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New Manga Series for the Year 2006

All new manga series reported for this year can be found here. You can sort them by the date they were reported to us, the rating, or based on how active the series was over the past month.

Date Added | Rating | Past 3 Months Activity

All | Artbook | Doujinshi | Drama CD | Filipino | Indonesian | Manga | Manhwa | Manhua | Novel | OEL | Thai | Vietnamese | Malaysian | Nordic | French | Spanish

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015

Love Junction

Genre: Drama, Romance, Shoujo

Elle is a cheerful, active and helpful girl. One day she meets Victor, a young man with the opposite nature from her. Without realizing it, Elle likes Victor. However, both of them and will continue to different universities. Will Elle sacrifice her dreams to pursue her love?

(Source: Goodreads, translated)

Fake Angel

Genre: Drama, School Life, Shoujo

Hi my name is Karyn, people say I'm rude messy and not feminine. But I was indifferent, until one day I experienced a very embarrassing event because of my appearance. Shiengga, when I entered high school, I tried desperately to change my appearance, so that I could become a feminine girl. But... how long can I survive being this fake me?

(Source: Goodreads, translated)


Genre: Action, Sci-fi, Shounen

Mata Setan

Genre: Horror, Mystery

The Adventure of Fruttilo Magic

Genre: Action, Shounen, Supernatural

Rating: 6.25 (1 votes)

True Love (Galang Tirta)

Genre: Romance, Shounen

Andy not only has a great brain, he's also a good basketball player. But his days are thrown into chaos after he stumbles upon a drug deal.

Disaster after disaster not only threatens his life, but also... his loved ones!

Sang Sayur

Genre: Comedy, Shoujo, Slice of Life

Somewhere secret, in one corner of the earth, there is a land that is not only inhabited by humans and animals, but also cute vegetables and fruits. This is the story of Garlic, Strawberries, Tomatoes, Figs in the world of vegetables, from facing the ghost of the graveyard at the end of the city, joining the cooking class, looking for magic fruit, to facing the attack of fruit bats!

Originally serialized on Splash magazine (August 2006)

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