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New Poll - Manga vs. Anime
Well, seeing as this IS a manga site...I'm kinda expecting biased answers, but oh well. Let's see how it goes!

Come and discuss it on our forums here:

Previous Poll Results:
Question: When do you tend to read manga?
24/7, except for eating and sleeping - votes: 1022 (11.6%)
During the day (at school, work, etc) - votes: 443 (5%)
After I come home (from school, work, etc) - votes: 3148 (35.7%)
In the middle of the night when it's nice and quiet (and no one's watching...) - votes: 1146 (13%)
Only when I have time - votes: 782 (8.9%)
Random times when I get the "urge" - votes: 2267 (25.7%)
There were 8808 total votes.
The poll ended: June 14th 2008

Results are what I expected from a typical audience. Not a lot of us can do our favorite things 24/7...Still though, you get that "urge", but there's no manga near you at the time! What happens then? sad
Still though, quite a lot of people like to read manga at the dead hours of the night. Maybe they just like the horror stuff and want a scare, haha
Posted by lambchopsil on 
June 14th 9:56am
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