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New Poll - Original vs. Adaptation
This week's poll's idea was suggested by HouseOfBlack. However, as he only gave the initial idea, I had to come up with the actual poll choices (which was quite hard to do). The poll deals with original media vs. adaptations. How much of a "copy" does the adaptation need to be?

You can discuss this poll on our forums here:

You can submit poll ideas here (and try to keep them manga/anime-related):

Previous Poll Results:
Question: Do you read the credits/insert pages in scanlations?
All the time - votes: 1280 (9.9%)
Most of the time - votes: 4217 (32.7%)
Seldom - votes: 4070 (31.6%)
Never - votes: 1273 (9.9%)
Only the translation notes - votes: 1228 (9.5%)
Only the special occasion ones - votes: 816 (6.3%)
There were 12884 total votes.
The poll ended: April 23rd 2011

Pretty even in terms of read vs. don't read.
Posted by lambchopsil on 
April 23rd 10:04am
Comments ( 22 )  
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Comments (limited to first 100 replies)

» Nothing on April 23rd, 2011, 12:30pm

'Must follow' or 'Tiny bit,' but that's because the source series is the bloody reason most of us are watching the anime in the first place. We liked it, so we want to see it in motion. If they wanted to make a different plot, they should just make an original series. That said, I choose the above mainly because they almost never make changes that are improvements to the series.

I will never understand how the producers/directors stay hired when they screw a series by cutting out chunks that were part of what made it good (usually both screwing the plot and it's chances of a second season that would hit the good content). And then they turn around and suddenly decide to not change a thing when the original is crap writing/pacing and worse (looking at you, freezing). Hrk.


» SinsI on April 23rd, 2011, 12:39pm

I'd say either "Must follow the same, exact story" or "must create a completely different story, with nothing but characters(and their relationships) from the original" - like Excel Saga.


» Tenshinchigi on April 23rd, 2011, 4:40pm

I agree completely. It should be loyal like Dragon Ball (but without the fillers) or completely different like the Escaflone series.

Black Cat is a good example of doing it wrong.


» thevampirate on April 24th, 2011, 6:02am

I really think that most people dont want a 100% filler story and there probbably are more bad examples of completely different story (i cant think of any because i dont watch bad anime series). Also, a lot of anime never see a second season so they have to make major cuts and often a filler end. sadly that's why I dont like a lot of endings to anime adaptations of running manga. lazy endings like hero doesn't end up with anyone and the story just goes on happens way too much unless the manga has already ended.


» uzumakiwalid on April 23rd, 2011, 1:25pm

"Must Follow" or "Tiny bit"
well i agree that we watch anime adaptation because the manga IS popular, and i agree with Nothing in the second paragraph too. are the producer just looking at those part(sarcasm?) so the anime sell?
compared to 2000's anime, after a decade 2011's anime is showing more and of female's part. very different from what we had at 19th century....


» Zwagon on April 23rd, 2011, 2:06pm

The 19th century? I'm pretty sure anime didn't exist then. ._.


» Pikapu on April 23rd, 2011, 2:13pm

Pffffffffft hahahahahahahaha!


» uzumakiwalid on April 24th, 2011, 5:08am

I mean anime between 1900 to 2000, sorry though


» tins on April 28th, 2011, 6:37pm

that would be 20th century then...


» Pikapu on April 23rd, 2011, 1:54pm

As long as the animation is done well, I don't care if it follows or diverges.


» Mierten on April 23rd, 2011, 2:36pm

Ever see the movie Princess Bride? Ever read the book. I've done both and I'll be the first to tell you that there are significant changes between the two. However, the author whom also adapted the book to the movie script realized that retaining the tone was more important than the details. Also, the way that Buttercup realizes that Wesley is in love with her as done in the book works well for the book but would work horribly for a movie. There are things done in manga that don't work well on film and vice versa. If the adaptation is done well and the changes make sense, then I don't care.
P.S. If you watched the movie but haven't read the book, go read it. Worth the time and the laughter.


» hollabaloo on April 23rd, 2011, 10:08pm



» Ferozban on April 23rd, 2011, 3:18pm

i remember evangelion had a different story line from the manga. and it was different enough to be looked at as if it were just another version of the story.
which was good. the didnt change the real story by trying to adapt it, they didnt try to adapt it in the first place, they made their own.

but what i don't like is when the producers actually try to make the same story but change it along the road like gantz, claymore and many others.
this really sucks.
if a producer wants to make a REAL adaption of a manga, then he/she shoould change as little as possbile. the rest just sucks.


» Badkarma on April 30th, 2011, 3:22pm

You do realize Evangelion was an animation before it was a manga right? Well, technically "chapter one" of the manga was released before "episode one" of the anime, but that was to promote the anime. It even says "Original Concept by Ganiax" on every cover. In short, the original story is actually the anime, and the adaption is the manga.

In any case, I've said this before on this site. I don't mind if liberties are taken. Why the hell would I want to see the same characters do the same exact thing? That said, if the characters don't act as I would expect them to act in these alternate adaptions, then we have problems. For example, I don't wanna see a Negima anime that features Negi as a well hung ten-year old systematically stealing the chastity of his equally pubescent female class, that suddenly grew 100 pounds of supple, virgin breast fat for the express purpose of "enhancing the plot". That would be silly.

Or how about a Kurokame anime that changes the main character from a barely redeemable drain on society to a boo-Hoo poor me emo teen. Oh wait... that one actually happened.


» ayashe on April 23rd, 2011, 9:55pm

A little bit of original content is okay as long as it doesn't seem out of place, and sometimes the story needs fleshed out more because the manga rushed or is confusing in places.


» hollabaloo on April 23rd, 2011, 10:07pm

I don't really see the point in making the adaptation exactly the same as the original source. I don't want to see the same thing twice; besides, the original tends to be better in those cases anyway. I'd rather see some (good) original stories sprinkled in with the adapted portions to keep things fresh.


» ink junkie on April 23rd, 2011, 10:35pm

I don't really care about source material, all I ask is for that particular work, whether anime or manga, to be interesting and/or entertaining.


» uzumakiwalid on April 24th, 2011, 5:12am

Then you don't mind if your manga got adaptation of another story in motion that not related to the original?


» ink junkie on April 24th, 2011, 6:29am

I'm sorry, I might have misunderstood your message, but if you're asking if I'm fine with an adaptation that is 100% different from the original, then yes, as long as it's good. I might argue, though, that it's not technically an adaptation if it's totally different, the two works must be at least tangentially similar (like in name, for example).


» Mr.Vacuous on April 24th, 2011, 11:50am

As for me... either the first or second. I'm leaning more to the first since a little bit can and sometimes WILL go a long way. A bad anime adaption that I recently saw (watched the first episode and couldn't sit through the second) would be Beelzebub. Was quite looking forward to it, too. As some one said (can't remember where or who) they made it a child's anime. It's not like they changed big things either (from what I could tell anyway) just some small things (but many of them). Not to mention the humour feels forced rather than spontaneous (don't ask how it just feel that way). But I digress, the majority of anime adaptions that been different (that I've seen) I wound up not liking.


» mattai on April 24th, 2011, 5:25pm

Have we had it, or something close to it, on the site before?


» dosetsu on April 24th, 2011, 9:29pm

I'm more of an original anime, or an "adaptation" that just take the character designs and go with something new, kind of guy. The majority of all adaptations tend to suck.
