm, who knew the storm." - Dorothy Parker.
Post #21755
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6:44 am, Jun 26 2007
Posts: 267

so like back to the topic at hand *ahem*

@my futa comrades lol

i totally downloaded more from that torrent. but either the stuff i liked was untranslated or the translated resulted in man on futa gang bangs. so disturbing *cries*

i found that usually when i download something hentai related there is a high chance of it resulting in random men coming out of nowhere to tag team a character in the middle of the sex scene. that totally ruins it for me.

oh i found a Futa game, that is supposed to be good. i just haven't found a free download for it yet. *sigh*

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7:06 am, Jun 26 2007
Posts: 94

Wait a minute. So a guy gets gang-banged by futas?

Now that's interesting. Right up my -- er, alley. biggrin

And yeah, back to the real-versus-hentai issue... It's true that hentai has more per capita deviancy, but isn't that why we love it?

"They sicken of the calm, who knew the storm." - Dorothy Parker.
Post #21763
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7:18 am, Jun 26 2007
Posts: 267

ye lol. well like for example anal justice. this guy who is pretending to be a girl is part of the story. and the whole basis around the story is there is an erection club for people who love cock. and the guy likes this chick resulting in some futa on man action. while other futa's watch etc lol. like a few scenes are just futa on futa everywhere and that one guy thrown in getting hammered by a futa. hahahaha. same room. >_>

still love hentai lol just rather an more even genital ratio lol or the women having the higher numbers biggrin . 6 guys and one girl is so not hot. but 6 girls and one guy is. scratch that. 6 girls and one futa biggrinbiggrin

Last edited by Varna at 7:24 am, Jun 26 2007

Post #21812
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3:54 pm, Jun 26 2007
Posts: 1574

@ the futa's

haha, word on the 6 girls and a futa. i really dont get my kicks and giggles from futa on man action, but i like some of the man/futa stuff where the guy is the guy. call me conservative.

a futa game? like a date sim? never tried one, besides the little free flash games.

Post #21823
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4:21 pm, Jun 26 2007
Posts: 267

ya. just an H game with majority of it Futa related. its impossible to find for free though so i will leave it alone, since i'm a certified pirate lol. i don't play H-games. but a futa based game sounds interesting lol. to bad. *tear*.

Post #21824
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4:32 pm, Jun 26 2007
Posts: 1574

@varna- whats the name, now im curious

Post #21827
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4:56 pm, Jun 26 2007
Posts: 267

lmao. what was it called......"Acmeholic"

look at the pics at the bottom of this page. the descriptions will tell u which goes to the game. the next page has a few more.

on that note though look at the middle gif on this link.
ZOMG. she's a freak. so hot biggrin

Post #21834
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5:35 pm, Jun 26 2007
Posts: 1574

looked a little too bdsm for my tastes

yow, there was a high heel on her... yea

Post #21837
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5:44 pm, Jun 26 2007
Posts: 267

lmao. that heel was pretty hot. i don't mind a bit of bondage here and there. it gives a refreshing taste to the same ol same ol.


one of our freakin awesome members decided to look for the game also. hongfire had the game for download via torrent. unfortunately there were no seeders. BUT a person of the forum commented with 2 DD links via mega upload. not my favorite for downloading but it is up. just in case you wanna give it a go u might wanna have something handy that will resume an interrupted download.

i am not downloading at the moment cause i already have torrents going BUT i did test the link. it works. i cancelled the download. the megaupload page is not in english though. after you input the letters n the top right and click to download you will have to wait like 30 seconds. you will see a "premium download" and to the right of it is where the free one will be after the timer reaches 0. i'm gonna download in the morning after giving my torrents some time to leech. for you skeptics i will post about it later

ok on to finish this post

Part 1
Part 2

Last edited by Varna at 7:14 pm, Jun 26 2007

Post #21848
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7:07 pm, Jun 26 2007
Posts: 8

I found the game a minute ago an I send a pm to you, Varna
Hope you like it へ_へ

Post #21853
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7:40 pm, Jun 26 2007
Posts: 1574

@varna, one question is it in english? im no so good with the asian languages

Post #21855
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7:48 pm, Jun 26 2007
Posts: 267

that i don't know. it is most likely all in Japanese. in which case i won't understand any of it. i'll find out tomorrow

edit- there may be a patch or something in the file that makes it English. i know one of the sites that had it for download had a English version. or so the link said. of course u had to pay to have an account there for downloading it. otherwise when it connects it says u don't have permission on server. so basically. its up in the air

Last edited by Varna at 7:53 pm, Jun 26 2007

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9:08 pm, Jun 26 2007
Posts: 100

omg....... that heel was on that.......... wow that does look like....... dead yup... and that middle picture of the other link biggrin yah that was nice

its called my life was wrecked and rebuilt by anime and manga
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